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missprincess 11-09-2010 08:49 PM

Asian men only like Asian women?
first i apologise for using the term oriental and not asian (but i didnt know how to refer to people from india etc if i used asian in general! :)

anyways ive noticed alot the oriental women dont mind getting married to white men or men out of their race, ive actually seen it alot, my cousin was dating a chinese girl for a good number of years b4 her parents decided that she should leave him. but getting to the point ive not seen alot of oriental men in relationships with none oriental girls or none white girls (i guess the blonde hair blue eyes thing always goes down well),
but what about women with darker skin (ie latino looking women or even black women?)
i remember asking a chiense guy i knew if chinese men in general like asian woman from india or pakistan coz my pakistani mate is obessessed with korean guys (as am i, i must admit) :) and he laughed and was like no. is that in general (talking about majority) true that oriental men from japan, china, korea etc they only like their own race? i mean if they met someone like aishwarya rai (google her) or adriana lima would the not like them, even though there super hot???

To save any more issues, I changed the thread title. -MMM

Columbine 11-09-2010 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by missprincess (Post 836651)
first i apologise for using the term oriental and not asian (but i didnt know how to refer to people from india etc if i used asian in general! :)

Above is a map of Asia. As you can see, India, Pakistan and the other 'Stans are all included. Technically anyone from those countries can be called 'asian', although Pakistan is often included in the 'middle east'. People from China, Japan, and S.E Asia are often referred to as Far East Asian. Whilst it's still mostly acceptable to use 'oriental' to talk about objects, you should really avoid using it to describe people as it's seen as offensive in some circles. It's a bit subjective, but nonetheless, if you're not up to making a point over a mere word, it's not worth the hassle of using it. I think you're already aware of much of this though :)

ModusOperandi 11-09-2010 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by missprincess (Post 836651)
first i apologise for using the term oriental and not asian (but i didnt know how to refer to people from india etc if i used asian in general! :)

India is located in South Asia
I think the term you're looking for is "East/S.E Asians."

Usually, attraction is subjective.

Columbine, A winner is you. :P..you posted first.

Columbine 11-09-2010 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by missprincess (Post 836651)
anyways ive noticed alot the oriental women dont mind getting married to white men or men out of their race, ive actually seen it alot, my cousin was dating a chinese girl for a good number of years b4 her parents decided that she should leave him.

1) It's really hard to explain without using actual nationalities (and I don't want to, because I can't say for sure and it's generalizing) but women seem to tend to be more willing to marry outside of a socially designated group, and seem to do so in larger numbers. So between group A and group B, you might have a lot of interracial marriages, but consisting of mostly Group B women marrying Group B men. Conversely, a particular situation (such as immigration, or government deployment) might mean that Group C men are sent en mass to Country D, resulting in interracial marriages consisting mostly of Group C men marrying Group D women, but almost no Group A women or Group D men marrying back.

2) Regarding men with non-group women, you have to consider various social and logistical factors- 1) availability. There may be less single foreign women to pick from to start with, as with C and D above.
2) Responsibility. It may be A-OK in some societies for women to marry out of their group, provided that they are morally and financially secure. It may be less easy for men to do so if they are expected to carry on the family as it is- maintaining tradition and status quo could be harder with a foreign bride. Perhaps foreign women are seen to have views that simply clash too much with the role of a married woman in that culture.
3) Maybe it is not a lack of interest on the men's part, but a lack of interest on the foreign women's side.
4) No one can speak for a majority. Asia is massive- you would find massively different opinions and reasonings in India than you would in Korea. they are completely different cultures.
5) social stigma. In some places foreign women may be seen as socially gauche, immoral or corrupt- maybe fine for a fling, but not something to base a long term relationship for. Foreign men, having a different background, may not feel the same about the women. Maybe there's a history. It can be difficult for two nationalities to marry if there is a history of war between their states.
6) Ditto religion. It's not unreasonable to assume that a lot of non-muslim men might agree that a beautiful Pakistani woman is very attractive; but at the same time, they probably wouldn't pick them as a group to 'like' or seek to date, as there would be tremendous obstacles and would require massive change and compromise or simply the attempt would cause uproar and grief.

Nyororin 11-10-2010 12:17 AM

In my observance, if we ignore the cultural opinion of a certain group by another... a culture transplant issue strongly comes into play.

