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DeathnoteCrazy102 06-17-2009 08:18 PM

japanese girlfriend problems.
私はうまくこの少女を愛します。.. 私は考えます、そして私は何をするべきか知りません、 私は日本の聴衆から若干のアドバイスを必要とします。 彼女の親は日本人です、そして私は黒人とドイツ人の間 に入り混ざっています、そして私はそうしません、tが 本当にいくつの高齢の日本人がアメリカ人に反応するか 知っています。

I love this girl well... i think, and i don't know what to do i need some advice from the Japanese audience. her parents are Japanese and I'm mixed between black and german and i dont really know how many older Japanese react to Americans.

bELyVIS 06-17-2009 08:25 PM

Just be very respectful. You sound like a nice guy, just let them see that and how much you love their daughter (again in a respectful way, no kissing). Good luck but you will do fine.

JackIsLost 06-17-2009 08:30 PM

just be respectful and learn how to greet the parents the correct way. i met my girlfriends parents for the first time (she's japanese and so are both parents) and i brought a small cake, they loved it from what i heard. the parents stayed up all night to drink with me and offered me a bath in their tub first. in america the boy is always nervous to meet the parents, in japan however, the parents were nervous to meet me!

DeathnoteCrazy102 06-17-2009 08:40 PM

thank you very much.

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