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ThirdSight 02-15-2009 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by burkhartdesu (Post 675526)
My advice to everyone:

Find someone you're comfortable pooping infront of. :vsign:

The best advice ever? I think so.

Originally Posted by alanX (Post 675522)
I think it's because I'm too much of a shy tool bag to talk to girls =[ I used to be quite the ladies man though. I miss those days.

*Pulls tissue*

This seems kinda' counter intuitive. Usually you go from being a shy tool bag for women into a ladies man, after realizing where you went wrong. Going from a ladies man to a tool bag seems a bit too Benjamin Button, as far as the dating game goes. How does that happen?

Naoko 02-15-2009 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by burkhartdesu (Post 675526)
Why does this thread ASSUME we have problems getting a gf/bf?

I've been with my girlfriend for 3 years and we are like two peas in a pod

I don't think it's assuming everyone has issues lol...but wondering what kinds of things people cite as their reason for being single. :) I don't see single as a disease or something...just a difference in lifestyle that can be readily changed...sometimes...lmao.

And yes...as gross as that was xD

My advice to everyone:
Find someone you're comfortable pooping infront of. :vsign:
That was quite truthful xD While I don't see myself sitting and taking a squat in front of my guy (running up on 7 years now)...I don't cringe when I walk in the bathroom behind him anymore and constantly walk in while he's showering and brush my teeth >_> anyways...think I'm crossing over into TMI land so yeah :D

burkhartdesu 02-15-2009 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by Naoko (Post 675586)
I don't think it's assuming everyone has issues lol...but wondering what kinds of things people cite as their reason for being single. :) I don't see single as a disease or something...just a difference in lifestyle that can be readily changed...sometimes...lmao.

And yes...as gross as that was xD

That was quite truthful xD While I don't see myself sitting and taking a squat in front of my guy (running up on 7 years now)...I don't cringe when I walk in the bathroom behind him anymore and constantly walk in while he's showering and brush my teeth >_> anyways...think I'm crossing over into TMI land so yeah :D

@_@ yeah it was a little extreme but it's just a round-about way bring up being comfortable with your significant other

And congrats, 7 years!

Mike777 02-15-2009 11:50 PM

I Had a really bad break up in highschool so i stopped dating. Maybe after college I'll get back into dating. iv just always had trouble with committing to things, not just girls. I like to be able to wake up everyday without worry, just get up, go to class, come home, do whatever, rinse repeat xD. life is so fun and easy, why add drama?

burkhartdesu 02-16-2009 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by Mike777 (Post 675597)
I Had a really bad break up in highschool so i stopped dating. Maybe after college I'll get back into dating. iv just always had trouble with committing to things, not just girls. I like to be able to wake up everyday without worry, just get up, go to class, come home, do whatever, rinse repeat xD. life is so fun and easy, why add drama?

True statement, but western society looks at dating more in a christian sense rather than just a friendship, above all things-- but if you can somehow find someone to poop infront of there will be no drama... because what sort of girl is going to start drama if you know what she looks like while she's on the toilet. :vsign:

Sorry to strangle and dead goose but I can't stress it enough...

Find someone who is fun and easy - and then have them rinse and repeat for you. :smokingbear:

Naoko 02-16-2009 12:08 AM


And ty, Burkhart :) Gotta have those qualities (fun and easy)...or else living together is like YESCHLEHCHEIHGT - whatever that sounds like. Seeing the same person every. single. day. - gotta put some fun in it. ^^b

VampireGirl1314 02-16-2009 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by GregFromScotland (Post 675509)
I hope you know, this is a very immature thing to say.

I know, thats why i dont get it.>.>

VampireGirl1314 02-16-2009 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by iPhantom (Post 675502)
The whole point of acting is not to seem what you really are.

uh huh okay i guess....>.>

Ff7rockerman 02-17-2009 09:04 AM

pretty much being homeschooled prevents me i dont bother going places much since im doing school work all day

ShinMangekyou 02-23-2009 02:09 PM

:confused: :( :confused: :pinkcry:

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