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(#51 (permalink))
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06-10-2008, 09:13 PM

i buy all my mangas but does that mean i have to stop watching all my japanese animes only showing in japan and wait till i can buy then?

Don't kill yourself
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(#52 (permalink))
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06-10-2008, 09:49 PM

I think when it comes to downloading Anime you can't say it's 100% right or 100% wrong, you've got to use common sense.

I downloaded Monster, and because I downloaded it I bought the manga and will buy the anime if they ever release it.

I downloaded the whole of Ergo Proxy, but after I saw a few episodes I knew that I liked it, I deleted it and bought the DVDs instead.

Other anime I download, watch a couple of episodes, think it's rubbish, delete it and then don't buy it. So basically what I'm left with is stuff that hasn't been released yet.

I can understand that people don't have much money, but there are some very cheap box sets out there, and if one of them is a series which you've downloaded and enjoy then why not buy it? (Look on Amazon, if you've not got a credit card I'm sure your parents can use theirs)

In fact there's so many cheap films and boxsets out there that I don't think people can say "If I don't download it I'll be starved of anime". Ok you'll be deprived of a particular series you want to watch but it's like saying "If I don't have a porsche I can't get to work" You don't have to steal a porsche, you can buy a moped instead.

Last edited by Haggis : 06-10-2008 at 09:59 PM.
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(#53 (permalink))
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06-10-2008, 10:10 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
TokyoPop, the largest manga seller in the US just announced they are revamping, meaning they are cutting over 1/3 of their staff and the volume of manga they release will be cut by 50%

Late last year Geneon, America's largest anime publisher went out of business.

ADV, America's second largest anime publisher is on the brink of doing the same.

If you read or watch anime or mange free online...please stop.

It's a delicate industry, and if everyone who stole things for free off the Internet actually got their fix through legitimate sources, I am sure this wouldn't be happening.

Next time you decided to read a manga online or watch a stream of a licensed anime, think about those people that lost their jobs partially because you were too lazy to shell out a few bucks to pay for their hard work.
D: Geneon went out of business?! NUUU! They had some of mah favorite anime!!!! BAD INTERNET WATCHING PEOPLE! I will stop watching stuff on teh internet! Nuuu! I is sad now.... Geneon was mah favorite ;-;

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(#54 (permalink))
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06-10-2008, 10:12 PM

Originally Posted by Fumouffu View Post
Yuh, it does suck that some of those companies are closing down but there's nothing you can really do about it.
I just explained exactly what you can do about it.

Originally Posted by Fumouffu View Post
I'm sure if people mentioned it before people wouldn't mind donating or buying things from the company. But there are places where people CAN'T buy their anime or manga.. you have to think about that too.
If you can steal it off the Internet that means you can buy it off the Internet.

Originally Posted by Fumouffu View Post
You're pretty much telling those people that they can't read anymore manga or watch anymore anime so you guys can keep buying yours.
We are all on the same team. Let's say there is a candy store and half of the people go and buy their candy there, and the other half go and shoplift thier candy. Then the store says "If people don't stop stealing, we won't be able to afford to stay open." So as a customer, I am asking the shoplifters to stop stealing, because when the store closes, guess what. No more candy for ANYONE.

Originally Posted by Fumouffu View Post
I think cutting the prices would help a lot too. I own many manga and all together that's hundreds and hundreds of dollars.. 10 volumes = $100. And DvDs are around $15-30 each. There's also people like the xGatck person who really wouldn't want to spend money on seeing dubbed versions of anime and would like to see the original Japanese.
Cutting down on stealing would also bring prices down.

And rare is the anime release that is only dubbed, and not subbed. Actually now companies like RightStuf are doing some ONLY subbed versions.

Originally Posted by Fumouffu View Post
Not only that, you're asking thousands and thousands of people to cut back which would be very impossible.. (Sorry, but it's true.) Not only that why not complain about the people who illegally download their music?
"He stole candy, so it's OK for me to, too". Is that the argument?

