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(#1 (permalink))
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ラブソング de 日本語を! - 01-01-2009, 01:25 AM

JFのみなさん、あけましておめでとうございます!今年� ��よろしくお願いいたします。

Title says it all. I just didn't want my first post of the new year to be one of grammar explanations. We will post links to nice songs and their lyrics in Japanese (not in romaji). We can discuss the lyrics if needs to be. I will only post those with lyrics that make sense that I feel will help you learn Japanese.

This one is entitled 「さよなら大好きな人」 by 花*花 (read "hana hana").

さよなら大好(だいす)きな人(ひと) さよなら大好 きな人 まだ大好きな人
くやしいよとても 悲(かな)しいよとても
もうかえってこない それでも私の大好きな人
何(なに)もかも忘(わす)れられない 何もかも捨( す)てきれない
こんな自分(じぶん)がみじめで 弱(よわ)くてかわ いそうで大きらい

さよなら大好きな人 さよなら大好きな人 ずっと大好 きな人

泣(な)かないよ 今は 泣かないで 今は
心(こころ)はなれていく それでも私の大好きな人

最後(さいご)だと言(い)いきかせて 最後まで言い きかせて
涙(なみだ)よ止(と)まれ さいごに笑顔(えがお) を覚(おぼ)えておくため

さよなら大好きな人 さよなら大好きな人 ずっと大好 きな人
ずっとずっと 大好きな人 
ずっとずっとずっと 大好きな人
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(#2 (permalink))
Harold (Offline)
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01-01-2009, 03:37 AM

Originally Posted by Nagoyankee View Post
JFのみなさん、あけましておめでとうございます!今年� ��よろしくお願いいたします。

Title says it all. I just didn't want my first post of the new year to be one of grammar explanations. We will post links to nice songs and their lyrics in Japanese (not in romaji). We can discuss the lyrics if needs to be. I will only post those with lyrics that make sense that I feel will help you learn Japanese.

This one is entitled 「さよなら大好きな人」 by 花*花 (read "hana hana").

さよなら大好(だいす)きな人(ひと) さよなら大好 きな人 まだ大好きな人
くやしいよとても 悲(かな)しいよとても
もうかえってこない それでも私の大好きな人
何(なに)もかも忘(わす)れられない 何もかも捨( す)てきれない
こんな自分(じぶん)がみじめで 弱(よわ)くてかわ いそうで大きらい

さよなら大好きな人 さよなら大好きな人 ずっと大好 きな人

泣(な)かないよ 今は 泣かないで 今は
心(こころ)はなれていく それでも私の大好きな人

最後(さいご)だと言(い)いきかせて 最後まで言い きかせて
涙(なみだ)よ止(と)まれ さいごに笑顔(えがお) を覚(おぼ)えておくため

さよなら大好きな人 さよなら大好きな人 ずっと大好 きな人
ずっとずっと 大好きな人 
ずっとずっとずっと 大好きな人
_________________________ ___

This is such a good idea for a topic! 返信したら、日本語でポストしましょか?

I think the song you posted is very easy to understand but it's kind of sad .

沖縄           My blog
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(#3 (permalink))
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01-01-2009, 06:02 AM

Originally Posted by Harold View Post
This is such a good idea for a topic! 返信したら、日本語でポストしましょか?

I think the song you posted is very easy to understand but it's kind of sad .
さっそくポストしてくれてありがとう!ポストは日本語 でも英語でもいいと思います。できるだけ多くの人に来 てほしいから。

(Let us post in either language. The more people coming in here, the better.)

It's true I selected a sad song for a starter. I chose it for the simplicity in its lyrics in hopes of making the purpose of the thread clear. I personally would like tio avoid posting those Japanese songs with so much (weird) English in them. The fact that this is a Language thread rather than a Music one is the key point. If people can study some Japanese away from their textbooks and find a song or two that they like, it'll be a rare win-win situation on JF.
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(#4 (permalink))
Harold (Offline)
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01-01-2009, 06:43 AM

Originally Posted by Nagoyankee View Post
さっそくポストしてくれてありがとう!ポストは日本語 でも英語でもいいと思います。できるだけ多くの人に来 てほしいから。

(Let us post in either language. The more people coming in here, the better.)

