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missprincess 11-17-2010 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 837745)
Haha.. you fail

wow i dont think i need to credit that with an answer since everyone in the world knows that the Oxford English dictionary is more credible then any free online dictionary, and 'haha you fail' your even more childish then i thought you were!! someone needs a time out
LMAO, you wierdo

Ronin4hire 11-17-2010 09:51 PM

What can I say..

The free online dictionary is right.

The Oxford definition, if it is as you claim, is more narrow and therefore inferior in this case.

Either way... I've made myself understood so your insistence in arguing over semantics is way more childish than anything I've said in this thread.

missprincess 11-18-2010 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 838211)
What can I say..

The free online dictionary is right.

The Oxford definition, if it is as you claim, is more narrow and therefore inferior in this case.

Either way... I've made myself understood so your insistence in arguing over semantics is way more childish than anything I've said in this thread.

LMAO u just keep going even though uve got no leg to stand on, watever i cant be bothered wasting precious typing energy on you anymore

Nyororin 11-18-2010 03:12 AM

Seriously - how far does this need to be taken off topic?

Ronin - you seem to want to incite something the past few days. Stop.

Kayci 11-24-2010 05:20 PM

Well, all of my serious relationships have been only with Asian men.
My current relationship of over a year is my first non-japanese; He's korean.

I'm not a striking beauty by any means. I'm short, small in the upper area, and look much younger than my age. I am considered the "cutesy" one instead of the "pretty" one among my friends.

My boyfriend wouldn't want to "upgrade" to your type though, LOL

I was never considered "beautiful" until I started non-mainstream modeling for my friend's art/photography, and even then its rare.

Asian guys like "cute" girls more than "beautiful, sexy" according to a poll my boyfriend found somewhere on daum, I believe. I forgot what the reasons were by people who commented on but...it was a shock to me.

And I have other Asian guys that hit on me, online and in real life.

However, I think its just because maybe they're appreciative someone is so interested into their culture so deeply, beyond shallow things like anime or k-pop. Its not everyday they find an American/white girl who can talk to them and relate to how different their cultures are and appreciate it.

Then again...when an Asian guy dates outside the Asia, it seems to be into a white-girl kind of thing. Not fully sure, I'm just going by what the people in my local japanese and korean clubs say. LOL So don't fully quote me on that.

TalnSG 11-24-2010 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by CoolNard (Post 837738)
Well, getting back on topic, have you ever tried to approach the guys, in the first place? Like a simple "hi" or "wanna have dinner?" I mean, Asian guys generically tend to be a little more shy, as compared to their out-going Western counterparts, although I'm sure it's the same for women.

Anyway, this might be a racial issue. I know most of my Asian friends in occidental regions, who only hang out with their Asian friends. It's "just what we do", they say. So maybe you Western ladies could take the initiative and approach them, with friendly smiles and all that.

My experiences match yours. So much so that when I was approached by a Chinese guy on Halloween night, at first I thought I was misunderstanding the messages he was sending. Usually, unless they are either very "Americanized" or have consumed considerable amounts of alcohol, most Asian guys will not initiate a conversation with non-Asian women they don't know. I think some of it is shyness, but there is also a cultural aspect to it. They just don't approach women socially, unless they have been previously introduced by a mutual friend.

Yojimbo 11-24-2010 11:49 PM

Well i'm from Turkey, İstanbul. Half of my city locates in Europe, other half is in Asia... Hmm sooo... I guess i should like hybrid girls...


CoolNard 11-25-2010 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by TalnSG (Post 839195)
My experiences match yours. So much so that when I was approached by a Chinese guy on Halloween night, at first I thought I was misunderstanding the messages he was sending. Usually, unless they are either very "Americanized" or have consumed considerable amounts of alcohol, most Asian guys will not initiate a conversation with non-Asian women they don't know. I think some of it is shyness, but there is also a cultural aspect to it. They just don't approach women socially, unless they have been previously introduced by a mutual friend.

Haha, I love the alcohol bit; very true! Yeah, I think "cultural" is a much better word here than "racial". Maybe it's because Westerners behave much more distinctively different. But we get along with our Western friends just fine, in Singapore. Maybe it's not only the culture but the environment. I'd make a beeline for any attractive women, but I would not be so sure of myself in a foreign country.

missprincess 11-27-2010 09:55 PM

ok so i took the first step and 'reached out' to some korean men, (since im totally into koreans specifically for some reason), and they are really respectful! more so then western men i must say (in my experience), i asked them the question i posted here and they said that alot of them do find western women v attractive and they do like 'sexy' women and women from pretty much all races but they sometimes feel slightly intimidated that western women may not be that interested themselves, or sometimes its a language barrier or just generally i think they are just shy (this is what they said! not what im making up b4 u all pounce!) so yeh im glad i decided to ask them myself --- ino alot of them like the 'cute' look but from what ive learnt i dont think any of them would turn down the sexy either ---

Ronin4hire 11-28-2010 02:08 AM

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