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ryuhebi13 03-06-2011 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Elenwe (Post 854433)
It seems that I only attract older guys... 30 year olds (I'm 20-ish). And also I'm too shy.

Do you think it's because they wanna protect you? A friend of mine feels that way about young shy girls. That may not why at all of course. Dya think there may be some guys your age who dig you, but may be too shy to do anything about it?

tokusatsufan 03-06-2011 10:44 PM

I'm not getting a girlfriend until I'm settled in Japan. One thing that might hold me back is I've never really wanted to be the older one because [it might not work this way] it means if we die chronologically I'll die first. And also an older woman would be more exciting,if you know what I mean!

ryuhebi13 03-06-2011 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by tokusatsufan (Post 854686)
And also an older woman would be more exciting,if you know what I mean!

Oh yas. Older women are fun because of the things they know. But then I've dated a few girls my age that knew a thing or two in the bedroom :p

hinata4life 03-31-2011 04:09 PM

what prevents me from getting a bf/gf is that I already have a really sweet boyfriend. <3

tokusatsufan 03-31-2011 05:51 PM

Maybe I'm just too vain.

kouichisan 03-31-2011 07:07 PM


ryuurui 03-31-2011 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by clairebear (Post 625051)
I can move/delete/close General threads, but I have the power to ban anyone I want. ;)

Although I wouldn't ban you because your off-topic xDDD

lol you need a bf or gf to reset your mind.

To all that say they are fine being alone: human being is a social creature and solitude, as much as it's essencial to our overall happiness, can be found even (or perhaps especially) when we are with someone.

I cant imagine living alone. That's too boring. And the reason why it's boring is becuase there is no one there to annoy me (and vice versa, according to what my egoistic self whispers). :D

What prevents me from getting a gf? Well nothing, but I doubt any of them would surpass my wife. She is my annoying soul mate.

WingsToDiscovery 03-31-2011 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by tokusatsufan (Post 854686)
I'm not getting a girlfriend until I'm settled in Japan.

Why is that?

RobinMask 03-31-2011 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery (Post 859628)
Why is that?

I can't speak for Tokusatsufan, but I understand his logic.

For me I didn't want to date during university, because I wanted to focus entirely on my studies and pass with the best grades I could get - I tried dating once, but it just confirmed for me that my university was more important. Getting grades, getting the degree, it would determine my life, so relationships weren't worth the distraction. Now it's a matter of waiting until I'm in Japan.

It's not for any shallow reasons, like 'I must get a Japanese bf/gf!', it's just that I'm determined to go to Japan (or if that doesn't pan out, for whatever reason, at least a year abroad in another country to get the work experience and taste of foriegn culture). So to date now only to turn around this time next year and say "sorry, I'm going to Japan/Korea/China etc. now, see ya!" just isn't fair on my potential partner, and it's not fair on me who dislikes the idea of short-term relationships. I'm only willing to date someone if it looks like it's going somewhere.

Not saying that's Tokusatsufan's experience, but that's my personal take on 'waiting to be in Japan to date' :)

WingsToDiscovery 03-31-2011 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by RobinMask (Post 859629)
It's not for any shallow reasons, like 'I must get a Japanese bf/gf!', it's just that I'm determined to go to Japan (or if that doesn't pan out, for whatever reason, at least a year abroad in another country to get the work experience and taste of foriegn culture). So to date now only to turn around this time next year and say "sorry, I'm going to Japan/Korea/China etc. now, see ya!" just isn't fair on my potential partner, and it's not fair on me who dislikes the idea of short-term relationships. I'm only willing to date someone if it looks like it's going somewhere.

Not saying that's Tokusatsufan's experience, but that's my personal take on 'waiting to be in Japan to date' :)

No, I understand you if it's like that, because I was similar. I mean, I didn't put off dating in school, but I happened to not be in a relationship a few months out before I was scheduled to move to Japan so I didn't actively try and get into one for the same reason as having to just pack my bags and leave my partner behind, and it wasn't as if I was looking forward to dating in Japan. When I see those kinds of posts, however, red flags seem to go off when they're written that ambiguously because there really are shallow people like that (not accusing the other poster until he's had his say) and if you were to find them anywhere on the web, this would be a good site to find them, along with the weeaboos.

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