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Hiroki 03-30-2008 10:35 AM

I dated a girl from the same age as me from The Netherlands, but now we are just friends, since I have another girlfriend.

MissMisa 03-30-2008 10:39 AM

No offence to people, but I think it is kind of weird dating people on the internet. It's fine if they live around where you live and you can go meet them and stuff, but if it's a randomer in another country, then it is kind of pointless. It could be a 50 year old pedo on the other end!

Sometimes though it's nice to express your feelings to someone online I guess. As long as you know there not a pedo of course >.<

kel 03-30-2008 11:20 AM

Yup. I also agree that it is more better to meet someone the same country as you as it is more easier..

Hiroki 03-30-2008 11:32 AM

Indeed, because believe me if you need your boifurendo/gaarufurendo and she lives in another country, you feel desperate and lonely. That's why it's better to find someone who lives close to the door:D

EbOny 03-30-2008 12:12 PM

I dated a guy by internet and it's very hard to stand this situation for long, because when you don't feel good he can't be there for you, you can't see him as you want!!
His arms are the only place you wanna be, but can't lol
To the long term it's just desappointement which is waiting for you... 'cause you'll definitely get tired waiting for him...:cool:

kikure 03-31-2008 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by cocoluvnihon (Post 180781)
I'm not suprised if a lot of people have done it but are afraid to admit it LOL. I swear myspace is the biggest free dating site in America. Have you done it and what was your experience. For once you're not going to be seen as desperate just spill... :smokingbear:

I didn't date on myspace. I dated over msn and I am ashamed. But he was from Texas and I from Kentucky. We 'dated' for about 2 yrs and then he told me he cheated on me.... with his cousin.

kel 03-31-2008 04:45 AM

Hmm.. Anyway you have not seen him before right? So it's still ok. Don't stop looking for relationships..^^

Matley 03-31-2008 02:19 PM

I never dated anybody through internet, and I'm not going to do it.
But I met people taking contact through internet, and that has been very nice.
Now I have some new friends in Holland, Ireland, Scotland and Slovenia.

I need to meet her and have an impression before I start dating.
Yes I could meet a girl and then date her if I like her, but only after I met her.
Furthermore, in my opinion, a relationship at distance can't work; I think everybody needs to have person close to him/her, not at 12.000km away.

HinataUchiha 04-14-2008 03:47 PM

i was thinking about trying to find a nice guy on jf, but im not sure. anyone think i should go for it?

kokunin 04-15-2008 12:24 AM

if they're at least in your state (excluding texas, and the northernmost state of america which i can't think of its name right now) then go ahead, but if they live WAAAY the fuck off, then no...

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