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-   -   Have you ever dated someone from the Internet? (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/relationship-talk/20530-have-you-ever-dated-someone-internet.html)

Kuroshiro 01-24-2008 10:32 PM

Well, not exactly dated, but I met a nice girl that happens to be a Japanophile like myself. She might just be the one, who knows...

monkeygirl306 01-24-2008 10:40 PM

Yeah ihave it was ok but it kinda sucked because you cant really express your love physically

Ramones1976 01-25-2008 01:51 AM

But there are a few people on Myspace who I'd like to go out with, except they live in Hong Kong, Thailand, UK, and South Africa >_<
I admit are some people on JF who I'd go out with, except I'm probably not their type, LOL

Acidreptile 01-25-2008 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by Ramones1976 (Post 372822)
But there are a few people on Myspace who I'd like to go out with, except they live in Hong Kong, Thailand, UK, and South Africa >_<
I admit are some people on JF who I'd go out with, except I'm probably not their type, LOL

Go out with yourself dude.Spend a few time with the person you love the most.:vsign:

Ramones1976 01-25-2008 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by Acidreptile (Post 372846)
Go out with yourself dude.Spend a few time with the person you love the most.:vsign:

I spend enough time by myself
I want to be with someone else, other than family

auran 01-25-2008 02:15 AM

no ive never

NaruNaruChan 01-25-2008 02:29 AM

i wouldnt and never had. plus, im a little strange so nobody really wants to out with me anyway

Acidreptile 01-25-2008 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by Ramones1976 (Post 372884)
I spend enough time by myself
I want to be with someone else, other than family

Alright I was only kidding with you.Go for it.It is part of the human nature anyways.:vsign:

Ramones1976 01-25-2008 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by Acidreptile (Post 372940)
Alright I was only kidding with you.Go for it.It is part of the human nature anyways.:vsign:

Okay, LOL

orewasenshi 01-25-2008 02:33 AM

No, I haven't but there's 3 people I'd date on here^^

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