The reason I am talking about anime and manga stealing is because 1) this is an anime and manga forum and 2) it is the industry I work in.

A manga only hopes to sell 10,000 copies if it is lucky, so if "thousands and thousands" are stealing those manga, that is incredibly damagaing to the industry.

Originally Posted by Fumouffu View Post
What about them? Don't you think the artists here in America and the C.D. stores deserve some complaining too? Illegal downloading is everywhere, we can't stop it.
Some people can't get their stuff.. and people have realized that.(Which is why they have free manga in the first place.)
There is no free manga. Illegal downloading is everywhere, and it is damaging the music industry as well as the anime and manga industry.

You have no argument. You can't defend stealing.

Originally Posted by Fumouffu View Post
You can't make two sides happy. You're hurting the readers by trying to save the companies. I see what you're saying but it kind of hurts me when I'm seeing only this one-sided thing.. yuh it would be good for companies but what about the other people? Do you not care for them?
Anyhow, good luck trying to stop people from downloading anime and manga. Doing the impossible is pretty hard. D:
Are you blind? Did you read my first post.

Anime and manga publishers are not Exxon and Shell. They aren't putting up billions in profits and sapping you of all your precious cash. This isn't the industry VERSUS the fans. People who steal aren't fans, because they don't give a crap about the people that spend their hard work making awesome stories and bringing them into English. Look: The number one anime company in the US went out of business. Number 2 is about to. The number 1 manga company just fired 40% of it's staff. Is this getting into your head at all? TokyoPop has already cut 80 volumes for release this year, and a ton more scheduled for next year.

I don't know how to say it any simpler: Real fans don't steal. Those who steal are hurting everyone else.

Last edited by MMM : 06-10-2008 at 10:46 PM.
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(#55 (permalink))
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06-10-2008, 10:28 PM

Originally Posted by Fumouffu View Post
But there's some people who can't buy anything, which is the sad thing. And some people don't have the money to get the mangas. I mean to some people 10 dollars is a lot, you should take that into consideration too.
Go to the library. Go to a friends house. Start an manga club and share with each other. half.com and even amazon usually sell for much less than the cover price. Birthdays, Christmas, there are all kinds of ways to get anime without stealing.

Originally Posted by Fumouffu View Post
And it's not that I'm saying we should KEEP doing it just to HURT the company.. I was only stating that it actually hurt the readers too and that it's kind of hard to save both the readers and the company.
I wish I could afford to drink Dom Perignon in a jacuzzi every night. But I can't. That's life. That doesn't give me the right to steal to get my fix.

Read closely: No company = no readers. You either support your favorite publishers or you hurt them.

Originally Posted by Fumouffu View Post
I feel pretty horrible about the company AND the readers. But it seems that everyone is just sad about the company and not the readers.
I feel terrible for real fans who spend their hard-earned money when thieves who steal the books online force series to be cancelled in the middle of the story and pulishing houses to shut down.

Originally Posted by Fumouffu View Post
I think maybe you guys could at least see how it hurts the readers too and try and do something about it. ]:
What do you think this whole thread is about?!?

Originally Posted by Fumouffu View Post
So please read the post over before assuming the worse. And try and think about the readers just a little bit at least? That's all I'm asking. People seem to just and only worry about the companies because the companies give them what they want.
Without real fans, there would be no companies. Of course the companies support the fans. Don't make them sound evil. Fans should do everything they can to support the industry. Why? More titles. More volume.

Originally Posted by Fumouffu View Post
"Companies gives us anime! So we're going to worry about the companies! Readers take away our companies! Darn you readeeers! Ebil ebil, ban, ban! Readers do nothing for us so we're not going to worry about them!" Is how it seems like you're saying. D: Please care for other people too..
Companies bend over backwards to support real fans. Those are fans who understand that to ensure the survival of their favorite publishers, they need to give support and get their products through legitimate means.

