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missprincess 11-30-2010 07:36 PM

Ask the girls
Hi guys i found this idea on another forum and it worked really well there, its basically for all the guys to ask the girls any questions/ queries they have about women, relationships etc that they’ve always wanted to know - since alot say that they dont know what women want, here’s a chance to ask them...
Btw I think one of the guys should start one for the girls to ask the guys questions :)

noahkumahara 11-30-2010 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by missprincess (Post 839865)
Hi guys i found this idea on another forum and it worked really well there, its basically for all the guys to ask the girls any questions/ queries they have about women, relationships etc that they’ve always wanted to know - since alot say that they dont know what women want, here’s a chance to ask them...
Btw I think one of the guys should start one for the girls to ask the guys questions :)

what do mean by this girl

missprincess 11-30-2010 07:48 PM

what do u mean what do i mean?

noahkumahara 11-30-2010 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by missprincess (Post 839868)
what do u mean what do i mean?

i dont know i was asking you that

missprincess 11-30-2010 07:59 PM

huh? i dont understand your question what are u so confused about?

noahkumahara 11-30-2010 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by missprincess (Post 839872)
huh? i dont understand your question what are u so confused about?

you confuesed me with what you said and wrught faster please

missprincess 11-30-2010 08:05 PM

im doing some work on the side so i cant reply faster,

the thread is for guys to be able to ask questions to girls about stuff like 'what women look for in men' etc etc, any outstanding questions they may have about the way women think -

noahkumahara 11-30-2010 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by missprincess (Post 839876)
im doing some work on the side so i cant reply faster,

the thread is for guys to be able to ask questions to girls about stuff like 'what women look for in men' etc etc, any outstanding questions they may have about the way women think -

ok then i got one what do girls want from guys except money and sex

missprincess 11-30-2010 08:09 PM

lol hmmmm let me think love!!!??

zero0 11-30-2010 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by noahkumahara (Post 839878)
ok then i got one what do girls want from guys except money and sex

clothes and a car :D and a really pretty ring.

sry just had to say V___V

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