I was thinking that since I am becoming a regular poster on the JapanForum I could start talking about my relationship.
I have been in the same relationship for over 30 years but some where along the way the relation ship expanded and we had 2 sons. Our oldest son is a baking chief working in a Government Union job with lots of benefits his wife is a school teacher with lots of benefits so they got it made in the shade.
Our youngest son resonantly gave up his dreams of becoming a rodeo clown in Alberta and he and his gal moved to Saskatchewan and bought a house with property for $8.000 and in less then 2 years their house is worth way more. Our youngest son fore seen that Saskatchewan was going to be the next booming Province in Canada and he got his foot in the door at the right time so maybe he is the smartest of us all.
A photo of my son when he was just another rodeo clown. (now he is a properity owner) Cheers and happy week end!