People who steal anime and manga off the internet aren't "readers" or fans. They are leeches.

That's not fair?

Think about it this way. Whenever you aren't sure if you are on the high moral ground or not, ask yourself "What if EVERYONE did X? Would the result be GOOD or BAD?"

What if everyone treated their neighbors with kindness? That would be good.

What if everyone told thier librarian they'd like to see more manga on the library shelves? That would be good.

Now what if everyone stole manga off the Internet instead of buying it or getting it through legitimate sources? If that happened the entire industry would be forced to shut down within a month. There would be no more manga for anyone.

There is no excuse for stealing manga over the Internet.


Originally Posted by Haggis View Post
I think when it comes to downloading Anime you can't say it's 100% right or 100% wrong, you've got to use common sense.
If it is a title that is licensed in your country, then it is 100% wrong.

Originally Posted by Haggis View Post
I downloaded Monster, and because I downloaded it I bought the manga and will buy the anime if they ever release it.
You did the right thing. (Great title, too)

Originally Posted by Haggis View Post
I downloaded the whole of Ergo Proxy, but after I saw a few episodes I knew that I liked it, I deleted it and bought the DVDs instead.
If everyone did that, there would be any problems. Unfortunately, most people don't do that.

Originally Posted by Haggis View Post
Other anime I download, watch a couple of episodes, think it's rubbish, delete it and then don't buy it. So basically what I'm left with is stuff that hasn't been released yet.
Haggis, you are like that guy that can use heroin, and then just stop because he doesn't feel like taking it any more. Unfortunately, you are in the extreme minority. Most people, once they start, can't stop.

Originally Posted by Haggis View Post
I can understand that people don't have much money, but there are some very cheap box sets out there, and if one of them is a series which you've downloaded and enjoy then why not buy it? (Look on Amazon, if you've not got a credit card I'm sure your parents can use theirs)

In fact there's so many cheap films and boxsets out there that I don't think people can say "If I don't download it I'll be starved of anime". Ok you'll be deprived of a particular series you want to watch but it's like saying "If I don't have a porsche I can't get to work" You don't have to steal a porsche, you can buy a moped instead.
Beautifully put.

Last edited by MMM : 06-10-2008 at 10:47 PM.
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(#56 (permalink))
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06-10-2008, 11:09 PM

Honestly, this subject really upsets me. Just because selfish anime fans download episodes, it's taking away from us all. So now those of us who get off our lazy ass and actually pay what we rightfully should are going to have to go without because others like stealing it.

If you like something there is always a price. Just one selfish person DLing it illegally will put many people at risk for loosing their jobs.

People disgust me. Money never goes to the people that deserve it.

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(#57 (permalink))
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06-10-2008, 11:59 PM

My main gripe about buying Anime is that it's a shame most dvds lack special features, (I just wouldn't have understood Boogiepop Phantom without listening to the audio commentary)

When you buy anime you obviously want more than what you can download off the internet. Films that are expected to sell well do usually make a bit of an effort, but then the companies can't spend a lot on special features if they don't get the sales in return. So I just think everyone loses out.
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(#58 (permalink))
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06-11-2008, 12:03 AM

True. I guess that's why special feature boxsets sell good. We do want features, but as you said, anime companies are running low on cash.

All in all, DLing on the internet is stealing no matter if it is more convient. Maybe if we paid for all we watched we could resurrect the falling anime empire?

Videogame junkie extraordinaire. I often need help getting snapped back into reality, so bare with me.
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(#59 (permalink))
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06-11-2008, 12:08 AM

Originally Posted by DesiredMess View Post
All in all, DLing on the internet is stealing no matter if it is more convient. Maybe if we paid for all we watched we could resurrect the falling anime empire?
It sure couldn't hurt!
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(#60 (permalink))
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06-11-2008, 12:09 AM

It would also help if original, subtitled versions were included as well. Some people prefer originals over dubs, or are more interested in originals over dubs.
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