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North Korean attack on South Korean Navel Ship -
05-20-2010, 05:52 AM
Some scary developments on the sicking of a South Korean Navel ship a bit back.
FOXNews.com - SKorean president vows 'stern action' for NKorean attack on warship; Pyongyang warns of war Japanese Prime Minster's Comments: YouTube - 鳩山総理 哨戒艦沈没事件で韓国調査結果を支持(10/05/20) Japanese Yomiuri News: http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/world/news/...OYT1T00541.htm Reactions are a bit troubling from all sides. |
05-20-2010, 12:06 PM
韓国海軍の船と民間船は構造や、使われてる技術は大体 同じと聞いた。もしそれが事実だったら北朝鮮からの攻 撃じゃなくて、強烈な波とかの外部からの衝撃が原因じ ゃないかなと。それが本当の原因だったら、今まで韓国 が売ってきた世界中の船を無料で修理、点検しないとい かなくなって、そんな金用意出来ないから、他の原因を でっち上げても納得出来る。世界中、不況でどっかで戦 争が起こるのを望んでるし。自分達の為なら"本当の原� �な んてどうでも良い。"んだからさ。
まああくまでも仮定を基にした推測だから、落書きレベ ルの信憑性って事で。 |
05-22-2010, 12:12 AM
South Korea is in bit of a rock and a hard place and cant do much.
On the one hand, North Korea just took out one of its ships and murdered some of its servicemen. On the other hand they dont want to escalate the situation for fear of war. North Korea dont want a war either because the simple fact is that it would be a suicidal move by the regime so all this rhetoric is just that. |
05-22-2010, 12:23 AM
Word within the US Surface Warfare Officer community is that there are inconsistencies that don't make much sense if DPRK really had sunk the ship.
Of particular interest is the reports of how many pieces the RoK has of the torpedo, and how they traced the serial numbers. According to various officers who serve as and have served as WEPS (weapons officer aboard USN ships) if the torpedo really did what it was supposed to have done, it would have been far too damaged to provide such clear cut evidence. By and large most SWOs I talk to (some commanders and captains) don't think the report is accurate. |
05-22-2010, 01:20 AM
There wouldn't be a war because:
1. The South Korean public is already frustrated against the "El Presidente". 2. Too many officers in the South Korean Navy are already frustrated against the government. A military coup would be a better possibility. 3. Potential civil riots in every major city against the government and the US military establishments. (See the current riots in Thailand with more dose of bloodshed) North Korea doesn't need a war. North Korea can always hope to brew civil riots and anti-governmental demos down south. Quote:
The funniest thing I heard in a while is that the government reports claim that the marker marking is a handwriting style of "North Korea" (北韓体), which is coincidentally a common handwriting for many middle age South Koreans. |
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