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Okashi 11-23-2007 06:09 AM

A little question for you single people.
Do you enjoy being single?

I'm single and I'm enjoying it a lot at the moment. I do know for myself, I will not last like this forever though. For all the things I have to do nowadays, I don't really have time to worry about making someone happy. Unless they would understand that, I'll have to stick with having no relationship.

How about you?

Wyverian 11-23-2007 06:13 AM

No, I never enjoy being single. I love having someone there for me, I love making the person I like feel special and happy. I am usually always depressed when I am single, its not that I don't like myself or that I don't 'know' myself without a partner. I just prefer to have someone.

crrichey 11-23-2007 06:48 AM

Ditto, I am happy single, however I would MUCH prefer having a girlfriend...

noodle 11-23-2007 08:25 AM

It depends... sometimse i feel happy, sometimes i feel lonely!! but to be honest, i think at this moment in time, it's better for me to be single... me and my ex broke up (from a wonderful relationship) just because i moved to france for my studies... and next year i'll be moving to japan. so right now, i don't think its the time for me to be with anyone, as the gf would be lonely....

Housetek 11-23-2007 08:56 AM

i like being able to date any 1 i want and do what i want.

noodle 11-23-2007 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by Housetek (Post 304714)
i like being able to date any 1 i want and do what i want.

i guess thats true and goes for me too..

Tsuzuki 11-23-2007 09:43 AM

pff.... singel and be alone is the best :vsign: :cool:

forgotenmemory 11-23-2007 02:49 PM

Um...I don't know.-_-

Traitain 11-24-2007 04:34 PM

It depends; some days I like it, some days I don't.

I like the freedom and independence, never having to consult someone when I want to do something and never having petty arguements. I like not feeling compelled to blow massive wads of cash on Christmas and birthdays. I like having more time and money to spend on me; being selfish can be enjoyable in healthy doses.

I don't like it when it's raining and cold and there's no warm body to grab hold of. I don't like having no one to comfort and talk to when I get home, no one to think about and look forward to when I'm in work. I don't like having no one to share my life, however humble, with. I don't like having no one to share sex with, blunt I know but true.

forgotenmemory 11-24-2007 05:00 PM

i like rain1

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