I find this something that really stands out as a huge roadblock for western women and Asian men in particular. Asian women tend to have a huge following with western men for many reasons both true and incredibly stereotypish... But on the other hand Asian men tend to have the opposite - for both true and stereotype reasons. The same features that are deemed attractive in Asian women are negative traits in Asian men. (ie. smaller stature, cultural background where women are more subservient, etc)

In a relationship, there tends to be the expectation of the woman entering the man`s culture. In marriages it is far far more common for the couple to move to the country of the husband than the wife - largely for financial and employment issues. A woman from an Asian country is far more likely to be positive toward a move to a foreign husband`s country (as culture in Asia tends to lean toward men being the head of the household and the woman following) than a western woman.

Add into this the fact that Asian men tend to know the prevailing cultural opinion, and the widespread belief that "western" culture and society is superior... And it becomes (particularly for Asian men and western women) quite hard to imagine a western woman transplanting herself into an "inferior" society.
An Asian woman is usually influenced to feel that a western husband is a "step up", so to speak, and a western man is usually influenced to feel that an Asian wife is a status symbol. An Asian man is influenced to think that no western woman would be interested to begin with, and western women are influenced to think that Asian men and culture is inferior.

Of course this is all just my opinion, and of course there are many relationships in which these factors don`t really come into play at all. But at the same time, cultural ideals do have a very strong effect on what people actually do even if they don`t personally feel that way. As the OP said, it`s fairly rare to see an Asian man - Non-Asian woman couple. That alone is a stigma. It stands out. There is pressure there, and most of it negative. No matter how the individual feels, pressure is pressure. Stress is stress. So it just becomes something that isn`t done.

Ronin4hire 11-10-2010 03:20 AM

Another viewpoint I came accross was that Japanese guys in general just tend to think that Japanese women are prettier than non-Japanese women.

cranks 11-10-2010 04:10 AM

"if they met someone like aishwarya rai (google her)"
Holy cow she's HOT!

But seriously, what are the chances she sits next me and asks me out? Most of the times guys need to take initiatives, start the move, ask the girl out, and entertain her. And it is hard to do in a language that is not your own. Young girls, however, generally get flocks of guys asking them out. And generally caucasian and African people are taller and more muscular. While guys being tall and muscular is generally considered attractive, being skinny and short isn't.

And of course, Japanese girls ARE cute, Ronin :mtongue:

Ronin4hire 11-10-2010 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by cranks (Post 836696)

And of course, Japanese girls ARE cute, Ronin :mtongue:

you can say that again.

It's funny... all these far flung sociological theories sound good... but perhaps the explanation is much simpler. :mtongue:

cranks 11-10-2010 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 836704)
you can say that again.

It's funny... all these far flung sociological theories sound good... but perhaps the explanation is much simpler. :mtongue:

Clearly, we don't share the same opinion in some areas, but it seems to me you have a good "taste" in other departments :p

And holy, that Aishwarya Rai girl is hot. Did I say that?

CoolNard 11-11-2010 12:16 PM

Not all. I find myself nationality/race-hopping from time to time. We're talking about feelings, not materialistic things, right? Then beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Regardless of other factors determining a relationship at all, if you like her, you like her; if you don't, you don't. Simple as that.

missprincess 11-11-2010 06:55 PM

i dont know i find asian men (esp from korea) seriously seriously hot!! i mean lee min ho and daniel henney! (and this japanese trampolinist called shunsuke nagasaki and takeshi kaneshiro!) phorrr! they are hubba hubba ding dong! infact the trampolinist is the reason i joined japan forum to begin with!
but ive noticed it soo hard to get an asian mans attention! i always see them with their own race and when the guys smoking and the girl aint its like branch out a little and give someone else a chance! im not saying that im unattractive infact i find it seriously easy to get attention from men of every race except in the majority asian men! (its only them for some reason??) im not saying that asian men have never liked me before but its alot less then the men from other races, thats why i was wondering whether they like women who are more Moroccan/indian looking at all?? but i guess if you find aishwarya rai hot then maybe theres some other reason that the attention is so lacking??

btw her english is immaculate!

Columbine 11-11-2010 07:03 PM

Maybe they find your blatant desire to all-but-devour them off-putting?

Just sayin'~

missprincess 11-11-2010 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Columbine (Post 837011)
Maybe they find your blatant desire to all-but-devour them off-putting?

