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Beki 06-15-2007 01:09 PM

i've always liked Hitami :)

edit: usually though my favourite Japanese names begin with K or M - they seem to sound better in my opinion!

fara7 06-15-2007 01:27 PM

I like the name Aya... it can be even used by us Arabs (middle east).

Among boys names i like Yamada, Keiski....... I cant remember any more.

Kir0 06-15-2007 03:19 PM

I love Japanese names. I always tell people whenever I have a child I will use a Japanese name. Although I don't know whether I actually will or not. They are just so much more interesting. Of course that could be because I simply don't hear them everyday. Regardless, they are still beautiful.

musashi 06-15-2007 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Suki (Post 150649)
Sasuke, for some reason I find it sweet and that's why I named my dog like this., altough no Japanese would name their son like that cause, as I was told, it used to be a popular "samurai" name but it's forgotten nowadays. ^^

For girls, Suki, Akane and Sayuri.

I thought Ichigo was a boy's name; what about Kurosaki Ichigo from Bleach...?

And by the way, Itachi means weasel, it IS NOT a boy's name. There is no one in Japan named Itachi, as you'll understand. lol

Pd- I'd have never imagined Sora would be a girl's name and Riku a boy's.

I guess there are some exceptions....you know how Tony is a bo's name, but if you spell it like Toni, then it's a girls.....lol.....maybe thats the reason....

bloodsinger 06-22-2007 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by Kir0 (Post 153141)
I love Japanese names. I always tell people whenever I have a child I will use a Japanese name. Although I don't know whether I actually will or not. They are just so much more interesting. Of course that could be because I simply don't hear them everyday. Regardless, they are still beautiful.

Me too. Japanese names have a certain kind of sond to them that is like music. The way you say it in different tones is like music. Haha. I must be rambling. I agree Japanese names are beautiful the meaning behind the names are very meaningful if you get what I mean. I love all Japanese name except for some strange reason I do not like the name Sakura. Must be influenced from Naruto cause I do not really like Sakura. Haha but I do like the flower.

annaken 06-22-2007 12:43 PM

YUNA is the best Japanese name

Kayci 06-23-2007 03:02 PM


Marina (Yes, with the right kanji, it can be japanese. :))
Kyoko- Kanji =Reverent child (sp?)
Yoshimi -My absolute favorite name


Rei - From the kanji "Reimei"...or something like that. (dawn or twilight)

Kittenx 06-25-2007 07:21 PM




Akira. (Unisex)

Nanuq 06-25-2007 10:55 PM

Hi! I'm new!

I love japanese names, but I think, they have to fit to persons. If I live in Germany, and I will have a german wife, then in my opinion the baby couldn't get a japanese name, it should have a nordic name. I don't like it that here in Germany the people use so many exotic names, because the baby later perhaps doesn't like to have such an exotic name, and has to live with the name or has to change it.

But beside this some japanese favourite names are: Aoi, Aiko, Kyoko, Miyuki, Sakura and many more. :p

pixuli 06-25-2007 11:02 PM

momoko is good ^^

BlueGirl 06-26-2007 12:14 AM

I love the name Sachiko for a girl. It's adorable. Or Momo.

lotrlov 07-01-2007 05:38 PM

I already picked out my kids name:



so I need to find more names...if you come up with any just tell me...

ButterflyDemise 07-01-2007 05:57 PM

I'm quite fond of Kyoko, Miruki, Inori, and Shinya ^^

kagutaba 07-02-2007 12:31 AM

Oh, I love Japanese names. If I listed all the ones I like, we'd be here all day.

I actually did think about what I might name my children if I ever married a Japanese man, because my brain is random like that. I think it was sparked by the fact my Mother can't pronounce any Japanese to save her life. I stopped and went "If I lived in Japan and married a Japanese man, we'd have to name our kids something both sides of the family could pronounce."

ilovedaisuke7 07-02-2007 12:34 AM

oo what about the name Jade?? is that Japanese? cuz its really pretty

KelvZzz 07-02-2007 12:54 AM

I like Asami which mean "beautiful morning":)

Burukuu 07-02-2007 01:00 AM

I like: Tomiko, Ai, Hitomi, Suki, Nono, Hatchi, Kyoko, Mika.

kagutaba 07-02-2007 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by ilovedaisuke7 (Post 166767)
oo what about the name Jade?? is that Japanese? cuz its really pretty

I'm afraid not. That's an English name that comes from the precious stone that is often used in carvings.

The Japanese would pronounce that name "Jeido," I believe.

Suki 07-04-2007 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Burukuu (Post 166787)
I like: Tomiko, Ai, Hitomi, Suki, Nono, Hatchi, Kyoko, Mika.

Thnk you! :D

TokyoSnowBunny 07-05-2007 09:56 PM

I like a lot of different names, and I tend to find new ones all the time.

