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05-31-2007, 03:14 PM

Lol, I really wonder about that, Oren-san Well anyways, it's edtime for me now... But tomorrow's the last day of school before the hols... So yay!! Gonna be on frequently again and resume my title as top poster, rofl Lata' people!! *huggles to Oren since she's the only one here*

There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.
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05-31-2007, 03:21 PM

Everytime !!!! UGHH!! okay, Nardy go to sleeps so you can get good grades!! Rikku's going to work, Kanji is playing a game, and Nardy is sleepin. *looks around sadly*
Guess I'll just go make some Ramen..hmph!

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05-31-2007, 08:26 PM

It's not directly related with the devate but it's about criminals so here goes:

I watched a documentary,
a USA state started a project that sets up meeting with victim's relatives and the murderer.

But of course both side should be voluntary. So this murderer agrees to meet victim's wife & mother! Maybe he just did it to get judge's good side but... They talked and shared feelings. Mother asked why...

The murderer was a gang member.

I dont think anyone (save psychos) can continue his ways after living that kind of experince...

------Okey let's get back to topic--------

Kira is evil!!!!! Because he's leting Misa to be alive, I wonder is there a Misa fan out there?

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06-01-2007, 02:06 AM

im waiting for someone to talk about the debate agen already!!!
i want to see what happens next XD
im losing ideas.....

i kno wt coolnard is doing tho... all he is doing is twisting words... he might even be doing tht unconciously XD hahaha! thts wt i sometimes do too XD

ok, im not gonna convert to kira's side, but all im saying is tht i USED to believe in light... he USED to b the main hero for me of the show... but not anymore... like u said, he did all this to save people from dying out... from wt uve siad, light did tht for the sake of the people and risked his family and his own life... but wasnt he killing off the people in jail too?
if they wer ALREADY judged, then y judge them and end their life? they're gonna die anyways... its like....... if a relative of yours smacked u in the face and his/her parents found out and was already gonna "spank" the kid but u spanked him/her a second bfor the parents got the chance...... bcus of u hitting the relative wen the rightful ppl, which r the parents, wer going to hit the kid already, u get "spanked" as well... its like... y bother doing something thts going to happen already? it will only cause trouble for u....

now for the criminals who werent in jail tht he killed:
ok... enough of tht... dont get me wrong, i understand parts of kira's ambitions... and at first, i believed in it and cudnt understand L's side at all... i was glad he was using it on criminals only and all.. but as the show went on, he started killing off innocent people [the police] to kill murderers... i got shocked.. if he was a truly good person, he wud try to get the *non-criminals* out of the way [and not by killing them off] even if they r against light's rules... if he was a truly good person, he wud understand that they wer innocent people who might have misunderstood the concept... yes, kira HAS tried to explain the reason he is doing this, and i understand that wen some people wont listen, it feels like thers no hope... but u cant get mad and start killing people off tht r innocent... y doesnt he just stick to killing criminals? wasnt tht his true goal? to kill ONLY criminals and use the death note for tht ONE purpose? its just not GOD-LIKE to kill off the innocent people just because they have their own point of view! he shudnt misunderstand the fact tht he isnt A GOD! HE DOESNT OWN THE WORLD!!! YOU CANT CHANGE EVRYONE'S MINDS THT EASILY!!! AND EVEN IF YOU CANT, U CANNOT KILL PEOPLE JUST BECAUSE OF THAT!!! isnt ther such thing as "freedom of speech?" i kno its in japan, but japan does allow freedom of speech too, doesnt it? its not like if you talk badly about the leader or wtever in japan, u get killed... just listen to their point of view... ther is no fighting it... kira knows he cant change their minds no matter what... and killing the innocent people will just make him one of the people he is trying to erase off of the 'world'
[dont tell me u think its OK for someone to kill off innocent people... or r u alright with tht? o_O]
right wen i saw kira kill the people, i decided on L's side... wer true justice resides...

