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Yamamato (Offline)
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05-25-2007, 12:46 PM

Nah i am still on 28 or so can't remember. Will watch some more this weekend.
It's fine that you spoke for me as it seems the tables have turned and now its 3 on 1 in Light's favor and not L's
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05-25-2007, 12:46 PM

Death Note! My brother's friend is bringing it for me to watch soon so I'm excited =D

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Yamamato (Offline)
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05-25-2007, 12:50 PM

Thats great, can't wait till you get into it. Fantastic anime.
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05-25-2007, 01:08 PM

Hehe yeah I hear it is! *waits excitedly* The characters are pretty coool

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Yamamato (Offline)
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05-25-2007, 01:11 PM

Yea and then you can join us in our little "talks"
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05-25-2007, 01:16 PM

Yup, can't miss out on Death Note They're not only cool, but their intelligence is outta this world!

Oh, and I just finished watching ep 32... I'm liking this Mikami guy more and more.. Definitely gonna be Light's successor.

There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.
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05-25-2007, 02:58 PM

Originally Posted by Rikku777 View Post
Of course I hate crime. Which is why L and the rest of us hunt down criminals and bring them to justice! *eats some cake*

My tastes? Hm...Pina Colada please...hm? Oh, uh...nevermind. ^_^;
Did you just side with the girl?! I can't believe you blind Kira people! And your leaders name is Light! Shame, lol. =P

L knew deep down that Light was Kira, he just did not want it to be true.

Even if half the population has to die?? Thats terrible, I do not agree with that, no way. >_<

The fact that Light won just proves that Light isn't in the same class as those criminals. Infact, he isn't even one. If you can call Light a criminal, I can classify L as one as well.
Huh? Well the only way I can think of to respond to this is, by agreeing! L is a criminal. I charge him with being super cute, and super smart!XD

Light is going to have to kill everyone eventually. No one is perfect good. Sure, peace may go along for a couple years or so, but what about when Light dies? Pop! Up come more criminals from the next batch. So he can't purify the world, it is a nice effort, but he is just wasting his time.

I don't see the link between crashing into a building recklessly, without any logical explanation to justify their actions, "doing it for the greater good." If Kira did that sorta thing without a good reason, heck, I'd convert to a L supporter instantly. They are basing their judgement on a higher being, an invisible being, one that has no firm foundation to rely on except your own faith. Kira chooses to structure his ideals based on the belief of the majority, the general population, that do not exactly view crime as an act of holiness. That's the difference, not merely a wish, which you wish was one =P Kira does not kill anyone he doesn't like... He always and always has a perfectly sane justification for his killing someone, which I believe I have already elaborated on so many times I'm tired of repeating myself. Also, that might explain why there is still more than half the population in the anime currently in existence.

The point I am trying to make is yes, they do have a logical explanation, in their eyes. And Light has a logical explanation in your eyes. They base it on a higher invisible being? then what may I ask, is Ryuk?
You nailed my point for me. Justification. And if I had a penny for everytime I say what I'm about to say...lol
Light justified his actions, others justify their actions with 'sane' reason. Point of veiw again.

I know he did not kill every criminal with heart attacks. I was just trying to make a point. It would have taken them longer to catch on if he commited deaths a different way. He should NOT have appeared on TV, it was a silly thing to do. Gain attention and prove that a Kira is out there. Criminals will lie low now. If he would have stayed quiet, he would hae gotten more of his criminals.

Like I said before. Go ahead Light, kill the criminals if you wish, I can deal with that halfway, but the fact that he kills other people who aren't criminals, that is where I draw the line with Mr. Kira.

Easy question. Light is Kira who is taking it upon himself to save the world from evil. Calculate how many people are presently in existence (still counting). 1,000 FBI agents are nothing compared to that. This is what I meant by L supporters always looking on the mere surface. Everything has a link to it - Light saves the world, is engaged by agents who are trying to accomplish the same thing but with different and less effective methods. Kill the world? Kill Light? Kill the agents? To salvage this world, to save a trillion lives, I would help Light kill the 1,000 FBI agents, instead. Therefore, I have said this before and I'll say it again just to link my points together, "the ends justify the means".