It's true I selected a sad song for a starter. I chose it for the simplicity in its lyrics in hopes of making the purpose of the thread clear. I personally would like tio avoid posting those Japanese songs with so much (weird) English in them. The fact that this is a Language thread rather than a Music one is the key point. If people can study some Japanese away from their textbooks and find a song or two that they like, it'll be a rare win-win situation on JF.
質問があったら、1つのポストおきに日本語で書こうと 思います。僕の上のポストはほとんど英語なので、今回 は日本語で書きます〜

これは質問なのですが:この一行「最後だと言いきかせ て 最後まで言いきかせての」の「言いきかせて」はど ういう意味ですか?「自分(歌手)に言いきかせて」って� ��う意味か「あなた(曲の”大好きな人”)に言いきか� ��て」?

ところで、あけましておめでとう!さっきにテキサスは 2009年に入りました!

沖縄           My blog
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(#5 (permalink))
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01-01-2009, 06:46 AM

Originally Posted by Nagoyankee View Post
JFのみなさん、あけましておめでとうございます!今年� ��よろしくお願いいたします。

Title says it all. I just didn't want my first post of the new year to be one of grammar explanations. We will post links to nice songs and their lyrics in Japanese (not in romaji). We can discuss the lyrics if needs to be. I will only post those with lyrics that make sense that I feel will help you learn Japanese.

This one is entitled 「さよなら大好きな人」 by 花*花 (read "hana hana").

さよなら大好(だいす)きな人(ひと) さよなら大好 きな人 まだ大好きな人
くやしいよとても 悲(かな)しいよとても
もうかえってこない それでも私の大好きな人
何(なに)もかも忘(わす)れられない 何もかも捨( す)てきれない
こんな自分(じぶん)がみじめで 弱(よわ)くてかわ いそうで大きらい

さよなら大好きな人 さよなら大好きな人 ずっと大好 きな人

泣(な)かないよ 今は 泣かないで 今は
心(こころ)はなれていく それでも私の大好きな人

最後(さいご)だと言(い)いきかせて 最後まで言い きかせて
涙(なみだ)よ止(と)まれ さいごに笑顔(えがお) を覚(おぼ)えておくため

さよなら大好きな人 さよなら大好きな人 ずっと大好 きな人
ずっとずっと 大好きな人 
ずっとずっとずっと 大好きな人
_________________________ ___

あげましておめでとう!今年もJF でよろしくね、Nagoyankee さん、Harold さん。
これはいい曲ですね。メロディーは素敵です。でもなん か悲しみ...

You know what, this is how I learn 平仮名 & 片仮名 - by listening to Japanese songs and staring at the lyrics even I can't read them! Gradually I learned them without painful memorizaion!

This is a pretty simple lyrics, but I still have some grammar questions.... (Yes I am still a dummy)

何(なに)もかも忘(わす)れられない 何もかも捨(す)てきれない
I know なにもかも means everything and anything, is it the same as 全て?

When an adjective connects with a そう、it means "it looks like... " right?
おいしい -> delicious
美味しいそう -> it looks delicious
こんな自分(じぶん)がみじめで 弱(よわ)くてかわ いそうで大きらい
so if I am correct, this sentence means "I hate myself being such miserable, weak and pathetic"? but I don't quite understand why it's で not が or に

なれて means 慣れる = get used to and the いくmeans "going to"
(so the whole sentence means "I am getting used to be without you, but you are still my 大好きな人" ?)

最後(さいご)だと言(い)いきかせて 最後まで言い きかせて
言い聞かせる means to tell someone to do something, so what's the difference between 最後だと言い聞かせて (You told me it's the end?)、最後まで言い聞かせて?

涙(なみだ)よ止(と)まれ さいごに笑顔(えがお) を覚(おぼ)えておくため

I don't understand 覚(おぼ)えておくため here。Is おく = 置く?
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(#6 (permalink))
Harold (Offline)
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01-01-2009, 07:13 AM

Originally Posted by berrypie View Post
あげましておめでとう!今年もJF でよろしくね、Nagoyankee さん、Harold さん。
これはいい曲ですね。メロディーは素敵です。でもなん か悲しみ...

You know what, this is how I learn 平仮名 & 片仮名 - by listening to Japanese songs and staring at the lyrics even I can't read them! Gradually I learned them without painful memorizaion!

This is a pretty simple lyrics, but I still have some grammar questions.... (Yes I am still a dummy)

何(なに)もかも忘(わす)れられない 何もかも捨(す)てきれない
I know なにもかも means everything and anything, is it the same as 全て?

