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gogowthaflow 02-16-2011 03:48 PM

Bi in Japan?
Hi guys :D I am an 21 year old guy who is in Japan studying Japanese. I'm bi and find some Japanese guys very attrative but I don't now where to go to find a Japanese guy, do they have any gay clubs in Japan ? And if so is Japanese (gay/bi) guys going to them or do they not want to "come out"? Don't really know where Japanese culture is when it comes to this subject. Hope some one can help me :)

WingsToDiscovery 02-16-2011 04:15 PM

I honestly have found Japan to be quite liberal in the homosexuality/bi department. I'm not sure if it's necessarily tolerance so much as it is people minding their own business, however. Maybe someone could answer that.
I have a couple of gay friends and they frequent Ni-Chome, an area in Tokyo notorious for it's gay scene (gay bars/clubs).

gogowthaflow 02-16-2011 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery (Post 851379)
I honestly have found Japan to be quite liberal in the homosexuality/bi department. I'm not sure if it's necessarily tolerance so much as it is people minding their own business, however. Maybe someone could answer that.
I have a couple of gay friends and they frequent Ni-Chome, an area in Tokyo notorious for it's gay scene (gay bars/clubs).

Thanks for the response :) I'll remember that area :)

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