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johanna17 06-04-2009 06:18 PM

So i have a girlfriend shes american and im mexican and a quarter chinese
and i love everything that has to do with asian culture and she
hates it when i talk about asian girls or boys or like just some simple character from anime. she says she dosent get along with any asian people at her school becuz they dont like her or something like that but shes never done nothing to them. well anyways back to my point. i mean im part asian too but she loves me...but i dont know how to get her to understand that the asian culture is soo beautiful and that all asians arent like the ones at her school im with her right? the situation is really confusing i take any advice i could get here!

nobora 06-04-2009 06:58 PM

Alot of asians especially at school keep to themselfs. They all get together in a group and dont let pple frm other cultures join in. They're very protective. Take ur GF out to eat asian food(chinese,viatnamese,japanese, any kind) have her expierence the culture and show her that its not so bad.

johanna17 06-04-2009 07:04 PM

Dont get me wrong she loves japanese and chinese food <33
but i guess its just the impression she got about asian people..

nobora 06-05-2009 12:54 AM

try to show her more than food. The music the culture and stuff

RKitagawa 06-05-2009 01:19 AM

it's probably more complicated than simply showing her a few good points about asian culture.
If you think the problem is with asian people then the most logical solution would be asian people.
if you have any asian friends maybe you can introduce her to them. get her to get to know some nice asian people, maybe she'll change her opinion.
honestly though she sounds kinda close minded about it. If someone dislikes an entire race of people you'd think there would be a damn good reason for it, and not just because she "dosent get along with any asian people at her school"
maybe there is another reason that you don't know about, talk to her about it.

Hyakushi 06-05-2009 03:42 AM

Don't really think the problem is with asian people in general just Highschool people.
Their are some high strung asians out their but if you know how to talk to them and have basic curtisy then everything should be fine. When I was in high school I hated none asian people because they always thought I didn't know english or basic american "things" (Didn't help that I was EnglishSecondLanguage either but i grew up speaking navajo), its like "WTF!". Hahahahahaha so hopefully your girlfriend isnt like that :D. Younger asian people now are really different than older generations speacially in america but usually koreans are really outgoing and generous.

Don't know if this helped but you can always PM me if you want.

Yuusuke 06-05-2009 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by johanna17 (Post 728928)
So i have a girlfriend shes american and im mexican and a quarter chinese
and i love everything that has to do with asian culture and she
hates it when i talk about asian girls or boys or like just some simple character from anime. she says she dosent get along with any asian people at her school becuz they dont like her or something like that but shes never done nothing to them. well anyways back to my point. i mean im part asian too but she loves me...but i dont know how to get her to understand that the asian culture is soo beautiful and that all asians arent like the ones at her school im with her right? the situation is really confusing i take any advice i could get here!

she's american meaning?
she's white?

johanna17 06-05-2009 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Yuusuke (Post 729493)
she's american meaning?
she's white?

Yes shes white

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