yea yea yea... its coward... "chicken" was just the word of the day for me XD u said something like this: "is it chicken to save people from criminals?" <--- thts wt i meant by twisting words XD lol
anyways......... which do u think is better? to convice or to kill? if you kill a killer, ur also a killer.... and if u detest killers and wished all murderers wer dead, wud u kill urself? if light succeeds and ends all criminals, wud u say its right if he killed himself? he is a killer... u understand tht right? if u HATE murderers, shudnt u consider him a murderer killing killers? he is like an assasin... [with only using the death note] if the assasin decides to only kill off criminals for the people, the police wud still get the assasin for killing... yes yes... i kno tht light doesnt get money off of it, but which is better? to have money or to rule over the lives of the people?

Don't CRY because it ENDED. SMILE Because it HAPPENED.

From my previous account, AnimeFreak:

Anime is like a relative...
You cry for it...
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And sometimes... you might even hate it...

Yep. I'm AnimeFreak. I forgot my pass and trying to reset my pass was confusing so I made a new acount.

Last edited by TegoshiKawaiiDesu : 06-01-2007 at 02:11 AM.
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06-01-2007, 02:29 AM

Originally Posted by Rikku777 View Post
ROFLMAO!!! Nice one Janissary!!!!

And Mikami, did you really mean, 'her' or, 'here'? Surely you are all not going to gang up on sweet little me....?

no no no my rikku-chan i meant "here" , sorry bout the mispelling hehe

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06-01-2007, 11:50 AM

Originally Posted by Janissary View Post
------Okey let's get back to topic--------

Kira is evil!!!!! Because he's leting Misa to be alive, I wonder is there a Misa fan out there?
Oh how I would love to write her name down in that book! LOL
If DN could end my way it would be that Misa finds out Light has been using her the whole time and doesn't really love her. In her misery she writes Light's name down in the Death Note, and since she cannot live without him, she finds a way to have her own name written in it as well!! Ahhh, now that's what I call Utopia!!
*reflects upon the Utopia she has created!*

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06-01-2007, 03:50 PM

Originally Posted by TegoshiKawaiiDesu View Post
ok, im not gonna convert to kira's side, but all im saying is tht i USED to believe in light... he USED to b the main hero for me of the show... but not anymore... like u said, he did all this to save people from dying out... from wt uve siad, light did tht for the sake of the people and risked his family and his own life... but wasnt he killing off the people in jail too?
if they wer ALREADY judged, then y judge them and end their life? they're gonna die anyways... its like....... if a relative of yours smacked u in the face and his/her parents found out and was already gonna "spank" the kid but u spanked him/her a second bfor the parents got the chance...... bcus of u hitting the relative wen the rightful ppl, which r the parents, wer going to hit the kid already, u get "spanked" as well... its like... y bother doing something thts going to happen already? it will only cause trouble for u....

now for the criminals who werent in jail tht he killed:
ok... enough of tht... dont get me wrong, i understand parts of kira's ambitions... and at first, i believed in it and cudnt understand L's side at all... i was glad he was using it on criminals only and all.. but as the show went on, he started killing off innocent people [the police] to kill murderers... i got shocked.. if he was a truly good person, he wud try to get the *non-criminals* out of the way [and not by killing them off] even if they r against light's rules... if he was a truly good person, he wud understand that they wer innocent people who might have misunderstood the concept... yes, kira HAS tried to explain the reason he is doing this, and i understand that wen some people wont listen, it feels like thers no hope... but u cant get mad and start killing people off tht r innocent... y doesnt he just stick to killing criminals? wasnt tht his true goal? to kill ONLY criminals and use the death note for tht ONE purpose? its just not GOD-LIKE to kill off the innocent people just because they have their own point of view! he shudnt misunderstand the fact tht he isnt A GOD! HE DOESNT OWN THE WORLD!!! YOU CANT CHANGE EVRYONE'S MINDS THT EASILY!!! AND EVEN IF YOU CANT, U CANNOT KILL PEOPLE JUST BECAUSE OF THAT!!! isnt ther such thing as "freedom of speech?" i kno its in japan, but japan does allow freedom of speech too, doesnt it? its not like if you talk badly about the leader or wtever in japan, u get killed... just listen to their point of view... ther is no fighting it... kira knows he cant change their minds no matter what... and killing the innocent people will just make him one of the people he is trying to erase off of the 'world'
[dont tell me u think its OK for someone to kill off innocent people... or r u alright with tht? o_O]
right wen i saw kira kill the people, i decided on L's side... wer true justice resides...

