Originally Posted by MuRaSaKiiNkI
Yeah, it's crazy how American TV can take a Japanese show and completely edit it and censor it, taking out the whole meaning of the show and replacing it with their "rated-G" version. They probably didn't know it was about the man loving his teenage sister, and thought it was just about a good sibling relationship, and then cut out all the uncomfortable parts. This is why I don't watch anime on American TV anymore.
Yes, I think that's what happened.
Can you imagine Mom coming into the living room and asking her kids, "So, what are you watching?".
Kid answers, " It's a cartoon about a guy who loves his sister."
Mom, " That's sweet. You should learn and be nice to your sister too.
Except for the bizarreness of the topic, the Anime was pretty good. It reminded me of Adachi Mitsuru's Miyuki.