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-   -   Things that prevent you from getting a GF/BF (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/relationship-talk/20221-things-prevent-you-getting-gf-bf.html)

tenmins 04-01-2011 12:17 AM

From my experience, style counts for a lot in Japan. eg. good fashion sense; tidy, modern apartment in a decent area; nice car; and for guys, a semi-dark mature kind of disposition works wonders. (ie. don't giggle all the time and get blind drunk when around females.)

Even if you're really good looking, if you aint got style your pushing the proverbial up hill if your looking for a bf/gf.
On the other hand, if you're not that attractive but you ooze style you will go a long way.

Rinai 04-18-2011 03:36 AM

I believe the thing that keeps me from having a boyfriend is being very serious looking. Or maybe rude. I' sorry but if I do not like a guy then I will not give any hints or advances or flirtatious acts. However, I can be very dense. I will tease back if I am teased but it isn't until they begin to advance that I completely cut of any tie. It's creepy. I don't understand why some boys cannot just say they like a girl. No, I do not like being treated as a girlfriend if I have no idea of the person's feelings.

*plooka plooka*

Trifectionx 04-18-2011 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by Rinai (Post 861716)
I believe the thing that keeps me from having a boyfriend is being very serious looking. Or maybe rude. I' sorry but if I do not like a guy then I will not give any hints or advances or flirtatious acts. However, I can be very dense. I will tease back if I am teased but it isn't until they begin to advance that I completely cut of any tie. It's creepy. I don't understand why some boys cannot just say they like a girl. No, I do not like being treated as a girlfriend if I have no idea of the person's feelings.

*plooka plooka*

so u'll go with ne guy tht tells u he like u???

Rinai 04-18-2011 04:39 AM


Originally Posted by Trifectionx (Post 861722)
so u'll go with ne guy tht tells u he like u???

'However, I can be very dense. I will tease back if I am teased but it isn't until they begin to advance that I completely cut of any tie.' -- Put into simple terms, if I do not like the guy and they have made advances to me in ways I do not like I am no longer even friends with them.

*plooka plooka*

Trifectionx 04-18-2011 04:42 AM


Originally Posted by Rinai (Post 861736)
'However, I can be very dense. I will tease back if I am teased but it isn't until they begin to advance that I completely cut of any tie.' -- Put into simple terms, if I do not like the guy and they have made advances to me in ways I do not like I am no longer even friends with them.

*plooka plooka*

ahh. i see. but i think this is a little contradictory. you say its because of your seriousness and how you cut people off. when it seems the true root is that you don't like the person advancing on you. and the guys you do like aren't.

Rinai 04-18-2011 04:46 AM

'I believe the thing that keeps me from having a boyfriend is being very serious looking.' --- I never said I was serious. :mtongue: Are you saying that the guys that I like do not like me?

I have a wonderful boyfriend, thank you very much. :happypika:

*plooka plooka*

Trifectionx 04-18-2011 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by Rinai (Post 861739)
'I believe the thing that keeps me from having a boyfriend is being very serious looking.' --- I never said I was serious. :mtongue: Are you saying that the guys that I like do not like me?

I have a wonderful boyfriend, thank you very much. :happypika:

*plooka plooka*

lmao, i guess thats one interpretation.

no need to thank me btw, i didnt do nething

RobinMask 04-18-2011 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Trifectionx (Post 861747)
lmao, i guess thats one interpretation.

no need to thank me btw, i didnt do nething

Sorry to go off-topic, but I have to ask . . . is English your first/native language? No judgements, just curious.

rio09 04-21-2011 11:17 AM

untidy, smelly, yellow smile, unshaved, sweaty, stink breath, ear wax, sweaty socks, hair on unpleasant place,too fat, too skinny,acne ...etc <<<<<<<<<<<Physical ...something that not normal will prevent you to be attractive for others sexes.

Too gloomy,too serious, too funny(joker), too smart, too stupid, too freaky.. etc.. <<<<< behavior/personality ... BAD habit and BAD personality will prevent you getting gf/bf.

For me
I'm Mr nice guy, friendly, have manner, and caring... but i can be untidy,big(hard,stubborn) head, not serious, and stupid(not trying to use my head lol) !..

so because i used to be very nice/soft to everyone, girls dislike it.
because sometime i can be a airhead or stupid(not listening), girls ignore me.

I have sweaty foots, so every time i say to peoples like: don't breath to much or you will smell my smelly foots xD....

That's what prevent me getting GF ....

but he .. that's how it work ..we have our positive and negative.:vsign:

Always Pro and Cons

throese 10-29-2011 02:20 PM

Well, I'm honestly unsure. I'm a gentlemen, treat people with respect and kindness, and treat others the way I want to be treated. I can't stand men who abuse women in any way, shape, or form and think it's completely wrong and no reason for it. Yet, I always end up in the friend zone.

I guess a few "flaws" of mine would be coming on to strong, sometimes, and maybe not having a job.

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