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steve88 01-26-2008 03:12 AM

Children not in good terms
I've 3 children, 2 boys and one girl. Their age are, girl 19, boys 15 and 11 years. They don't like each others. They always fight among each on TV channels, computer, car seat arrangement, etc. I've tried my best to harmonies but failed. I admire those family whose children are well behave and closed to each and respect their parent. We failed miserably as parent but that is not what we want. Has anyone got this problem? Could anyone help me how to tackle this issue. Thank you:confused:

koaku 01-26-2008 03:26 AM

It is hard but to complain will change nothing I grew up in a house with 5 sisters it were the war everydays but there was no Hatred btw us ..the parents often have a difficult vision of the relations btw their children while sometimes they are only appearances! I have nothing to advise you, you are a parents if you give up all your family will fall HANG ON! (Im 19)

auran 01-26-2008 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by steve88 (Post 375040)
I've 3 children, 2 boys and one girl. Their age are, girl 19, boys 15 and 11 years. They don't like each others. They always fight among each on TV channels, computer, car seat arrangement, etc. I've tried my best to harmonies but failed. I admire those family whose children are well behave and closed to each and respect their parent. We failed miserably as parent but that is not what we want. Has anyone got this problem? Could anyone help me how to tackle this issue. Thank you:confused:

1.i have a twin sister she annoys me to death but we still love each other
2.two of your kids are teenagers so of coarse thier going to disobey you its apart of growing up
3.no one has perfect kids get over it they act good because they're bribed by theier parents dont do that
i repeat dont spoil or bribe ur kids,they'll start to misbehave

4.Ur a great parent think about it none of your kids are in jail just keep teaching them about what they need to be ready for in life

hope i helped any

xYinniex 01-26-2008 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by steve88 (Post 375040)
I've 3 children, 2 boys and one girl. Their age are, girl 19, boys 15 and 11 years. They don't like each others. They always fight among each on TV channels, computer, car seat arrangement, etc. I've tried my best to harmonies but failed. I admire those family whose children are well behave and closed to each and respect their parent. We failed miserably as parent but that is not what we want. Has anyone got this problem? Could anyone help me how to tackle this issue. Thank you:confused:

Firstly: you are not a abd parent because you obviously CARE.

Secondly: you've been a parent for 19 years, and you still haven't worked out that sibling rivalry exists? Teenagers are generally hormonal nowadays, you can't change it. Would you like them to be well behaved because statistics show that in that case, they won't have as much of a developed personality.It's perfectly natural, it's primitive instinct to fight for space, food, materials. It's science, you can't really argue with it. you can't tackle it, it's just how it is.

thirdly: you shouldn't admire how well behaved other families are because chances are, they're probably in the same position as you. Families are not supposed to be perfect, you're living in a house with 5 people you got to learn to lvie with each other.

You could even argue that its nice to see them argue because when they're all grown up, you'll miss it, their bickering and seeing them as childish, young adult behavior, because its part of their growing up.

The only thing you can do is just reprimand them if they're being TOO out of order, other than that, just let them be.

noodle 01-26-2008 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by steve88 (Post 375040)
I've 3 children, 2 boys and one girl. Their age are, girl 19, boys 15 and 11 years. They don't like each others. They always fight among each on TV channels, computer, car seat arrangement, etc. I've tried my best to harmonies but failed. I admire those family whose children are well behave and closed to each and respect their parent. We failed miserably as parent but that is not what we want. Has anyone got this problem? Could anyone help me how to tackle this issue. Thank you:confused:

I think some people have said what i wanted to say but i'll repeat it anyway. It's perfectly normal for siblings to fight eachother. I have 3 older brothers. Up until the age of 14 i was in a fight with them every single day. But i still love them to peace and i would neve disrespect them now that i'm older.
Also, i'd like to add that, it is not normal for your kids not to listen to you. Sure they will always make mistakes, but you definately need to put them in their place... i know a lot of people are against slapping your child on the buttox or whatever, BUT it bloodly works. I remember me, i was a little devil, i always done things wrong. First it was "THE EYE". My mum would show me a huge eye and an angry face and i'd just know. I knew that if i carried on, i'd get a slap! IF i ever went worse than that (only happened once in my life), she'd get my dad on me! Now my dad had a different technique... there was no warning, he'd seem all kind and talking to me etc, then BANG, lol the finally that would put me in my place for good!

Now, i'm not saying you should take up this technique of disciplining your children, but you definately need to put them in their place. Think is, if they don't listen to simple rules that you set, then how will they ever follow the law? An undisciplined child is just a future criminal in my eyes. Children need to know what is right and what is wrong!

One last thing, Don't compare to other families. you'll never get anything good out of it!

steve88 01-27-2008 03:13 AM

Thank you for all your viewpoints and advice. I hope this is part of the process growing up and we've to live with it.

EveV 01-27-2008 03:18 AM

Real easy to solve the issue.
Anytime me and Kennen used to fight.
His mom would slap the shit out of us.
Problem solved >>

If I thought my brothers hits hurt
Hers were 4598456 times worse.
We never argued again.

And if they keep acting up.
Send them to boot camp or any other form of the same thing.
That straightened me up real fast to I came back up all
" Yes Ma'm" " No Ma'm"

Tyrien 01-27-2008 03:19 AM


Originally Posted by EveV (Post 376681)
Real easy to solve the issue.
Anytime me and Kennen used to fight.
His mom would slap the shit out of us.
Problem solved >>

If I thought my brothers hits hurt
Hers were 4598456 times worse.
We never argued again.

And if they keep acting up.
Send them to boot camp or any other form of the same thing.
That straightened me up real fast to I came back up all
" Yes Ma'm" " No Ma'm"

Ah, authority smacks. Something that was lost long ago. There's a difference between beating a child and making their life hell and being a good parent. 'Course, governments can't tell the difference... Silly, silly government.

yoruichifan1666 01-27-2008 03:25 AM

you didnt fail. They're just in their teens. Its wat they do. fight sleep and cause trouble.

Kyousuke 01-27-2008 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by steve88 (Post 375040)
I've 3 children, 2 boys and one girl. Their age are, girl 19, boys 15 and 11 years. They don't like each others. They always fight among each on TV channels, computer, car seat arrangement, etc. I've tried my best to harmonies but failed. I admire those family whose children are well behave and closed to each and respect their parent. We failed miserably as parent but that is not what we want. Has anyone got this problem? Could anyone help me how to tackle this issue. Thank you:confused:

igrew up in a house with a brother and two sisters , i cant tell you now IT WAS HELL!!! we get along better but we still fight alot. you cant fix the situation by talking to them and telling them its wrong. them know it is but god gave everyone emotions. we would always fight over everyone. my mom used to say to behave but it didnt really help. but she did do things that brought us together. she spent time with us and had us spend time together. it really helped. my dad helped the situation by giving us our own things. we fought over the tv. he got us a second one. i know what your thinking. im probably spoiled or rich. im neither. we grew up in a ghetto and he found those things in the dumpsters, lol. but nobodies kids are well behaved. everyone has their imperfections. dont say you failed either. their is no such thing as functional and disfunctional. the minute you,ve given up on your children is when you.ve failed as a parent.

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