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03-11-2008, 05:23 PM
If I told you I knew the answer, then I'd be lying... I have no Idea how our brain works, but I believe it decifers it because we don't even know if what I see as blue is what you see as blue... Does that make sense? ie. The colour that I see as being blue, might not be the same colour as you see being blue, but even then we still call it the same colour...
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03-11-2008, 10:20 PM
You'll have to forgive the highly technical and brain-murdering quote here...
Translation: Every cell in your body is aware of every other cell on a quantum level. They're all aware of what the others are doing. Because they are constantly in such rapport, transmission of information is instantaneous. This of course makes more sense than having all your cells rely on chemical messengers and electrical signals to carry messages throughout the nervous system--such a process is simply too slow. Interpretation: Since your whole being is talking to itself in an instantaneous fashion, the very microsecond that you put your hand on a burner and damage occurs, your nervous system knows it, even if you consciously don't. You jerk your hand away to stop the damage to your system, and THEN you think about it. Again, don't mistake awareness for consiousness. I can be aware of being watched, even if I don't consciously know of anyone in the vicinity. Playing Halo, I can react to an enemy popping out in front of me and not realize that I had an appropriate reaction until seconds later. Sparring, I block a punch and throw a counter without actually thinking about it. This is all because I am aware of what's around me as it's happening. I don't have to think about it to be aware of it. That means I agree with you that thought takes time, but thought isn't the only thing your nervous system accomplishes. The quote that I gave is a tiny tiny portion of that paper. The whole paper is really brainy and a little difficult to follow, but I recommend you read it. Apparently, the people that did the experiments and wrote the paper are all very highly credited and credible, so I wouldn't outright dispute what they say just because you heard it from me, if I were you. Void sounds like a very confusing thing... Perhaps it is something like this: Quote:
In that article, he also talks about "bioelectric fields" as being the same thing as "Chi energy" or an "aura". You can read it, this one's not very long nor is it as brainy as the first article. Some food for thought. It's still making me do mental gymnastics, so have fun XD ^_^; . If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if you actually make them think, they'll hate you. ~Don Marquis Quote:
03-12-2008, 03:04 AM
Hmm, see it sounded to me like we were talking about perception. All that stuff about how it takes time for information to go from your eyes to your brain, then to be interpreted by your brain, then for you to think about what to do about it, etc.
What you said was that our consciousness is about a second behind reality because it takes time for our consciousness to percieve, and so we can never truly experience "reality". That's incorrect. Perception is instant. We live in reality. Our minds know reality. What they do with respect to reality is what takes time. So, yes, ordered process is necessary. Here it is: perception, reaction, analysis, reasoning, decision-making. Perceptiong being instantaneous, reaction very fast, and the rest proceeding relatively slowly. All cells were included in his statements. Basically because you can take one cell from anywhere in the body and make a carbon-copy of the original (cloning)."Instant" means just that--the instant that something happens within your perceptive "area", you percieve it in the same instant, even if you haven't consciously noticed it. This is how those tv magic tricks where you pick a face out of a bunch of faces and the guy says which face you're thinking about work. They have a person, whose face appears in the choices, standing in the camera background where you don't really notice him, but you percieve that he's there and your consciouss mind selects the face from all the others that seems most... "near", I guess. Anyway, instant is a literal term in this instance. And I said that I agree with you that consiouss thought takes time, but that's about all that takes time. If you were talking about the process of analyzing, reasoning, and sorting something in your head (consciouss thought), then you should have made that more clear. The notion that our every experience is only lived because of memory, or every perception experience because we remember experiencing it before, is ludicrous. That creates a chicken/egg paradox! "Wait, you have to have memory to have experience, but you have to have experience to have memory?!" You said something about the process of recording experiences begins in the womb. This is possible, but in the womb, you can't see anything, you don't understand what's happening in the outside world (you don't know you're in a car or that your mother is watching tv and not talking to another person). Maybe it's just the concept is both hard to explain and hard to grasp, but so far what you've said about consciousness makes no sense.... None of what I've said or what the experts said invalidates what you're always trying so hard to explain to me. All it does is force you to reevaluate and revise. Philosophy is supposed to be self-correcting, just like science. Not that I'm saying that any of the data I presented is true--it's theoretical right now, heavily substantiated etc., but not guarenteed to be truth. So you can discard it if you wish, though I myself would not. *sigh* I know I'm frustrating you, Tenchu-senpai. Honestly, I don't mean to!!! I'm trying to understand what you're telling me, but I'm also trying to make sure it fits with what I understand of the world. So if you're really sick of this discussion, you may end it if you wish, but I'll be left hanging ^_^; . If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if you actually make them think, they'll hate you. ~Don Marquis Quote:
03-12-2008, 07:58 AM
Tenchu, you know, I forgot to write this earlier... If you wanna be philosophical about this... Then nothing is instantaneous anyway... Even if our brain realised things instantaneously, it didn't happen just then... It also takes time for light to bounce off objects and then to reach your eyes, it also takes time for sound to travel to your ears etc.
What I don't understand is why this is important? You do realise that things in our body and cells happen at the speed of light right? Once we touch something cold, the message gets sent to our brains at the speed of light also... So there is nothing closer to a instantaneous than something travelling at the speed of light... Can you explain why this is relevant to Bushido. To me, this is just being philosophical and means nothing. |
03-13-2008, 02:47 AM
i would have to say ninja is based more on tactis like speed and stealth and have short equipment for easier killing and already have strategy for what
they do and since samurai would be basically a front to front fighters and are weighed down by all the clothes and armor and have swords for long distance and in this situtation i would say ninja . Since they are both different types of groups with different skills and i guess it would depend on the type of situation they are in . |
03-13-2008, 08:11 AM
03-13-2008, 03:15 PM
![]() I get what you're saying now apart from the heart/spirit thing... I don't think I could understand that unless I think of the heart and the brain having different "thoughts" per se... |
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