Just sayin'~

LOL i dont even let them know that i like them even if i do so theres nothing 'blatant' about it! and i dont wanna devour them! except maybe daniel henney and its very unlikely ill ever meet him! :rolleyes:

MMM 11-11-2010 08:38 PM

Asian men tend not to be attracted to women that think they are attractive to men. Demure and humble goes a long way.

MissMisa 11-11-2010 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 837018)
Asian men tend not to be attracted to women that think they are attractive to men. Demure and humble goes a long way.

How many women think that about themselves nowadays... I know very few that do.

Anyway, maybe it's just because the whole thing is much easier. Since asia is majorly culturally different from the west, maybe some people just think it's easier to be with someone that automatically understands?

I don't know.

I think the whole 'asian people are cute/pretty etc' is extremely weird, as some are ugly and some are pretty... like every race...

clairebear 11-11-2010 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by MissMisa (Post 837026)
I think the whole 'asian people are cute/pretty etc' is extremely weird, as some are ugly and some are pretty... like every race...

Ugh, agreed. I'm sick of hearing people say "JAPANESE/ASIAN GIRLS ARE SO HOT!!!" and "Japanese/Asian guys are so kawaii!" as if they all look the same or something. :confused:

I've seen some butt ugly Asian guys in my lifetime...

MMM 11-11-2010 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by MissMisa (Post 837026)
How many women think that about themselves nowadays... I know very few that do.

missprincess seems to.

missprincess 11-12-2010 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 837031)
missprincess seems to.

OMG are you serious! generally speaking everyone tends to know how attractive they are to the opposite sex anyway, and if i did think that i was hot i wouldnt be saying that alot of asian men seem not to like girls of my colour or race anyway! what is this the attack missprincess forum?? please dont make judgements about my humbleness on a few messages i dropped in a thread, you would really have to know me to come to that conclusion.

MMM 11-12-2010 03:05 AM


Originally Posted by missprincess (Post 837010)
infact i find it seriously easy to get attention from men of every race

I am just going by what you are saying. Maybe you turn Asian men off because you think you are attractive. You asked, and I am just theorizing.

missprincess 11-13-2010 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 837075)
I am just going by what you are saying. Maybe you turn Asian men off because you think you are attractive. You asked, and I am just theorizing.

thinking it and making it obvious are two totally different things even if i did think that way (not saying at all that i do) the only way to ever know it is if its made obvious and i would never make somin like that obvious ever.

theres a big difference between confidence and arrogance (granted the line can sometimes be thin) but there is a difference and i would never be arrogant to anyone.

Ronin4hire 11-14-2010 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by missprincess (Post 837010)
but ive noticed it soo hard to get an asian mans attention! i always see them with their own race and when the guys smoking and the girl aint its like branch out a little and give someone else a chance! im not saying that im unattractive infact i find it seriously easy to get attention from men of every race except in the majority asian men! (its only them for some reason??) im not saying that asian men have never liked me before but its alot less then the men from other races, thats why i was wondering whether they like women who are more Moroccan/indian looking at all?? but i guess if you find aishwarya rai hot then maybe theres some other reason that the attention is so lacking??

btw her english is immaculate!

Oh man.

You said that there was a line between arrogance and confidence. You are right about that. But I think you are a bit mistaken with where you are in relation to that line.

Especially with the comment I bolded. It's such and egocentric thing to say.

Not to mention that it's shallow and materialistic. Such a woman is not attractive no matter what she looks like. That's only my opinion of course but I think it's a valid theory as to why you might not get attention from particular men.

missprincess 11-14-2010 03:55 AM

ronin you seem really high strung anyway, and thats just my opinion from reading ur past comments on this thread - call me as egocentric as u want the comment that you highligted doesnt seem arrogant to me at all, but then again to each his own

theres a few other comments i could make about what i find ur personality to be like, but i think ill like to keep them to myself since im not bashing anyones character here, im only talking about what asian men find physically attractive (ie which women, when they first see them they think, ok thats hot) because whether someone is shallow, arrogant and materiallistic is not something that you can judge just by looking at them and if you do make such a judgment by simply looking at someone then isnt that arrogance in itself?

and materiallistic?? whats that got to do with anything? when did i make a comment that made you think that?? weird

Ronin4hire 11-14-2010 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by missprincess (Post 837444)
ronin you seem really high strung anyway, and thats just my opinion from reading ur past comments on this thread - call me as egocentric as u want the comment that you highligted doesnt seem arrogant to me at all, but then again to each his own

Wow.. you don't see how that could be arrogant?

