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Japanese Help Questions/Translations - 01-15-2007, 07:19 PM

I've noticed a lot of "Help me with Japanese" and "Would you translate this for me" Threads and I thought that it would be so much easier (not to mention the amount of time looking for a certain question would be cut in half) if every one would post their Japanese related questions here. I myself am fairly proficient in Japanese and would be more than happy to help any one. I'm sure that any other JF member who is skilled in Japanese can help as well.

Good luck and happy posting/translating

"To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love. But then, one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer."

Last edited by Kuroneko : 01-15-2007 at 08:21 PM. Reason: No hits
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02-01-2011, 04:52 AM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
目つきが悪い = to have a sinister/evil/criminal look. It is NOT about just eyes.

なんねぇかな (Kanto tough guy speech) < ならないかな

"Wonder if he isn't going to have a sinister look (like me)."
Thanks Masaegu, gotta love tough guy speech :/
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02-01-2011, 07:37 AM

masaegu thank you for your answer

Yes it is an animation.
Sorry I probably should have mentioned that.

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
~~とはいかない means "Something may be good enough for a replacement if not as ideal as ~~."

You may want to re-learn the particle とは, which I assure you is a weak point for Japanese learners. いく is such an important verb as well, especially when it's written in kana. If someone thinks it just means "to go", that someone hasn't even started studying Japanese. I am not kidding here.

Here いく means "to reach (or to be) at a satisfactory level".
Actually my translation of "It's not a wolfman or mummy" was supposed to carry the same kind of meaning as the translation you just gave me, but I can see now that writing my translation as just "It's not a wolfman or mummy" doesn't exactly get the message across.

I should have written my whole translation of something like:
"It's not a wolfman or mummy but it's still someone we can play cards with"

Perhaps my own translation could still use some work (I am trying to get better at translation now) but I'm glad to see I was thinking correctly

Thank you for taking the time to answer my question!
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02-01-2011, 03:48 PM

Okay, it's time to feel nerdy. I'm reading a 少年マンガ so magic powers stuff is kinda inevitable :/

In this story BF protagonist guy is a hit man who can steal people's luck by touching them which causes the victim to die of some horrible freak accident. Now his baby is having all sorts of bad things happen to her on a regular basis.
He says;
"Something is clearly wrong with Karin"
「風邪だけじゃねぇ しょっちゅう何かが落ちて来たり ぶつかったり・・・小さな傷だらけだ」
"It's not just a cold; something always falls on her or bumps into her... she's covered in little scrapes and bruises"
The part in bold is where I have trouble. I know he's saying 'It's like she's had her luck stolen by me' but I can't quite put my finger on its entire meaning.
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02-01-2011, 04:08 PM

Originally Posted by StonerPenguin View Post
Okay, it's time to feel nerdy. I'm reading a 少年マンガ so magic powers stuff is kinda inevitable :/

In this story BF protagonist guy is a hit man who can steal people's luck by touching them which causes the victim to die of some horrible freak accident. Now his baby is having all sorts of bad things happen to her on a regular basis.
He says;
"Something is clearly wrong with Karin"
「風邪だけじゃねぇ しょっちゅう何かが落ちて来たり ぶつかったり・・・小さな傷だらけだ」
"It's not just a cold; something always falls on her or bumps into her... she's covered in little scrapes and bruises"
The part in bold is where I have trouble. I know he's saying 'It's like she's had her luck stolen by me' but I can't quite put my finger on its entire meaning.
You may be thinking too hard here. It is pretty straightforward unless the larger context proves what I'm going to say wrong.

"things continue to happen (to her)". Right?

Now what things? --> 「オレに運を奪われた後みたいなことばかり」
---> "only the things that would happen (to someone) after his/her luck has been stolen by me".

"It's like only the bad things that happen to someone whose luck I have stolen keep happening to her."
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LaiJH (Offline)
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02-01-2011, 06:35 PM

hi, what's the meaning of 神崎 and 金崎, and how do you pronounce them?

thank you

Last edited by LaiJH : 02-01-2011 at 06:44 PM.
(#7 (permalink))
MasterfuliMouto (Offline)
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02-01-2011, 06:59 PM

This might be hard to follow since nobody here will understand the context.
I hope that it can be translated as quick and to the best of the translators ability as possible.

MGOver.1.36情報(今のとこ大した情報は無し)先日のMGO ルーキーキャンプで「2月にver.1.36にアップデート」との 告知がありました。
「バランスの調整」と「若干の追加要素」があるようで す。

そこで「こんな情報見かけたぜ!」とか「こんなのがあ ったらいいな」みたいなのを気軽に書き込んじゃってく ださい!

それにしても本当はもっと早くに出来るバージョンアッ プだったんでしょうけど、クソLSのせいでここまで遅く� ��ったと思うと残念ですね。
I can actually understand quite a bit but run into a good amount of derailing kanji consistently within a single sentence. Thought it'd be better to seek assistance than to make educated guesses or study kanji, since many people are waiting for this translation and I don't want them to die of suspense in the mean time.

Thank you
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02-01-2011, 08:23 PM

Okay, so I asked someone a question on twitter on why he posts many pictures of his food. He says this:


I don't get what he means. I'm guessing "載せる" means "to send out", but what does "載せたい" mean? Does that mean to not send out? Also, the next thing he says is "から", which means "because" I think. Did he just not understand what I said or something? Is he saying something like "just because..."?

So I'd appreciate it if someone could tell me what this means. Thanks.
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02-01-2011, 09:12 PM

1. 載せる here means "to publish"
2. 〜たい indicates "to want to [DO THE VERB]"
3. から is indeed "because"

"because I wanna publish them"

Or, to update it for the medium,

"because I wanna tweet them"

A brief lesson on 〜たい form:
食べるー>たべ+たいー>食べたい "to want to eat"
変えるー>かえ+たいー>変えたい "to want to change"

飲むー>のみ+たいー>飲みたい "to want to drink"
帰るー>かえり+たいー>帰りたい "to want to return [home]"

するー>したい "to want to do"
来るー>来たい "to want to come"

Last edited by KyleGoetz : 02-01-2011 at 09:15 PM.
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02-01-2011, 11:18 PM

Originally Posted by LaiJH View Post
hi, what's the meaning of 神崎 and 金崎, and how do you pronounce them?
That Japanese family names have meanings is mostly a myth. Most don't have a meaning that makes any sense. Each kanji used in a name, however, has a meaning.

神崎 is usually pronounced かんざき and there may be families where it's pronounced かみさき or かみざき.

金崎 is pronounced かねさき or かねざき.

Now meanings:
神 = God
崎 = a steep mountain path
金 = gold, money

This should explain my own first sentence above.

Last edited by masaegu : 08-24-2011 at 12:27 PM.
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