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Dillweed 01-27-2009 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by GregFromScotland (Post 669853)
Of course it is normal, people who have a regular sex life at 17 turn out to be whores and giggilos, in which they lose sensativity at the age of 21.

ROFLMAO XD Oh my god, thanks man. Whether that was meant to insult me or cheer me up I do not know, but it made me laugh my ass off either way

SmMo 01-27-2009 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by XKira (Post 669826)
Don't take this the wrong way, but relax a little and maybe she'll come to you.:vsign:

ok, i might be slightly drunk but thats the best thing ive heard in months... im just gonna slip down in a hottub and let the bubbles do thier thing ;p

OliveJuice 01-28-2009 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by Dillweed (Post 669834)
By the way, is it normal that I'm 17 and still a virgin, or does that make me gay and/or pathetic?

Not pathetic AT ALL, imo.

I don't know if your virginity is by choice or by circumstance, but you're better off than the flocks of 16 year old boys waving their privates at anything with a vagina (or sometimes not, whatever makes your tail wag.)

Whatever the reasoning may be, don't let anyone make you feel bad about it. All things in due time, there's no expiration date on your...... man belongings. ^_^

pumpum 01-28-2009 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by Dillweed (Post 669834)
By the way, is it normal that I'm 17 and still a virgin, or does that make me gay and/or pathetic?

dude !! lmao just cause u aint scored doesnt make u gay !!! nor does it make u pathetic lol - it just makes you a little slow off the mark ;)

XKira 01-28-2009 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by SmMo (Post 669914)
ok, i might be slightly drunk but thats the best thing ive heard in months... im just gonna slip down in a hottub and let the bubbles do thier thing ;p

You got it dude, but I wouldn't say a seacow more like..a lion laying in wait..now you're talking :cool:

Kicho 02-05-2009 02:01 AM

First i find it very difficult to trust people. Second I think there are more important things in my life. All of my relationships were disaster so I prefer to be alone and take care for my own life

VampireGirl1314 02-05-2009 10:51 AM

I cant get a bf because everyone is taken here except me and it sucks big time.T_T
I mean why doesnt my bf like want to be with me one week but he does the next its like a roller coaster with him he brakes up with me every other week.T_T *or month*>.>

strawberryshinya 02-05-2009 08:55 PM

im very picky when it comes men n besides that i happen to be really shy n b/c of that im silent, leading every body to believe i think im too good to talk to them, but me that wants at the least friends begins to lie and act nice to get them to like me. but now the phony me has friends n not the real me. ive said too many lies to actually believe they like me or even noe me. so its impossible for me to even consider being in a relationship. it sucks to noe i put myself in a deeper hole.

Yuusuke 02-05-2009 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by sukebe69 (Post 613654)
Ive only ever dated two girls in the span of my middle school years and they all broke-up with me for the same reason, I play H-games(hentai games) and they feel I spend more time with virtual girls then them but thats far from the truth I just dont know how to express my feelings towards them...*sigh* I wish I knew more girls who enjoy and understand Hentai

I'm sorry
but thats funny!

vilQ 02-12-2009 07:32 PM

There are mainly two things that prevent me from wandering to the world of serious relationships.

1) I like being alone more than anything in the world.
2) While I find relationships intriguing romance to me isn't interesting or amazing enough to actually spend time and effort to get a girlfriend.

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