Let me explain.

You're basically saying that a guy who YOU percieve to be as smoking hot who with a girl who YOU percieve to be average looking should "get himself an upgrade".

You're not only arrogant for implying that you are better than this average looking girl but you are also arrogant for thinking that your standards of beauty are universal.

If you were confident you would not even be concerned with such things.

That's my reasoning.. take it or leave it.

You're right... to each his/her own... but I'm pretty sure that most rational people will see it my way.

Ronin4hire 11-14-2010 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by missprincess (Post 837444)
and materiallistic?? whats that got to do with anything? when did i make a comment that made you think that?? weird

Suggesting that "smoking hot Korean guy" should get a more beautiful girl to be on his arm just because apparently she is not good looking enough for him.

I'm really surprised I have to spell this out for you.

Oh and try to "bash" my character all you like. It's not really relevant since we're discussing YOUR character. It would further prove to me that you're not really that confident at all.

MissMisa 11-14-2010 11:23 AM

Personally, if someone is arrogant no matter how beautiful they are, the arrogance just completely overides that and they become ugly in my eyes.

Also there are some people that may be average to you, but truly captivating to others. Beauty is subjective and by thinking you are the supreme ruler of judging beauty can be percieved as slightly arrogant. I don't think any men find that attractive let alone Japanese men.

Back to the topic.

From what I've read on JF over the years, the traditions of Japan are probably what we deem quite old-fashioned. Japanese men generally like women who are polite, humble, honest and quiet.

Sometimes western women are viewed as being very career driven, have no qualms about saying what they think. I think Japanese men don't percieve western women this way until they actually meet them and notice that there is a difference in cultures.

Would you say that's probably the case?

Salvanas 11-14-2010 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by MissMisa (Post 837492)
Back to the topic.

From what I've read on JF over the years, the traditions of Japan are probably what we deem quite old-fashioned. Japanese men generally like women who are polite, humble, honest and quiet.

Sometimes western women are viewed as being very career driven, have no qualms about saying what they think. I think Japanese men don't percieve western women this way until they actually meet them and notice that there is a difference in cultures.

Would you say that's probably the case?

I'd just like to add something to this by the way. I found that many Chinese women in the big cities of China seem to be very career driven now-a-days. So much more than the men.

This could be due to how their government (although, I confess, I have little knowledge of that area currently) is currently expanding, and focusing on trade.

So not all Asian women are the same. That's what I saw when I went there

missprincess 11-15-2010 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 837447)
Oh and try to "bash" my character all you like. It's not really relevant since we're discussing YOUR character. It would further prove to me that you're not really that confident at all.

first off it says alot about the kind of person you are calling someone u dont know at all egocentric and arrogant, how can u tell someone not to just judge by looks when ur judging someones character by a few lines the wrote on a website???

and you say im not confident because i mentioned ur character - well i could say the exact same about you, since youve said more about mine then ive even implied about urs

secondly im not the only person in the world who thinks some people are more attractive then others (your trying to tell me that youve never looked at someone and thought they were better looking then someone else?? if thats the case its just strange!) you call people like me arrogant i call people like you delusional, and however u take it in modern society people are obsessed with looks, turn on any entertainment channel or open any magazine the first thing they talk about his how fat/thin someone is, how badly/well dressed someone is etc etc, whether you think thats right or wrong is purely a matter of opinion you just have to accept that I dont agree with you and never will and that you dont agree with me and never will – so stop trying to shove your 'morals' down someone else’s throat

and for the record at no point did i say the guy shud 'upgrade' nor did i say everyone shud follow my views on whats attractive or not - stop putting words in my mouth

oh and
''Suggesting that "smoking hot Korean guy" should get a more beautiful girl to be on his arm just because apparently she is not good looking enough for him''

does in noway imply that im materialistic, in the oxford english dictionary materialistic is defined as; ''excessively concerned with material possessions; money-oriented''
i think u need to get ur adjectives straight first
im really surprised i had to spell that out for you too