yea yea yea... its coward... "chicken" was just the word of the day for me XD u said something like this: "is it chicken to save people from criminals?" <--- thts wt i meant by twisting words XD lol
anyways......... which do u think is better? to convice or to kill? if you kill a killer, ur also a killer.... and if u detest killers and wished all murderers wer dead, wud u kill urself? if light succeeds and ends all criminals, wud u say its right if he killed himself? he is a killer... u understand tht right? if u HATE murderers, shudnt u consider him a murderer killing killers? he is like an assasin... [with only using the death note] if the assasin decides to only kill off criminals for the people, the police wud still get the assasin for killing... yes yes... i kno tht light doesnt get money off of it, but which is better? to have money or to rule over the lives of the people?
Light did indeed kill off criminals that were about to be killed. Why??? Firstly, there isn't much of a difference, since like you said, they're gonna be dead anyway. Secondly, the only time Light possibly ever did that was to test out the power of the death note; would you rather he experimented it on someone innocent then? And didn't L try the same thing to force Light out in one of the first few episodes? Thirdly, why in the world would Light do something like that when they've already been sentenced to death and stuipidly risk his own life in the process? He isn't dumb, he has more than sufficient knowledge of the uses of the death note now; there's no need to use them as guinea pigs anymore.

They wouldn't listen. Those 'innocent' people got in his way of justice. You're contradicting yourself by asking the reason he doesn't just stick to killing criminals. You know they won't accept Light's ideals no matter how logical they sound. An UNBIASED god doesn't let his emotions or personal feelings get in the way of his agendas. If you can't carry out the cause of justice simply because you feel killing a person is 'wrong', you're being partial, instead of being the impartial person you truly should be. He does not kill those 'innocent' people without a good reason, you know. It's not rage which drives Light to kill. If it takes a million innocent lives to save a billion innocent lives, what would you opt to do? Let's see a L supporter solve this then (which I haven't seen any doing so yet, which is really pathetic if you are going against us Light supporters). Put yourself in his shoes and at least attempt to understand his situation before jumping to conclusions. Points of view are based on reasons. Light is changing the world for the better, he is salvaging billions upon bilions of lives. He has the best reasons backing him up. THE ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS. HE DOESN'T HAVE TO OWN THE WORLD TO SAVE IT DOES HE??! WHY LET THE WORLD CONTINUE LIVING IN MISERY WHEN HE CAN MERELY KILL A FEW PEOPLE TO SAVE THE WORLD POPULATION?! WHO SAYS KILLING PEOPLE IS WRONG? WHO DECIDES RIGHTEOUSNESS? Power... The one who has the most power in the end wins and is considered justice. Justice determines who and what is wrong. Power determines justice. The link is obvious. A game of the strong and the weak, mentally and physically.

Freedom of speech? Oh, and where have the crime-free campaigns gone then? Why haven't the police been as effective as Light in dealing with the crime rates? What is more important to you? Would having "freedom of speech" matter if the world was indulged in criminal chaos? Sure, freedom of speech, let's all start insulting one another and worship pandemonium? By the way, there IS fighting it. Kira has the power, intelligence, ideals, and determination to fight against it. He knows he CAN change their minds actually, or at least, refrain crimes from being perpetuated. No, he kills innocent people for a higher cause, like I have elaborated by using a scenario earlier on. If you can prove me wrong, I'll stop with the innocence thing. True justice? Lol, that's the thing with L supporters, always looking on the surface of things and never deep into the depths.

