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05-03-2007, 04:04 AM

I kinda figured that silly buy, lolz. I know what you were talking about, I was reading everything

the real truth is often the one we dont want to hear
i am the tears that fall, you are the blood on my skin, we are mingled forever again, here we stand, hand in hand, but ill let go when my time has come, time for u to fly alone
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05-03-2007, 04:10 AM

Ooo..... I'm sooooo sorry, oh great Yuri Please find it in your noble self to pardon this ignorant fool ^___^ "

There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.
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05-03-2007, 04:11 AM

hehe, your not ignorant, I just didnt say anything, well...goodnight bro, I hope to talk to you soon, Im off to watch the telly and then go to bed.


the real truth is often the one we dont want to hear
i am the tears that fall, you are the blood on my skin, we are mingled forever again, here we stand, hand in hand, but ill let go when my time has come, time for u to fly alone
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05-03-2007, 04:14 AM

Nighty night, sis! Sweet dreamz!

There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.
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05-03-2007, 04:18 AM

Originally Posted by CoolNard View Post
Yeah, but I'm speaking from the perspective of people who don't know Light is in fact, Kira. They believe Light and Kira are two different people altogether.
Even if Kira and Light weren't the same person, Kira would still have known about it. Like you said, the police assumed he had access to their records. So there is no reason why Kira wouldn't have known about both kidnaps. I'd just like to point out that Kira isn't dumb. Having seen how he'd escaped conviction even though L had rigged his house with cameras once. Bear in mind it was L who was observing him, and L isn't exactly dumb as well. So Kira could have actually done it, using the assumption of the other characters that he isn't Light. Lol, if Kira can access to police files, finding out the location is child's play.
When I speak about Kira, I am also speaking as if Light wasn't indeed Kira. That he was just a detective trying to catch Kira. If Light wasn't Kira, then I think Kira wouldn't be half as good as he is. I mean lets face it, if Light didn't pick up that Death Note in the school yard, and another student did, Kira may have been caught alone time ago. But Light is a top student in his school, so if another top student grabbed it, then it's possible that he'd be good at hiding from the police. I don't know about you, but its a bit hard, and confusing for me, to talk about Kira doing things, and Kira wasn't Light. What do you mean L isn't exactly dumb? Watch it Yagami-kun.........

It's possible Kira didn't know about the kidnaps even if he did hack into police records. Police keep criminals in their records, I don't know about you, but I wouldn't make a note about my director being kidnapped. Alot of police stations have access to the same files, that is how the database grows, so I am almost sure they wouldn't enter in their director getting kidnapped. And I don't think they'd put in Sayu getting kidanpped either. They wouldn't want other police units in Japan to learn about the DN, or the fact that it is going to be traded for a girl. So this all goes back to my previous statement, that Light didn't kill Sayu because if he did, it would only put evidence against him, for being the Kira.

Originally Posted by CoolNard View Post

No, I meant my theory about L not existing and those stuff., if you read my previous posts. That's why I also said "by a fair margin", because you were bringing up stuff that didn't take place in the series, so I decided to bring more of them up too .

If L didn't exist, then Light would win. So how could your theory about L not existing at all, be better then mine by a fair margin? Since Light would win without L being there no contest....

Originally Posted by CoolNard View Post

L would have lost if a human had wrote his name down as well, not only a shinigami. When I said "willingly", I meant if Rem had a choice. Apparently, Rem's love for Misa didn't give her much to choose from. If Rem did not have to kill L to save Misa in the first place, she wouldn't have obeyed Light at all. It was because of Misa that she killed L, not Light, hence, she did not willingly obey Light. The fact that she'd threatened to kill Light has already proven she wouldn't have obeyed Light willingly.
Yeah I know L would have lost if a human wrote down his name, but that is not what I meant, I meant that in DN that is probably the only way that L would die by a Shinigami killing him, because there is no way that he'd let Misa see him again, after suspecting her just before he died..And Light would never do the eye trade, so I am almost positive, that if L didn't die, they wouldn't have found out his name. I may be pretty intelligent, but I don't match Yagami Light, so it's possible he could find some way...

Rem also killed L for Light, if you remembered, she says that she has feelings for Light, and she is starting to agree with his ideals. I don't know if thats in the anime, but its in the manga. Anyways, after she realized that Misa cut her life again, she wanted to kill Light for doing that to Misa, but she knew Misa couldn't live without Light....so..you know the rest. But everything else you said about Rem obeying Light is correct.

Agreed. But we're talking about assistance here remember? Not who had the better assistant. L had so many of them under his authority, one would think he could have utilized them better. L had quantity while Light had quality
How much assistance are we talking about here? L had 5 assistants in the task force. Who did almost nothing. His biggest help came from Aiber, Wedy, and Watari. They are the ones who did the most. His help in the NPA wasn't that intelligent. In my opinion Light had way better help. Misa who had 2 great powers. Shinigami Eyes and a Dn. She'll do anything for Light. She is extremely dangerous, especially with all that life and with those powers. And he had Rem, who gave him the biggest help of all. So yeah, L's help was kind of crappy. >_< thats why Light won...
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05-03-2007, 04:42 AM

Lesson's starting, but I'll reply to it asap

Rest assured I have a lot to say, lol

There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.
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05-03-2007, 05:54 AM

Haha, we might end up Light punching and L kicking each other, lol, eh, Kanji-kun?

RIKKU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *glomps* I knew posting on JF would somehow benefit me even if I'm supposed to be working right now XD

Have you seen the I have to leave thread? TDN and lolijenn are planning to make a romantic novel or something.... and we're celebrities...

There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.
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05-03-2007, 05:55 AM

Originally Posted by Rikku777 View Post
...You guys are going to keep going on till the end of time saying the same thing and trying to prove that you dude is better. Lol, you guys should meet and have a real debate...that would be funny... (and scary)
We may just debate about DN forever. I don't know why, but the 2 of us always do that. And to tell you the truth, I love discussing Dn with Yagami-kun over there.

Your friend is joining...yet he is a Light supporter...are you trying to kill us L...? Kidding! I'll welcome your friend with open arms...and crossed fingers, lol.
Trying to kill us? No, I will prove that even outnumbered, we can match any foe. A smaller army, can defeat a larger one, with better tactics and strategy.

^__^ Nice siggi you are sporting L...I need to put that in mine...but I don't have the web addy...>_< I forgot to save it! ...*sighs* Oh well...it would be to big anyway, don't want to take up room.
Of course I am supporting L! I am L! web address? what are you speaking of?
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05-03-2007, 06:12 AM

Yeah I know he made it. ^_^ He PMed me with the L sig.

My friend is 19, like me.

you wrote "sporting" lol I must of misread. well it is getting late here lol.

yeah, I'd have L as my avatar, but too many people have him. SO its no longer original, even though I was the first, and had him even before most people on here knew what DN was.

with that said, do you guys know how long I've had this avatar?
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Kanji_The_Wanderer (Offline)
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05-03-2007, 06:25 AM

wow! its been longer then I thought. Like 2 weeks ago. Okay time for a new one.

Yagami-kun! where is your reply? Was my last post on our debate to mind blowing for you? *snickers*
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