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exi4 05-31-2007 01:32 PM

My favorite japan name "Yuri"

Kaicui 05-31-2007 02:55 PM

My real name is kai lol

Bella 05-31-2007 03:42 PM

^ you have a cool name
My real name is Mariela

back to the topic, i like :

Akira too

and thats i could think about right now :D

kitski 05-31-2007 04:48 PM

Japanese Female names and their meanings^^:
Ai love
Aiko The little loved one, the beloved.
Akako Red.
Akina A spring flower.
Ami friend
Anzu An apricot.
Ayame Iris
Azarni A thistle flower.
Chika near
Chizu A thousand storks. A name which implies longevity.
Cho Japanese/Korean : A butterfly. Korean: beautiful.
Dai Welsh/Japanese Welsh: The beloved, the adored one. Japanese: Great. A boy or girl's name.
Etsu Delight.
Fujita field
Gin silver
Haruko Spring.
Hide Excellent, fruitful.
Hiroko Generous.
Hisa long-lasting
Hoshi A star.
Iku Nourishing.
Ima Now, the present.
Ishi A stone.
Izanami She who invites you to enter.
Kaede maple leaf (remember Inuyasha^^)
Kagami A motor.
Kameko The child of the tortoise.
Kei rapture, reverence
Kekoi The beloved or adored one.
Kichi fortunate
Kiku A chrysanthemum.
Kita north
Kiyoko Clear.
Kohana A little flower.
Koko Japanese/ Native American Japanese: A stork. North American Indian: Of the night.
Kyoko A mirror.
Leiko arrogant
Machi ten thousand
Machiko child of Machi
Maiko child of Mai
Makiko child of Maki
Mamiko child of Mami
Mariko child of Mari
Masa Good and straightforward. A boy or girl's name.
Masako child of Masa
Matsu A Pine tree.
Mayako child of Maya
Mayoko child of Mayo
Mayuko child of Mayu
Michi righteous
Michiko child of Michi
Midori Green.
Mihoko child of Mihoko
Mika The new moon.
Miki Aboriginal/Japanese Aboriginal: The moon. Japanese: A stem. A boy or girl's name.
Minako child of Mina
Mine a resolute protector
Misako child of Misa
Mitsuko child of Mitsu
Miyoko beautiful generations child
Momoko child of Momo
Mura From the village.
Mutsuko child of Mutsu
Nahoko child of Naho
Nami A wave.
Namiko child of Nami
Nanako child of Nana
Naoko child of Nao
Nara Old English/Japanese/Aboriginal Old English: The nearest and dearest one. Japanese: An Oak tree. Aboriginal: A companion.
Natsuko child of Natsu
Nayoko child of Nayo
Nori A doctrine.
Noriko doctrine child
Nozomi hope
Nyoko A gem or treasure.
Rai trust
Rei gratitude
Reiko Gratitude.
Ren water lily
and there's many more^^

Kanji_The_Wanderer 06-01-2007 04:09 AM

Not sure if you guys know but names that end in "maru" you should know right away that it is a male's name.

Names that end in "ko" are female's names.

Girl's names:

there's so many more, but I am tired right now, can't think too well.

xxmirukuxx 06-01-2007 04:17 AM

yuki can be a girls n boys name

annaken 06-01-2007 06:26 AM

please tell the meaning of name Sachiku

yamashita 06-01-2007 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by xxmirukuxx (Post 144065)
yuki can be a girls n boys name


I really love the name !

the little girl who died in the film "nobody knows" was called so...
and she is soo cute :rheart:

kitski 06-01-2007 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by annaken (Post 144081)
please tell the meaning of name Sachiku

Sorry don't know the meaning of Sachiku but i know Sachiko.Sachiko is a female name and it means bliss and also it means a child of Sachi.Sachi means joy.

Bella 06-01-2007 03:55 PM

I love the name Yuki<--- all have to say
is Fruits Basket !!! :D

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