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05-25-2007, 05:32 PM

Originally Posted by Kanji_The_Wanderer View Post

What? Are you trying to say I am not a challenge for you?!

Apparently I've been too nice in my arguments. Maybe I should be more vicious and not so laid back....

What nerve you have Yagami-kun. Well I have to go now, I just came on to put my two cents in, seeing how I have had little time for the forums lately. But heh, at least Rikku-chan can take my back while I'm not here.

So cya guys later. (I still have to read all this. Like the last 4-5 pages. Maybe more.)

PS. What the hell are you still doing up Nard-kun? it must be really late right now, or you woke up really early.
Why would you wanna be laid back in the first place, Kanji-kun? See, my purpose for saying that was to get you riled up and filled with the fiery spirit of your inner soul ^_^ Passion plays a part, Ryuzaki-kun, passion ^^

Yeah, she's tough... >___<

I stayed up so I could confront you when you came on... but since you had to go so soon... oh well... *sigh*

It's the way of the DN, Sophie... I could further explain it to you but I have to go as well... bye guys!

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MinamiItsuki (Offline)
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05-26-2007, 05:05 AM

Hey whats up nard-kun. so whats going on in the latest episode of death note?

A Fan Art pic I did of Burst Angel

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05-26-2007, 05:10 AM

Originally Posted by Rikku777 View Post
I don't agree cause it is not just! Half the innocent population dying just so a criminal killer can save his sorry butt. The point is innocent people have to die, I can't stand that.

Yeah, Light will be stupid and hand his Death note to someone who is even more stupid and power hungry than him, and then boom. There goes the rest of the world's population.

Yeah he's taking out the worst criminals, good for him, go Light. But he takes it way to far when he starts taking out the agents. What happens when he takes them all out and then someone needs help? Light CANNOT handle over 1 billion people and keep them safe from petty crime, no matter what you guys try to say.

No way is the person who wins right. Sometimes they are, yes, but that is not the case all the time. "general population, the majority, logic"? Well if people were not afraid of Kira killing them, I can say for sure that the majority would be wanting him and his Death Note in the FBI's custody. The agents have been around longer and most people who are agents want to protect the people and get the bad guys. So the majority is more likely to trust them than a 17 year old who pops up and says he can kill anyone and is going to kill all criminals.

And like I said, he has his reasons for doing that. You can try hurling all the reasons why he should not do it at us, we'll counter them.

Bring it. I'll kneel down and die before I say that Light's ways are just! ^_^

If you kill Light, the world's gonna be affected cuz no one will be passing true judgement on criminals and once again, crime rates will soar. Well, disagreements don't count if you don't have reasons ^_^ So this isn't about what I have to change...

Well I see not much difference in the world without Kira, and the world with Kira, except for more innocent people dying. There is always going to be a name to write in the Death Note, and we are surviving pretty well without some demented kid trying to be god of the world.

Light isn't doing this for himself, he's doing it or the people, for the earth. And you still haven't answered to the population scenario I presented to you yet... Don't skip around it That way, you'll be able to prove your point to me.

How do you know Light will be stupid? I mean, cmon, the series has potrayed to us his intelligence, his ideals, his determination, etc. And Mikami, one who thinks on the same lines as Light, will be the perfect candidate for Light's successor. The only thing that will be going is evil.

I agree - Light cannot, but the police can? Nope. At least the crime rates have dropped drastically. Thus, it is evident that Light is more efficient & effective than the police. That is why I dont see it as "taking it too far" rather, "appropriately strict".

Assuming there are two persons of equal intelligence debating with each other, and one wins because he has stronger reasons. Why? He has based them on examples, real life situaions that people can actually relate to, not just talk. Nope, wrong again. Haven't you seen the happiness and gratitude in their eyes when Kira killed the criminals? Haven't you see Mikami's expression when all his evil enemies died? Light is doing it for the people. Crime rates have plunged down. The police can't beat that, can they? Cmon, answer that =P The majority does not know he was 17. And in the latest series, he's already over 20... Light has proven himself by backing up his words with actions, he isn't just popping up and blabbing idealistic nonsense.

Er, you're supposd to be providing us with reasons, we can't "bring it on" if you don't give us anything to counter.

Oh, I see a lot of difference. Crime rates again. Potential crime-do-ers have been toned down, refraining themselves. Grievances are redressed. The world becomes more peaceful and safe. We aren't, not all of us are surviving pretty well. Any opportunity to raise the percentage of a chance to create a crime-free world, a world where people are good and are afraid/not willing to resort to criminal activities, is one worth taking. By the way, about the innocent part, let's see how you solve my scenario first, and then we'll go into the details.

Nooooo Rikku's gone!!!!!!!!

Edited: Mikami-kun!! all's going well for Light. With him and Mikami combined, there's practically nothing that can stop them. I'm also extremely impressed with Mikami

There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.

Last edited by CoolNard : 05-26-2007 at 07:40 AM.
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05-26-2007, 05:20 AM

G2g, i'll be back on later, eyes are stressed from being on my pc a little to long.

Oh and I'll be starting a manga and anime Fan art thread soon. So keep a look out for th DN pics

A Fan Art pic I did of Burst Angel

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05-26-2007, 05:23 AM

Sure thing, Mikami-kun!

I can't wait... XD~! *gathers all the DN pics he has*

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05-26-2007, 07:35 AM

wow i havent posted here in awhile.. how is everyone?

"The ignorant are mere stepping stones on the path to enlightenment."

"People can always have a judgment about anything you do. So it doesn't bother me. Everything can be strange to someone." - Michael Jackson
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05-26-2007, 07:42 AM

Queenie!!!! *glomps*

We're all good... I missed you.. ;_; *teary eyes*

And we've been mass-debating about L and Light... As you can see from the previous few pages.. Wana join in? Lol..

Anyway, what've you been up to these days?

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05-26-2007, 07:45 AM

as you can read from the thread i made not very well (the one i need more opinions) i missed you guys too but hey im here for now n.n

sure i'll join for a bit i dont have anything better to do n.n

"The ignorant are mere stepping stones on the path to enlightenment."

"People can always have a judgment about anything you do. So it doesn't bother me. Everything can be strange to someone." - Michael Jackson
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05-26-2007, 07:53 AM

Argh.. That sorta thing is too complex for me, I just try to stick to simple, long-lasting relationships XD

Lol ok.. You can help Rikku with the debates since she's not around... from my latest reply to her

Btw, nice thread Mikami-kun! I'm not so god at art, sorry.. haha >.<

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MinamiItsuki (Offline)
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05-26-2007, 07:57 AM

Thanks Nard-kun, so what was episode 32 of death note about?

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