This was more of a sarcastic thing I did, but I guess we can debate it.
Well if the FBI agents are nothing compared to the other trillions or whatever of people who are going to die, why can't I kill Light and 'justify the means' And don't even try the whole, 'Light is doing it for the greater good and he is going to make the criminals go bye bye.' I don't agree with it and you know it, so you are going to have to try something else. *rolleyes*

Hee hee! Happy suffocation....sounds like the name of a song! ^_^

And I have found a name for those who Light kills! Kriminals! Does it not fit perfectly? ^_^
And which is also why Light is on a campaign to cancel out crime in the world, whereby his methods are more efficient and effective in dealing with them.

L knew it by what? Instinct? Inner voice in his head? With regards to the law, that doesn't matter as much as evidence.

Why don't you agree with that? What if that half of the population is causing the other half to die out and then kill themselves in the end? No way us Light supporters are just gonna be sitting around and watching that happen.

Light will have a successor. He's not dumb. He's anticipated it. His legacy shall go down from generation to generation if all goes well for him. If Light succeeds in beating the so-called agents, I sorta feel it'd be inevitable for everyone to be good. Yes, not everyone is perfect good, Light isn't looking for that... yet... He's just trying to wipe out the worst criminals for now.

Your point is wrong. True, that's only in their eyes. But my point doesn't only refer to my eyes. "general population, the majority, logic". We have to take them into consideration. No, Light could very well do without Ryuk, since we all know what happened in the movie. Ryuk doesn't even come close to being Light's partner, except in name. "Sane"? It depends on who has the strongest reason. The one who wins in a debate is always right because he/she can relate to the people more *general population, majority* as most of us, as illustrated by your first paragraph above, think crime is a bad thing =P

Yeah, but Light wanted to clarify to people he really exists, not just some supernatural-myth-judgement-from-heaven thing, which could easily be excused as coincidental. Indeed he would have gotten more criminals but think about his objective. He wants to force criminals to convert to good. If they knew of his existence and refrained from doing bad, the same can be said for most people. And in the process, a new world - Light's objective.

And like I said, he has his reasons for doing that. You can try hurling all the reasons why he should not do it at us, we'll counter them.

If you kill Light, the world's gonna be affected cuz no one will be passing true judgement on criminals and once again, crime rates will soar. Well, disagreements don't count if you don't have reasons ^_^ So this isn't about what I have to change...

Rofl, I might download it if it exists..
Yeah, I think it sorta does... The "K" comes from Kira right?

There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.

Last edited by CoolNard : 05-25-2007 at 03:42 PM.
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Yamamato (Offline)
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05-25-2007, 03:01 PM

Man i wish i had the time to read all this at work, you two are awesome Keep up the good work Cooly, you represent us well.
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05-25-2007, 05:26 PM

Originally Posted by CoolNard View Post
Thanks Rikku, I'd say the same for ya Geez, we sound so like evil rpg bosses now XD

So Light supporters, do you wanna answer your respective debates or do you want me to act as a representative?

What? Are you trying to say I am not a challenge for you?!

Apparently I've been too nice in my arguments. Maybe I should be more vicious and not so laid back....

What nerve you have Yagami-kun. Well I have to go now, I just came on to put my two cents in, seeing how I have had little time for the forums lately. But heh, at least Rikku-chan can take my back while I'm not here.

So cya guys later. (I still have to read all this. Like the last 4-5 pages. Maybe more.)

PS. What the hell are you still doing up Nard-kun? it must be really late right now, or you woke up really early.
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Sophieneechan (Offline)
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05-25-2007, 05:29 PM

I feel confused..

You guys write too much....

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