I've always wondered though, if I gave a Japanese citizen the chance to give me a Japanese name, what name they would pick and what it would mean. If would feel more authentic coming from an actual Japanese citizen.

ikkim 07-06-2007 02:14 AM


vintageeyeliner 07-19-2007 08:31 PM

My favorite girl names are Sayuri and Kaori; as for boys, Shinji, Keitaro, and Daisuke.


FreYa 07-19-2007 08:45 PM

I like Japanese names like:

Ken (Kenji)
Taro ^^



,,,LoVe GalS! ^^

darkangelgrl 08-18-2007 03:22 AM

Is there somewhere that i can go look up japanese names???

Narulolita 08-23-2007 03:47 PM

20000-NAMES.COM: Female Japanese Names, Page 1 of 1--meaning, origin, etymology

My favorite names are Naru, Nana, Minami and Haruna

RxPhantomWolf12 08-23-2007 03:49 PM

Boys: Kazuki, Shinji, Ky. That's all I got Lol.

atlantisprincess 08-31-2007 06:26 PM

hey, i've a question concerning a name.
the girl's name "sachie", how is it pronounced? is it "sachi-e" or "sachi", without pronouncing the "e" alone?
and what does the name mean?

xYinniex 09-01-2007 11:09 PM

fave japanese boy's name has to be Yuuta. And a girls name, it has to start with Haru- because it means spring.

Michieru 09-01-2007 11:18 PM

i only have 2 favorite names


and Aoi

that is all

atlantisprincess 09-02-2007 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by atlantisprincess (Post 222971)
hey, i've a question concerning a name.
the girl's name "sachie", how is it pronounced? is it "sachi-e" or "sachi", without pronouncing the "e" alone?
and what does the name mean?

answer ...

STACIE123 09-04-2007 04:18 PM

i love the name ai and also yuko... names of jap. girls i know there is also shohei which i s yuko's brothers name:rheart:im in love with him...so hot!!!!!!:mtongue: :D :vsign: :ywave:

Kaicui 09-06-2007 06:04 PM

y r u guys so upsessed with japanese people..seriously i dont understand what is so awsome about my country.

Seriously this topic just make alot of people seem like wannabes

xYinniex 09-06-2007 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by Kaicui (Post 227637)
y r u guys so upsessed with japanese people..seriously i dont understand what is so awsome about my country.

Seriously this topic just make alot of people seem like wannabes

im not obsessed. ^^. just bored.
Plus, at leaast i dont post around ads for a japanese boyfriend lol

TwistedLittleCookie 09-12-2007 09:53 PM

I like these boys names

Shuuji and Uchi.

:] Those are my favorite boy names.

For girls I don't know, I like Mika a lot. :]

Powermad147 09-12-2007 10:15 PM

Lol SEEM like wannabes? we all are wannabes, thats why we're here. We wanna be japanese, simply out of respect and enjoyment of the culture. Come live in america for 14 years, then tell me you don't like Japan more XD.

TwistedLittleCookie 09-12-2007 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Powermad147 (Post 232948)
Lol SEEM like wannabes? we all are wannabes, thats why we're here. We wanna be japanese, simply out of respect and enjoyment of the culture. Come live in america for 14 years, then tell me you don't like Japan more XD.

I dont WANT to be Japanese .__. I am happy being my own culture. I want to live in Japan and be in their culture. I don't think thats being a wannabe though, because I have Japanese penpals who want the same to live in America, Austrlia and other places.

xYinniex 09-15-2007 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by TwistedLittleCookie (Post 232974)
I dont WANT to be Japanese .__. I am happy being my own culture. I want to live in Japan and be in their culture. I don't think thats being a wannabe though, because I have Japanese penpals who want the same to live in America, Austrlia and other places.

haha. no im quite happy being me, because whatever you have is always there for a reason.

yeah. loads of people want be like other people, its human nature.

Suki 09-16-2007 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by Powermad147 (Post 232948)
Lol SEEM like wannabes? we all are wannabes, thats why we're here. We wanna be japanese, simply out of respect and enjoyment of the culture. Come live in america for 14 years, then tell me you don't like Japan more XD.

I am no wannabe o.Ô I'm fascinated by their culture, that's all. And I'd rather live in America than in Japan.

NanteNa 09-16-2007 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by TwistedLittleCookie (Post 232935)
I like these boys names

Shuuji and Uchi.

:] Those are my favorite boy names.

For girls I don't know, I like Mika a lot. :]

OMG! Shuuji is so adorable. *_*

TheUnknown 09-16-2007 12:32 PM


y r u guys so upsessed with japanese people..seriously i dont understand what is so awsome about my country.

Seriously this topic just make alot of people seem like wannabes
wannabes?! that may be abit harst.. dont you agree?
For me - I am here for only one reason: To get help for Japanese word meaning (the exact meaning) but.... so far i just end it posting on random stuff...
And one more thing... nobody is obsess about being japanese... or whatever - maybe some <_<
and here "生在福中不知福" a very wise idiom... at least i think it's one.. sorry dont know the exact translation.. maybe someone can help.. it's chinese..

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