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pumpum 04-24-2009 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by ozkai (Post 702742)
NO! I think the people in the bath will envy you if you expose full view, besides, it's proven to be much cleaner, can stop diseases, and surveys done prove that girls enjoy a circumcisioned penis a lot more, as do men.

I have conducted such surveys//;) :rolleyes:

solemnclockwork 04-24-2009 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by james1254 (Post 584854)
Nope its all Abrahamic religions and the reason i asked if you believed the holocaust didn't happen is because some people believe everything is the Jews fault and the holocaust is a myth(which is not you as I can now tell by your answer you just said it was the Jews because you didn't know Muslims and Christians also believe in circumcision).

Wrong. New testament does not care for one to be circumcised.

Biblical verses Romans 2:25-Romans 3:31 and John 7:22-24.

Old testament is a different matter. (which is from the Hebrew Tanakh I think, anyways Christians get the old testament from Judaism)

Genesis 17:10-12.

Not trying to debate religion, but trying to correct some misconceptions about the religions.

iPhantom 04-24-2009 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by ozkai (Post 702742)
NO! I think the people in the bath will envy you if you expose full view, besides, it's proven to be much cleaner, can stop diseases, and surveys done prove that girls enjoy a circumcisioned penis a lot more, as do men.

Much cleaner? I'm uncircumsized and I clean mine... it's always clean.

Are you telling me about those dirty people who never have a shower? Even if circumsized, it still would smell really bad. There are NO diseases if you clean it.

What surveys? I know of girls that love uncircumsized ones.

First of all, you are removing a piece of sensitive skin from your body (you're just born so you don't even know)... sex pleasure goes down. Do girls care if their partner has better or worse sex? Why should we care about what they like, then?

Ronin4hire 04-24-2009 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by ozkai (Post 702742)
NO! I think the people in the bath will envy you if you expose full view, besides, it's proven to be much cleaner, can stop diseases, and surveys done prove that girls enjoy a circumcisioned penis a lot more, as do men.

If that survey actually exists (I have my doubts) it would only really be true in America as the only reason why women would find an uncircumcised penis unattractive would be due to unfamiliarity.

The norm elsewhere is uncircumcised. Also you can't tell whether one is circumcised or not when fully erect as the foreskin pulls back anyway so I really don't think women can tell the difference.

In fact a European girl told me once that she slept with an uncircumcised guy and at first she thought that he had a small penis because when she saw it, it looked like it did when erect but wasn't.

Also I doubt uncircumcised men enjoy it more... if I remember correctly circumcised men are less sensitive at the head of the penis as it hardens due to lack of protection. In the same way the skin at the bottom of the foot becomes tough due to it constantly being used to walk etc.

Also most circumcised men are done for religious/cultural reasons while still a baby. I don't think they are really in a position to compare.

As for the cleanliness thing... it's very easy to clean an uncircumcised penis. It's hardly rocket science. Pull foreskin back-wash-push it forward again. Unless people aren't showering for days on end then that's the only time it can make a difference. But then again it would probably be unpleasant to have sex with them anyway.

SSJup81 04-24-2009 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by iPhantom (Post 703099)
First of all, you are removing a piece of sensitive skin from your body (you're just born so you don't even know)... sex pleasure goes down. Do girls care if their partner has better or worse sex? Why should we care about what they like, then?

But if it's done when one is a baby, how can the sex pleasure actually go down? Now if done when older, it'd probably be noticeable, but not if done when one is an infant as those feelings won't surface, or whatever, until they're much older anyway.

iPhantom 04-24-2009 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by SSJup81 (Post 703179)
But if it's done when one is a baby, how can the sex pleasure actually go down? Now if done when older, it'd probably be noticeable, but not if done when one is an infant as those feelings won't surface, or whatever, until they're much older anyway.

I didn't mean it goes down, I meant that it would be greater if someone wasn't circumsized. People should decide themselves if they want to remove a part of their body and know the consequences.

