damn seriously whats wrong? sometimes i get so confused i dont know what to do.
Ive been chasin this girl for a few months now and now this last week it seems like its taken off, we've spent like everyday together, talking late and so.
Tomorrow we're going to a farewell party for 2 common friends, a few days ago we picked up a gift for one off em. so i thought id ask her to acompany there, but she told me she was gonna be late, i said i could wait if it wasnt for too long.
She said she gets off work at 6 and will probably be a hour late or so.
so im going with some other friends, but yeah she has the gift... and i dont really wanna come without it -.-. ( im buying a gift for the other guy tomorrow, and its gonna be from both off us...)
seriously, i cant see i did anything wrong at all. she seems to fancy me so im just gonna blame it on a bad day at work or sth...
So someone break this down for me, cause i cant make any freakin sense out off it at all. and no ive made clear that im not after just a friend.