Originally Posted by OHayou
No Kayci! *I'M* sorry .. when you just typed "trololol" I thought you were laughing me off and calling me a troll because of my super-laid-back way of answering your question when, in fact, there WAS some seriousness to it.

I think its more like because many of your post express you being a loner who is in need of something really badly....
Though I do agree with 2 things you said, its difficult to just "restart" if the first try fail... and the thhing with turning adulthood, I agree 100%, but that can go both ways, they either see things more clear now that they are more mature and get things working, or completely the opposite..... so it really depends on the individual
Long distance, though, I think can still work, its going to be difficult and way challenging, but i think it can work