Originally Posted by laurengl88
I haven't seen all the way up to the end of Inuyasha yet, but from what I understand, the final episode never got translated out of Japanese. I might be wrong here, but they were apparently one episode away from totally beating Naraku. I have a friend who's watched all the translated episodes, thought that it didn't feel like it ended, investigated, and found that out...
Ehh, I don't think that's true. The anime has ended 100%. There is no defeating Naraku, everyone just goes home.
From what I hear, the manga keeps going, not to disrespect the author, but I honestly think she's just BSing it because she can't think of a way to end it, or because she wants to milk the series, I do believe she announced it was on the final set though, so it should be ending some time this year, depending on how far apart each new chapter release is.