CoolNard 11-15-2010 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by missprincess (Post 837010)
i dont know i find asian men (esp from korea) seriously seriously hot!! i mean lee min ho and daniel henney! (and this japanese trampolinist called shunsuke nagasaki and takeshi kaneshiro!) phorrr! they are hubba hubba ding dong! infact the trampolinist is the reason i joined japan forum to begin with!
but ive noticed it soo hard to get an asian mans attention! i always see them with their own race and when the guys smoking and the girl aint its like branch out a little and give someone else a chance! im not saying that im unattractive infact i find it seriously easy to get attention from men of every race except in the majority asian men! (its only them for some reason??) im not saying that asian men have never liked me before but its alot less then the men from other races, thats why i was wondering whether they like women who are more Moroccan/indian looking at all?? but i guess if you find aishwarya rai hot then maybe theres some other reason that the attention is so lacking??

Well, getting back on topic, have you ever tried to approach the guys, in the first place? Like a simple "hi" or "wanna have dinner?" I mean, Asian guys generically tend to be a little more shy, as compared to their out-going Western counterparts, although I'm sure it's the same for women.

Anyway, this might be a racial issue. I know most of my Asian friends in occidental regions, who only hang out with their Asian friends. It's "just what we do", they say. So maybe you Western ladies could take the initiative and approach them, with friendly smiles and all that.

Ronin4hire 11-15-2010 03:36 AM


Originally Posted by missprincess (Post 837737)
first off it says alot about the kind of person you are calling someone u dont know at all egocentric and arrogant, how can u tell someone not to just judge by looks when ur judging someones character by a few lines the wrote on a website???

and you say im not confident because i mentioned ur character - well i could say the exact same about you, since youve said more about mine then ive even implied about urs

secondly im not the only person in the world who thinks some people are more attractive then others (your trying to tell me that youve never looked at someone and thought they were better looking then someone else?? if thats the case its just strange!) you call people like me arrogant i call people like you delusional, and however u take it in modern society people are obsessed with looks, turn on any entertainment channel or open any magazine the first thing they talk about his how fat/thin someone is, how badly/well dressed someone is etc etc, whether you think thats right or wrong is purely a matter of opinion you just have to accept that I dont agree with you and never will and that you dont agree with me and never will – so stop trying to shove your 'morals' down someone else’s throat

and for the record at no point did i say the guy shud 'upgrade' nor did i say everyone shud follow my views on whats attractive or not - stop putting words in my mouth

Obviously I was paraphrasing you. I think it's pretty accurate. I mean I've noticed how you havent set me straight on what you actually were supposed to be saying and am just saying that I'm "putting words in your mouth". If that's the case then set me straight? In which way is my paraphrasing of your previous point inaccurate?

And it is your character we're discussing so bringing up my character is irrelevant.. which I interpret as being not confident. I don't think it's a far fetched notion.


Originally Posted by missprincess (Post 837737)
oh and
''Suggesting that "smoking hot Korean guy" should get a more beautiful girl to be on his arm just because apparently she is not good looking enough for him''

does in noway imply that im materialistic, in the oxford english dictionary materialistic is defined as; ''excessively concerned with material possessions; money-oriented''
i think u need to get ur adjectives straight first
im really surprised i had to spell that out for you too

Haha.. you fail

materialistic - definition of materialistic by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Materialism (materialistic being the adjective)

1. Philosophy The theory that physical matter is the only reality and that everything, including thought, feeling, mind, and will, can be explained in terms of matter and physical phenomena.
2. The theory or attitude that physical well-being and worldly possessions constitute the greatest good and highest value in life.
3. A great or excessive regard for worldly concerns.

Nyororin 11-15-2010 08:42 AM

There is no need to go on and on with personal attacks.
The thread was not "Why Asian guys won`t date ME".

I don`t want to have to close this thread.

missprincess 11-17-2010 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 837745)
Haha.. you fail

wow i dont think i need to credit that with an answer since everyone in the world knows that the Oxford English dictionary is more credible then any free online dictionary, and 'haha you fail' your even more childish then i thought you were!! someone needs a time out
LMAO, you wierdo

Ronin4hire 11-17-2010 09:51 PM

What can I say..

The free online dictionary is right.

The Oxford definition, if it is as you claim, is more narrow and therefore inferior in this case.

Either way... I've made myself understood so your insistence in arguing over semantics is way more childish than anything I've said in this thread.

missprincess 11-18-2010 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 838211)
What can I say..

