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(#111 (permalink))
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anime - 03-08-2007, 01:57 AM

People who dont watch anime shouldnt even speak about it because they have no idea what they are talking about. I know some kids (in my class) that are extremely stupid. Some people think china is the onley countrie in asia or they must because they always ask "Why do you like chinese cartoons?" LOL! I kind of like it because it gives me a reason to laugh at how stupid they are behind there backs.
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(#112 (permalink))
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porn - 03-08-2007, 02:07 AM

Yes, my parents also think anime is porn. LOL! Some of my freinds borow manga from me and my parents think this is only because they want to see the nudity. They also think lum is a slut because of the way she dresses, COME ON SHE IS AN ONI! Alot of my freinds think she is a slut to! (besides if they realy were just reading it because they are perverts then they would probably just watch porn on the internet)

Oh and i hate it when people think Japan is poor just because yen isnt worth that much. Japan is one of the richest countrys in the world! They just print more money! People are soooooo stupid!
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(#113 (permalink))
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03-08-2007, 02:10 AM

In fact, Tokyo in Japan is one of the most technologically advanced cities in the world.. O_O

Yeah, I agree, people who don't even make an attempt to watch anime shouldn't even be classified as people who think differently.

Maybe your friends should learn a little gepgraphy, then maybe they won't associate Asia with China so much..? ^^

P.S. lol, i laugh in their faces XD

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(#114 (permalink))
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03-08-2007, 05:40 PM

Originally Posted by CoolNard View Post
Yeah, I agree, people who don't even make an attempt to watch anime shouldn't even be classified as people who think differently.
Well....obviously a person cannot be accused of being narrow-minded or unable to 'think differently' simply because they're not interested in manga/anime. However, the fact that some people think they know everything about manga/anime, even though they've never bothered to read/watch it, definitely makes them deserving of such accusations. (Sorry if it sounds like I'm "correcting" you I'm an incurable pedantic...)

As for the argument that anime is "pornographic" because of the way women are portrayed, I suppose I have to agree in some respects. Particularly in shounen (young boys) manga, the role of most female characters seems to be to 'cheer on' the male heroes and to look pretty and sexy. Even female characters that are unusually courageous and fearless, such as Temari from Naruto, tend to be oversexed, at least as far as looks are concerned.

Then again, characters like Temari tend to be very popular, particularly (and perhaps surprisingly) among female anime fans. Temari's physical and psychological characteristics, no matter how stereotyped, are obviously something that today's women strongly identify with. o.O


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(#115 (permalink))
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03-08-2007, 05:45 PM

Hmm... well, that depends on what they think. But i highly doubt they're usually right.. =/

Temari...? I currently find the females in Naruto shippuuden to be all well, flat.. -.-" No sexy curves or anything.. >_<"

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(#116 (permalink))
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03-09-2007, 03:24 PM

Originally Posted by CoolNard View Post
Temari...? I currently find the females in Naruto shippuuden to be all well, flat.. -.-" No sexy curves or anything.. >_<"
I'd say Temari is quite well-developed for her age (how old is she, fifteen, tops?). When she was first introduced as a character she was wearing a short skirt and thigh-long fishnet stockings - how appropriate for a young ninja... The point I'm trying to make is that even though female manga characters may hold the same title or practice the same profession (e.g. as ninjas in the Naruto universe) as their male counterparts, they are still, despite superficial appearances, viewed and treated as markedly different - this difference is usually expressed by sexualising their appearance and behaviour, or by turning them into helpless wimps so that the male characters can come and rescue them.

So when some people label anime/manga as "pornographic", what they're really complaining about, I believe, is the incessant stereotyping of female (and male) characters. The pornography label may be true, however it is also totally unfair, since manga/anime is in no way the only form of popular entertainment that makes use of stereotypes.

But heck, let's face it - stereotyped characters are entertaining. People (men and women alike) identify with them.This fact undeniably begs the question of how much society has really evolved when it comes to equality between the sexes, but that discussion does not really fit into this thread, I think.

Oops, I did it again *puts on Britney Spears and dances around the room* Another post of the bleeding eyes-kind. (I think I need medication.) Heh...


"It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." -from the film Coach Carter
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(#117 (permalink))
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03-09-2007, 03:49 PM

Originally Posted by kitski View Post
merli aka kitski says: so what's up kristi..(my friend)
kristi:aah nothin' much..eek what's that on your display?..wait is that a cartoon..?lol are you still watching them?..
merli says: what? nonononono it's not a cartoon pic..it's character from the anime called elfen lied..
kristi: ohh so what?..it's still a cartoon..come on grow up?

arghhhh...see? that's a discrimination..again
yeah i know how u feel .. some of my freinds would say the same so thats why i dont speak about it in school very much.. even one of my brother says to mee are u still watching thoses and its time to grow up etc... and i could be doing something more important than that

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(#118 (permalink))
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03-09-2007, 03:51 PM

Originally Posted by lehmki View Post
yeah i know how u feel .. some of my freinds would say the same so thats why i dont speak about it in school very much.. even one of my brother says to mee are u still watching thoses and its time to grow up etc... and i could be doing something more important than that
ehh....why can't people understand us

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(#119 (permalink))
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03-09-2007, 03:52 PM

Originally Posted by kitski View Post
ehh....why can't people understand us

Bro to CN and to Musashi
evil dentist shinigami captain who's reiatsu powers match Kenpachi and Ullriquora put together! to Aoshi
The cool old bro, who teases hes younger bro NIghtmare
Protective bro to curious_jane
Choco the family guardian
Teasing brother to wbslngr
Personal Bodyguard - Michieru
My pretty maid - Ayame90
and a very loyal butler - ImmortalFlare
Right Hand Mistress of Darkness-QuoyaNatsume
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(#120 (permalink))
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03-09-2007, 04:37 PM

Originally Posted by kitski View Post
merli aka kitski says: so what's up kristi..(my friend)
kristi:aah nothin' much..eek what's that on your display?..wait is that a cartoon..?lol are you still watching them?..
merli says: what? nonononono it's not a cartoon pic..it's character from the anime called elfen lied..
kristi: ohh so what?..it's still a cartoon..come on grow up?

arghhhh...see? that's a discrimination..again
If you show your friend the part with the gilr getting her head (psychically) removed I doubt they would say that again... I did some thing like that and my friend never criticized me again. lol

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