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cosmicenema 09-02-2009 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Kyedhen (Post 767358)
Asperger's Syndrome. It's a curse and a blessing ;~;

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Kyedhen 09-02-2009 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by cosmicenema (Post 767390)

Haha, so he did. It doesn't make things impossible. But the fact that I'm often unable to show someone affection makes me reluctant to start anything.
Hopefully I'll find someone who can handle it one day

MC9876 09-02-2009 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Kyedhen (Post 767404)
Haha, so he did. It doesn't make things impossible. But the fact that I'm often unable to show someone affection makes me reluctant to start anything.
Hopefully I'll find someone who can handle it one day

I believe in you, you can do it! :vsign:

TalnSG 09-02-2009 09:53 PM

HA! I have a new reason!

The last "ex" found my dislike of high heat (over 90) and the need to have air circulating, even if not chilled, highly objectionable.

And this was after he changed his mind about liking one of my tattoos ---- old fuddy-duddy! (among other less civil terms)

iPhantom 09-02-2009 10:05 PM

Girls don't like Ilizarov apparatus.

strawberryshinya 09-02-2009 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by TalnSG (Post 767503)
HA! I have a new reason!

The last "ex" found my dislike of high heat (over 90) and the need to have air circulating, even if not chilled, highly objectionable.

lol i cant stand heat above 75 . i always seem to have my ac on. even in winter sometimes. i cant stand heat at all.

Miyavifan 09-02-2009 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by strawberryshinya (Post 767507)
lol i cant stand heat above 75 . i always seem to have my ac on. even in winter sometimes. i cant stand heat at all.

me, I can't stand it at over about 70 or so.

then I start to feel dizzy and stuff.

to keep ontopic.

every guy so far being immature, is my issue.

JustinATTACK 09-02-2009 10:30 PM

I would have to say what keeps me from getting me a girlfriend,is in fact many things.

My smorgasbord of insanity is probably the main reason though.
1. Frequently find myself arguing with myself or talking to myself..
2. Sees things on a regular basis.
3. Is so far from the norm, he wouldn't no how to find it if he had a map.

And then there are other things.
1. Is a total recluse most of the time.
2. Sleeps during the day mostly. Can't stand the sunlight.
3. Has schizophrenia. (although it's not really as bad as it sounds.)
4. I am a complete smart ass. And while some people might find it funny, girlfriends tend to get annoyed by it.
5. has a mild case of Bi-Polar.

Personally I can understand why this would make a girl not like me..(hell it makes me not like me sometimes.)
But at least I'm not a complete psycho right?
Even a crazy person has their redeeming qualities.

Kandierain15 09-03-2009 12:19 AM

Thjings that prevent me: I has a new reason! MY boyfriend atm! I loves him so ya, that prevents meh from getting a new one!

Kyedhen 09-05-2009 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by MC9876 (Post 767409)
I believe in you, you can do it! :vsign:

Haha maybe. I just think it's cruel allowing someone to stay with me because people get upset about things like 'you haven't said you love me in weeks!', which confuse me. If I've told you I love you, I assume that you know my feelings, so I don't see why I should continuously say it. It's really hard for me to say things like that, so if I make that effort it must be for someone I really care about. And if I say it now, the other person will think I'm just trying to shut them up. A vicious cycle that ultimately eats away at both of us

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