How am I twisting words? Show me how I am. What's your definition of "word-twisting" then? Counter my arguments without using the excuse that I'm twisting words, or accusing me of it.

It is ALWAYS the cause and consequences behind one's actions that make one what one is. To create a world of peace and harmony, of trust and safety, Light HAS to kill to a certain extent. Comparing a brutal serial killer who goes around murdering people without a good justification and Light, there IS a world of difference, much more than you think. So can I say that the court and the law are also murderers since they have sentenced people to death as well, basing it on YOUR theory? I don't even see how your last question relates to the problem. Light doesn't need any of those, he doesn't rule over the people, all he wants is just to build the foundation of a crime-free world, using whatever means necessary (which I might add doesn't involve destroying the entire human race, due to the fact that MOST of us detest crime too).

P.S. sorry if i sounded offending, *snaps outta debate mode* TKD-san! Pleasure to meet you, even if you don't feel the same way ^_^; I'm CoolNard, but you can call me Cooly like the others

Edited: Mikami-kun, I've found out from a certain reliable source you've given up your death note, hmmm..? Now the only thing left to do is clarify it with you...

Oren: Very likely and believable story, I'll give you that, though I'm hoping Misa loves Light too much to kill him...

There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.

Last edited by CoolNard : 06-01-2007 at 04:28 PM.
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06-02-2007, 03:37 AM

*sigh* pleasure to meeting you to..
sry... i have a fever..

if i was in light's position, i wud have actually used it for my own good.. thts y i praised him at first for doing such a generous thing..

if i had the kindness of light in the BEGINING of the series, i would have done these things:

i wud have been atleast wise enough to kill criminals using different accidents making it more of a god-like judgement tht wudnt b AS suspicious as EVERY criminal dying of a heart attack...

i wudnt have tried to kill taylor L. [from the begining of the series] just bcus of too much anger and temptation... i wud have thought of it as suspicion for such a great person to carelessly show himself "worldwide"

i wud have tried to get access to the MAJOR-MAJOR criminals from other places of the world instead of one place in Japan..

i wud have thought out my plan........ [i wudnt have hidden the death note in such a thought out place like light tho..] i wud have just hidden it in a simple place like.... make it hang in the back of a shelf... so itll hide..

[it was light's fault for making some major mistakes to give L the hints...]

cud i answer ur question about being like light wen i recover?
i feel as if my brain isnt functioning.... *sniff* i was almost sent home from school... im sorry.. but i will debate soon... i shud recover soon enough... look forward to my post

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06-02-2007, 03:41 AM

Originally Posted by Rikku777 View Post
TegoshiKawaiiDesu.... You can so take my place, you rock!

Ah, thank you Mikami, I can stop looking over my shoulder.

Oren, I so want to live in your utopia! ^_^
im sick but im using my last bit of strength to post things on this thread...
XD i can never take your place.. ur "Near" right? lol.. plus, didnt u graduate? im younger than u think... really young... younger than most ppl here, if u ask me... thts y i can barely stand against coolnard here... i need more ideas...

Don't CRY because it ENDED. SMILE Because it HAPPENED.

From my previous account, AnimeFreak:

Anime is like a relative...
You cry for it...
You yell at it...
And sometimes... you might even hate it...

Yep. I'm AnimeFreak. I forgot my pass and trying to reset my pass was confusing so I made a new acount.
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06-02-2007, 03:50 AM

*waves hand around like crazy*

I'm a Death Note fannnnnn! I'm new here and hope I'm not making a complete fool out of myself, but I'm a Death Note fan! I have so many of the books...I feel like a geek when I look at my shelf and see them all. xD

Anyway, yeah. My favorite character is Mello. And since I like Mello, you just know I'm on L's side. I never liked Kira. I always try to convince myself that he's the good person in the story, but it never happens for me. I just think it's wrong what he's doing. So yeah. Whee.

"Dark and scary,
Nice to know ya,
where's my mother?

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