When an adjective connects with a そう、it means "it looks like... " right?
おいしい -> delicious
美味しいそう -> it looks delicious
こんな自分(じぶん)がみじめで 弱(よわ)くてかわ いそうで大きらい
so if I am correct, this sentence means "I hate myself being such miserable, weak and pathetic"? but I don't quite understand why it's で not が or に

なれて means 慣れる = get used to and the いくmeans "going to"
(so the whole sentence means "I am getting used to be without you, but you are still my 大好きな人" ?)

最後(さいご)だと言(い)いきかせて 最後まで言い きかせて
言い聞かせる means to tell someone to do something, so what's the difference between 最後だと言い聞かせて (You told me it's the end?)、最後まで言い聞かせて?

涙(なみだ)よ止(と)まれ さいごに笑顔(えがお) を覚(おぼ)えておくため

I don't understand 覚(おぼ)えておくため here。Is おく = 置く?
I don't know if you can translate the negative version of なにもかも to something in English like the positive form... I guess you could say "I can't forget one bit of anything" here.

Correct about the そう usage. But that's not how it is used here.

The で there functions as like the connector between hate and the reasons why the singer hates themselves. It operates as the "for" in the translated sentence here:

こんな自分(じぶん)がみじめで 弱(よわ)くてかわ いそう大きらい
= I hate myself for being miserable, weak, and pathetic.

The song says "kokoro hanarete iku" NOT "kokoro wa narete iku"
So the actual verb here is 離れる NOT 慣れる. So the sentence can be translated as "Although our hearts will part, you'll still be my love"

I'm not sure about this question about 言いきかせて. I asked about it myself because I don't know who it is directed to.

The oku here acts as a reference to the future, sort of. It has the meaning of like doing it right away for some sort of important reason. Here is a good explanation (it's where I learned it).

覚えておくため = "so that I can remember (it)"

Hope this helped...

沖縄           My blog
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(#7 (permalink))
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01-01-2009, 08:36 AM

Originally Posted by Harold View Post
質問があったら、1つのポストおきに日本語で書こうと 思います。僕の上のポストはほとんど英語なので、今回 は日本語で書きます〜

これは質問なのですが:この一行「最後だと言いきかせ て 最後まで言いきかせての」の「言いきかせて」はど ういう意味ですか?「自分(歌手)に言いきかせて」って� ��う意味か「あなた(曲の”大好きな人”)に言いきか� ��て」?

ところで、あけましておめでとう!さっきにテキサスは 2009年に入りました!

「言いきかせる」は「説明して理解させる」っていう意 味です。英語では to tell, to persuade になるかな。この歌では「自分自身に言いきかせて」という意味で使われています。分かりますか。She's trying to persuade herself that this love has ended って感じなんですね。
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01-01-2009, 08:50 AM


Last edited by Nagoyankee : 01-01-2009 at 08:54 AM.
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(#9 (permalink))
Harold (Offline)
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01-02-2009, 03:41 AM

Originally Posted by Nagoyankee View Post

「言いきかせる」は「説明して理解させる」っていう意 味です。英語では to tell, to persuade になるかな。この歌では「自分自身に言いきかせて」という意味で使われています。分かりますか。She's trying to persuade herself that this love has ended って感じなんですね。
ああ!そんなの意味ですか。分かりますよ!ありがとう !

この曲について調べて2000年に作った曲であること を読みました。ちょっと古いですね。発表の時は、僕は 9歳でした。すごいでしょ。時はなんて早く過ぎるんで� �!

沖縄           My blog
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(#10 (permalink))
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01-02-2009, 06:03 AM

Originally Posted by Harold View Post
The song says "kokoro hanarete iku" NOT "kokoro wa narete iku"
So the actual verb here is 離れる NOT 慣れる. So the sentence can be translated as "Although our hearts will part, you'll still be my love"

The oku here acts as a reference to the future, sort of. It has the meaning of like doing it right away for some sort of important reason. Here is a good explanation (it's where I learned it).

覚えておくため = "so that I can remember (it)"
Hm.... so both いく and おくcan be used for future tense?
verb in て form + いくmeans "going to do something" right? How about おく? After reading the webpage that you gave me, it seems like verb in てform + おく = will do something. Can they be interchanged?

Originally Posted by Harold View Post
I'm not sure about this question about 言いきかせて. I asked about it myself because I don't know who it is directed to.
I know the meaning of 言い聞かせて。But I am not quite sure what does it exactly mean in 最後だと言い聞かせて & 最後まで言い聞かせて。

The first one means "I told myself that it's the end" and how about the second one? I know 最後まで measn "until the end"

Thank you for explaining it in details! Harold さん!
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