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Suki 01-03-2008 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Excessum (Post 345725)
Let him be reliable or not, you still don't see the whole picture of the person: you don't see his attitude, the way he talks to people, the way he acts, his flaws, which is part of personality... you develop feelings towards the image that is created by what he tells you and what your fantasy adds to it, not form your real life observations.
When you meet a person in r/l, your opinion is created not only from what he tells you, but from many other aspects as well, right?

Well, the passage of time lets you see how much of truth and how much of pure fancy there is in it. In my personal case, I am utterly aware of how imprecise my impressions may be and I know that real love takes ages to build; I cannot be sure about him being the way he seems to be but I am certain about the reality of my feelings and that is something I can't choose to remove. Don't you ever get the feeling that someone is the right person for you no matter how little you know about them? Sometimes intuition works wonderfully but you need to be ready to take the risk that goes with it...

Fyer 01-03-2008 04:34 PM

I dated over the internet for about.. a year? With the same guy, and yeah, that just turned into a whole big heartbreak scenario. With what Excessum is saying, I'd have to agree. I can personally admit that I had a self-made image of this guy, and that I was completely wrong about everything I thought about him after a while. I met him once in Real Life, and completely hated the way he was. I basically hated everything about him.

So, I've completely given up on the whole internet dating scene. 'Cause the nicest, sweetest guy (or girl for that matter) on the internet could be a stumbling, sexist, unworthy pig in real life.

miyavikuun 01-03-2008 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by sailorscout20 (Post 345744)
Do you like them?


noodle 01-03-2008 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Excessum (Post 345718)
mwahahahaa... noodle said never... :D lmao

Anywho... "dating" someone online is a complete waste of time, since you can not have any physical interaction and develop any feelings towards a person you have never met... if, somehow, some kind of feelings do occur, then they are not towards the person who is sitting on the other side of the screen, they are towards the image of this person that has been created in your head...
Aren't you too old to have imaginary friends (or lovers, as in this case)? :D

HEHEHE :D , very ironic i know :rolleyes:

Anyway, i have to agree with you, it's what i wanted to write, but i couldn't really be bothered to explain it. lol..

Katchan6 01-04-2008 07:34 AM

oh BTW, I know some one who married a guy she met on the internet.
So :mtongue:

Cyclamen 01-04-2008 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Katchan6 (Post 346963)
oh BTW, I know some one who married a guy she met on the internet.
So :mtongue:

I know two.. no, three! couples who met on the net and now are married or living together.

I never dated anyone I met on the internet. I used to IM a lot with people I met online, but since a couple of years I totally lost interest in it. For me, it's more appealing to speak with someone or date someone in real life.

Fielia 01-04-2008 01:55 PM

I have never dated anyone from the internet. I think I never will. Never say never, thought. I have never understood dating someone from the internet without even meeting the person. I mean, I know one person who became a girlfriend of a guy she had never met in real life.

In some cases it might work, I just think that it isn't the way to find a girl or boyfriend. And it can be dangerous, too. It is always possible that the other party is a pervert or something.

Excessum 01-04-2008 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Suki (Post 345745)
Well, the passage of time lets you see how much of truth and how much of pure fancy there is in it. In my personal case, I am utterly aware of how imprecise my impressions may be and I know that real love takes ages to build; I cannot be sure about him being the way he seems to be but I am certain about the reality of my feelings and that is something I can't choose to remove. Don't you ever get the feeling that someone is the right person for you no matter how little you know about them? Sometimes intuition works wonderfully but you need to be ready to take the risk that goes with it...

My point is that you can not get to know a person you have never actually met... it doesn't matter how honest or dishonest he is >_<
But i hope that you guys will prove my opinion wrong :)

Guza 01-05-2008 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Excessum (Post 347097)
My point is that you can not get to know a person you have never actually met... it doesn't matter how honest or dishonest he is >_<
But i hope that you guys will prove my opinion wrong :)

ya..me to xD

Godzirra 01-07-2008 12:06 PM

Yes, i met my husband on a website 4yrs ago, we married 10 days after i arrived from Australia to USA.
We have two cats and he has blue hair.

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