looking for info on Tezuka beating by US troops -
02-28-2012, 06:18 PM
I've been at this for a while trying to identify where the U.S. soldiers who beat up Osamu Tezuka (astro boy, Kimba) came from.
So far from what I've gathered they may have come from the 1st Battalion, 123rd Regiment of the US 33rd Infantry Division under the command of Colonel Paul Serff. The 1st Battalion was based in takarazuka on the West bank of the Mako River between Takarazuka City Hall and the Minamiguchi train station from september 1945 to March 1946.
Tezuka's account had 1 black soldier and 3 white soldiers, it was 2 of the 3 whites who beat him up with the black soldier stepping in to stop it. I thought it would be interesting to look into the history since Tezuka always considered this a moment that shaped his thinking.
USN Japan 1985 - 1997, best years of my life.