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-   -   Are Japanese guys the same "size" as Americans? (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/relationship-talk/36914-japanese-guys-same-%22size%22-americans.html)

synce 04-03-2011 02:21 AM

Are Japanese guys the same "size" as Americans?
I saw an interesting chart that ranked the average size of Japanese and American men equal at 5" - women, if you've been with both types of men, would you say this is true? I thought the average here was 6 and 4 in Japan. (2ch may be a better site for this but my Japanese isn't great) :mtongue:

JohnBraden 04-03-2011 02:24 AM

Sitron part deux?

RealJames 04-03-2011 02:26 AM

I'm no woman but my gf agrees with your point of view.
She hasn't had all that much experience to base her views on though.

Her friend that gets around a lot said the same thing, westerners tend to be bigger, but also softer she says. Apparently Japanese guys are more like bolts and westerners are more like bananas.

PS: I have a hard time telling if the things I post are out of line, I hope this is removed if I'm crossing that line ><

WingsToDiscovery 04-03-2011 02:29 AM

The only thing I can say is that the standard condom size is smaller, IMO from experience. I mean, I'm not going to totally stereotype but if that is an indicator of anything...

RealJames 04-03-2011 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery (Post 859960)
The only thing I can say is that the standard condom size is smaller, IMO from experience. I mean, I'm not going to totally stereotype but if that is an indicator of anything...

but that's diameter, not length... or is it both..
I never wear those infernal things!

WingsToDiscovery 04-03-2011 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by RealJames (Post 859964)
but that's diameter, not length... or is it both..

Hey, diameter still counts for something! lol
Seriously I think it's both though. Or at least the tightness makes it difficult.


Originally Posted by RealJames (Post 859964)
I never wear those infernal things!

That's 'cause you've got yourself a GF :cool:

Nyororin 04-03-2011 02:51 AM

I am a girl, and I have dated American and Japanese men... And am married to a Japanese guy.

I have found that there is really no difference - at least not between white American men and Japanese guys.
Well, white guys tend to be bigger while flaccid.

Condom sizes have a lot more to do with the "condom culture" - if you can call it that. Japan teaches that condoms need to be TIGHT - "use the absolute smallest you can fit into". America tends to lean toward "use the most comfortable, as long as it doesn`t slip off".
I think that this MAY have something to do with the harder / softer thing, but can`t really be for certain. Something in a very tight condom is going to feel harder than something in a larger one.

Ronin4hire 04-03-2011 03:30 AM

lol.. you guys have to understand how these sort of results are collated.

They get to this conclusion via a survey of some sort (or mutliple surveys which might skew things a bit).

They will get hundreds or thousands of participants where they will measure the penis size... and THEN come up with an average which is what you see.

Some people will fall on the bigger side of the average and some people will fall on the smaller side.

If the difference in AVERAGE is one measly INCH (a couple of centimetres).. then I'm going to go ahead and agree with Nyororin's point.

This is true with height also. While in Japan I noticed in general that the average height of people was shorter than in NZ... but there were still a lot of people that I saw that were taller or the same size as me and I'm about average for a NZer in height (just a guess... I'm 183cm or 6 ft).

Bottom line.. if you want a guy with a big penis then dating a specific race is only going to improve your odds slightly (statistically speaking). It won't gauruntee it.

Women.. It's better to focus on attributes that are more important and learn how to work with what you've got (which is generally the attitude amongst most women I know at least).

It's the same with guys and tits.

WingsToDiscovery 04-03-2011 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 859973)

If the difference in AVERAGE is one measly INCH (a couple of centimetres).. then I'm going to go ahead and agree with Nyororin's point.

An inch is a lot.

Ronin4hire 04-03-2011 03:50 AM


Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery (Post 859976)
An inch is a lot.

Not when you're talking averages and you consider the range probably extends 2 or 3 inches either side of that average.

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