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Slykaz1 11-30-2009 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by SunkenShip (Post 564103)
....I'm well aware.

Another reason I ask, aside from pesky folks, is because of doctors here in the US.

When my son was born, we were asked about 20 times if we wanted him circumcised, despite the fact that our birth plan stated "NO CIRCUMCISION." Every nurse and doctor kept asking, "He's not circumcised. You don't want him circumcised?"

And then pediatricians feel the need to advise me that my son is "more at risk". :rolleyes:

I'd just like to avoid this circumcising mindset.

oh my...you need a new environment...meaning you may be living in an almost religious community...lol. My kids doctors haven't said a thing and they aren't circumcized....I say it's they're option if they wish to do so when they're older...only one person has ever said I had to do it. My mom. lol...I obviously didn't listen to her.


Originally Posted by SunkenShip (Post 564888)
In my experience, co-sleeping isn't looked upon favorably.

And pediatricians especially will scold you and tell you it's "dangerous" to co-sleep with your child.

Haha...I did this at the hospital and they...took my baby from me...than I learned to sleep lightly so that they wouldn't take my baby away...lol.

They only say this so that you don't risk squashing you're child to death, it's happened....as some people don't sleep lightly.


Originally Posted by blimp (Post 592792)
the more i visit this forum, the more i learn about the US.

haha....you need to find another place to learn about the U.S. Too many here hate the U.S. You'll be influenced wrongly as most here have their own opinons completely formed.

ShintoCanadianmale 12-02-2009 04:13 AM

The Eastern Cape health department says it is being "inundated" with calls about illegal circumcisions.

Spokesperson Sizwe Kupelo said on Tuesday that among the calls received from community members was a complaint about the circumcision of five boys at Mthombe in the Libode district.

This was the village where two boys died last year following illegal circumcisions.

In the Mqanduli area south of Mthatha, community members had phoned to report that four boys were circumcised there on Monday.

It had since been learned that the total was in fact seven. Police were searching for the surgeon who performed the operation, who was on the run.

"This is a recipe for disaster," Kupelo said. "This will bring up the number of deaths.
"We appeal to the community to assist us to put an end to illegal circumcision."

The Eastern Cape suffers dozens of circumcision-related deaths every year, largely from dehydration or infected wounds. - Sapa

News - Crime & Courts: Department flooded with circumcision claims

News - Crime & Courts: Man held after illegal circumcision

shinagawa 03-21-2010 06:57 AM

There is no custom of the circumcision in Japan. It is general to
undergo the operation by the man individual's judgment. The operation
is often undergone when becoming an income in whichthe operation cost
can be privately spended. Because it is shameful to tell the story of phimosis treatment to parents (especially, mother) as the son. There is no sanitary
problem if the penis is washed at every day bathing.

ShintoCanadianmale 04-05-2010 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by blimp (Post 592792)
on topic however already answered (it might be difficult to see due to all the off-topic comments and i need an excuse for posting):
Japan is non-circumcision country.

the more i visit this forum, the more i learn about the US.

one can learn more about the U.S from non-American sources

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