RobinMask 04-24-2009 05:02 PM

Sorry to go back to the co-sleeping dicussion a few pages earlier, but I was just curious if co-sleeping with the children had any effect on the marital relationship? It just seems like it'd kill the romantic or sexual side of the adult's relationship.

Also is circumcision really that common in the US? I was under the impression it was solely done for religious reasons. Lol, I guess you learn something new everyday.

Nyororin 04-25-2009 12:49 AM

Something I find interesting about these circumcision discussions is how very big of a deal people make about it - often when they have no personal experience or reference... All going by second hand, or who knows how many hand info.

When I was younger, my mother told me horror stories about how scary uncircumcised penises were. These frightening things, oozing, with a flap of skin literally dangling from them. She would NEVER be with a guy who hadn`t been cut, and had actually turned down some nice guys once she heard that they weren`t. She had me seriously disgusted - obviously it was better to be cut if that`s the horror waiting when you`re not!

Then, somewhere along the line I got married. She asked me "OMG! I hear they don`t circumcise guys in Japan!!! You`re not doing it with something like THAT are you?"
It was he first time I`d thought about it in years. I`d had a couple boyfriends before my husband, and hadn`t really noticed any huge difference. No uncleanliness, no oozing, no long dangling skin, etc. As silly as it felt, I asked him. Of course he wasn`t, and was appalled at the very idea.

The horrors of the uncircumcised penis dropped right into urban legend land for me that day. If you bathe like a civilized human being, on a regular basis, it`s not going to be any dirtier than a circumcised penis. And if you go around for long periods of time without bathing, having unprotected sex with multiple women - being cut isn`t going to help you all that much when it comes to AIDS. (I believe the study showed it reduced the spread of AIDS between women via a single man in Africa - with the virus remaining under the foreskin of the unwashed penis...)
No offense, but if that is the defense for chopping off body bits in a first world country, I have to wonder what sort of life you are living. Take a bath or use a condom.


Also you can't tell whether one is circumcised or not when fully erect as the foreskin pulls back anyway so I really don't think women can tell the difference.
THIS. I think that most people who spout the horrors of not being cut have never really encountered an uncut penis - or did but did not realize it. Especially when apparently 20 some percent of guys in the US answered that they had no idea whether they were or not. I`m guessing that even if they weren`t, their girlfriends and wives assumed they were because real life doesn`t mesh with passed along horror stories.

If someone wants to be circumcised, there is nothing in their way once they are old enough to make the decision. Unfortunately there is nothing that can be done if your parents make that decision for you.


Sorry to go back to the co-sleeping dicussion a few pages earlier, but I was just curious if co-sleeping with the children had any effect on the marital relationship? It just seems like it'd kill the romantic or sexual side of the adult's relationship.
Sex set aside - romance in your relationship only happens in bed? I imagine that sort of relationship would suffer under any change of circumstances.

As for sex... If you have a big enough bed, it doesn`t make a difference. In fact, I`d say it is probably easier when the child is small, and all the stories I have heard from both sides supports this. It`s a whole lot easier to stop, roll over and pat the baby on the back for a few seconds when it starts to wake up than get up and spend 20 minutes in another room putting it back to sleep after it has reached all out scream mode. Talk about killing the mood.

iPhantom 04-25-2009 07:53 AM

+1 that's an awesome judgement from a female view.

And, from a male perspective... think about the sensitive skin being removed. Sex would not be as enjoyable as an uncircumsized penis.

If you are a father I strongly advise to let the choice to your son. My father did and I chose not to.

SHAD0W 04-25-2009 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by iPhantom (Post 703938)
My father did and I chose not to.

But, given the choice, who's gonna vounlteer to go to hospital to get their penis snipped and stitched unless theres any problems with it?

I wouldn't volunteer my todger to be butchered and out of use for a month or so!

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