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Salvanas 05-29-2009 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by heartartemishunter (Post 722929)
who said anything about trust? It's just, the more you know about a person the closer you can be to them, and then you don't really have to flip out about meeting the parents ^_^ but it's easier to go back to being just friends.

Not at all.

Hell, friendships should stay friendships and should not become relationships. Because they destroy friendships. There is no way, two people, can become friends again as they used to be after being in a relationship with each other. There's always something there that reminds you of the bad things in the other person.

heartartemishunter 05-30-2009 02:30 AM

*sheepishly* well...i've gone back to being just friends after i kissed my best friend...an i went back to being just friends with another..2 guys....one's stalking me in a way now but still...

daywalker926 06-08-2009 02:58 AM

The number one thing keeping me from getting a GF is my appearance. I'm not exactly prince charming and people at my school are mainly more into appearances. It sucks. I've tried dieting and excersize and shaving my beard (or trying out a sexy soul patch) but nothing... that's why I've started internet dating and still nothing:(

isisbathory 06-08-2009 03:00 AM

what prevents me from getting a BF, I dont know...just didnt find the right person...
The day he comes, I will be the happiest person in the world :rheart:

Mackan 06-28-2009 03:12 PM

Because i\'m a somewhat shy, lazy person.
No, I do not enjoy to be single, it sucks and blows at the same time.

Sblegach 06-28-2009 05:44 PM

The only thing that keeps me from being in a relationship is probably other people.... Being jealous... Cause i guess idk, i have high standards, and every girl ive dated at one point or another was really hot. Soooo yeah i suppose people get jealous... and stupid stuff happens.

xYinniex 06-28-2009 11:54 PM

The reason that is holding me back is my desire to be a cat lady when i\'m old and greey. I\'m practicing.

DJnohara 06-29-2009 12:29 AM

I\'m at the point where I think its best to just wait for and get to know the right person who will reciprocate the same feelings, since their worth waiting for and love is just something that happens naturally anyway.

Pike 07-03-2009 02:30 AM

When I am interested in dating I am very picky about the females body type. I also want her to be Honest, Loyal and Faithful at all times. Which I have yet to find a female that can be all of those at the same time. They seem to only be able to do one of those at a time.

VXTip556 07-03-2009 06:11 AM

hmm things that prevent me from getting a girlfriend...

i believe its when i started cutting my own hair...4 years ago...

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