The free online dictionary is right.

The Oxford definition, if it is as you claim, is more narrow and therefore inferior in this case.

Either way... I've made myself understood so your insistence in arguing over semantics is way more childish than anything I've said in this thread.

LMAO u just keep going even though uve got no leg to stand on, watever i cant be bothered wasting precious typing energy on you anymore

Nyororin 11-18-2010 03:12 AM

Seriously - how far does this need to be taken off topic?

Ronin - you seem to want to incite something the past few days. Stop.

Kayci 11-24-2010 05:20 PM

Well, all of my serious relationships have been only with Asian men.
My current relationship of over a year is my first non-japanese; He's korean.

I'm not a striking beauty by any means. I'm short, small in the upper area, and look much younger than my age. I am considered the "cutesy" one instead of the "pretty" one among my friends.

My boyfriend wouldn't want to "upgrade" to your type though, LOL

I was never considered "beautiful" until I started non-mainstream modeling for my friend's art/photography, and even then its rare.

Asian guys like "cute" girls more than "beautiful, sexy" according to a poll my boyfriend found somewhere on daum, I believe. I forgot what the reasons were by people who commented on but...it was a shock to me.

And I have other Asian guys that hit on me, online and in real life.

However, I think its just because maybe they're appreciative someone is so interested into their culture so deeply, beyond shallow things like anime or k-pop. Its not everyday they find an American/white girl who can talk to them and relate to how different their cultures are and appreciate it.

Then again...when an Asian guy dates outside the Asia, it seems to be into a white-girl kind of thing. Not fully sure, I'm just going by what the people in my local japanese and korean clubs say. LOL So don't fully quote me on that.

TalnSG 11-24-2010 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by CoolNard (Post 837738)
Well, getting back on topic, have you ever tried to approach the guys, in the first place? Like a simple "hi" or "wanna have dinner?" I mean, Asian guys generically tend to be a little more shy, as compared to their out-going Western counterparts, although I'm sure it's the same for women.

Anyway, this might be a racial issue. I know most of my Asian friends in occidental regions, who only hang out with their Asian friends. It's "just what we do", they say. So maybe you Western ladies could take the initiative and approach them, with friendly smiles and all that.

My experiences match yours. So much so that when I was approached by a Chinese guy on Halloween night, at first I thought I was misunderstanding the messages he was sending. Usually, unless they are either very "Americanized" or have consumed considerable amounts of alcohol, most Asian guys will not initiate a conversation with non-Asian women they don't know. I think some of it is shyness, but there is also a cultural aspect to it. They just don't approach women socially, unless they have been previously introduced by a mutual friend.

Yojimbo 11-24-2010 11:49 PM

Well i'm from Turkey, İstanbul. Half of my city locates in Europe, other half is in Asia... Hmm sooo... I guess i should like hybrid girls...


CoolNard 11-25-2010 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by TalnSG (Post 839195)
My experiences match yours. So much so that when I was approached by a Chinese guy on Halloween night, at first I thought I was misunderstanding the messages he was sending. Usually, unless they are either very "Americanized" or have consumed considerable amounts of alcohol, most Asian guys will not initiate a conversation with non-Asian women they don't know. I think some of it is shyness, but there is also a cultural aspect to it. They just don't approach women socially, unless they have been previously introduced by a mutual friend.

Haha, I love the alcohol bit; very true! Yeah, I think "cultural" is a much better word here than "racial". Maybe it's because Westerners behave much more distinctively different. But we get along with our Western friends just fine, in Singapore. Maybe it's not only the culture but the environment. I'd make a beeline for any attractive women, but I would not be so sure of myself in a foreign country.

missprincess 11-27-2010 09:55 PM

ok so i took the first step and 'reached out' to some korean men, (since im totally into koreans specifically for some reason), and they are really respectful! more so then western men i must say (in my experience), i asked them the question i posted here and they said that alot of them do find western women v attractive and they do like 'sexy' women and women from pretty much all races but they sometimes feel slightly intimidated that western women may not be that interested themselves, or sometimes its a language barrier or just generally i think they are just shy (this is what they said! not what im making up b4 u all pounce!) so yeh im glad i decided to ask them myself --- ino alot of them like the 'cute' look but from what ive learnt i dont think any of them would turn down the sexy either ---

Ronin4hire 11-28-2010 02:08 AM

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