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02-06-2008, 03:18 PM

Wouldn't your reasoning be inductive? Indeed, nothing was specified prior to the question of deleting any existence, exclusive of the humans. However, the alternative shouldn't be neglected, that is the death note not stating "a building whose name was written in the note *would* die". XD Therefore, due to its inexplicitness, when the death note is notoriously known for being otherwise, it should have included some form of indication of what and whom it can kill. The fact that it did not, proves greater the odds against the theory of its ability to take lives aptly alien to the note's guidelines.

Moreover, neither Light nor L nor Near nor Mello (in random order) are what you, or for that matter anyone, would call senseless. Considering their highly advanced intellect, at least one of them would have highlighted and utilized it for his gains by now.

In addition, a building has no life, scientifically speaking. While it may be true non-living entities sometimes develop lives of their own when sharing an intimate attachment to their owners if they're caring and loving enough, the prospect of fostering a bond like so just isn't realistic...

But that's a realist's point of view. For all we know, what may seem alive may not and vice-versa ~_~

I'm gonna havta checkmate your reason out then! Wahahahaha X_X *evil*

Edit: Well, Kanji's post made more sense than mine

There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.

Last edited by CoolNard : 02-06-2008 at 04:03 PM.
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02-06-2008, 03:58 PM

Hmmm......I have thought it over repeatedly, and I can not see how it is possible for a Death Note to "take the life" from a building.

A building is not alive, in the sense that we know as living, a building may have been made from materials of something that was once alive, like a tree for example, but we cannot kill a building any more then we could kill a tree. Writing down a buildings name, would not topple it.

We as humans, know that a building is not alive, so it is almost impossible to think it alive, since we all know in our hearts that it isn't, we live in buildings, and they shelter us. They stand for no more purpose then this. If it was alive, then it's creator would have to make it so. If your theory is correct, then having doubts would ruin everything. Any person on this planet, would doubt that a building has life.

So therefore, I don't think anyone on earth would have that kind of mentality. To make someone think so, you would have to isolate them from birth, and make them believe what you like.

If it was possible to destroy a house with a DN, then I think an alien would have to do it! XD
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02-06-2008, 05:17 PM

Exactly! But the fact remains that it can be done! Whether by alien, whether by some other weird half alive race or even by another walking talking building from a world we don't know (which admittedly falls into the category of alien), the point remains that the possibility that it can be done is definitely non-zero.

If you argue that a building is not alive, then decomposing it to it's elements makes both buildings and humans just a bunch of gathered atoms. The compositoin of the buildings atomic structure may be different from yours or mine but they are atoms, protons, neutrons and electrons regardless. The consiousness that drives these atoms is more pronounced in Humans than in Buildings. Just because we construct a building and just because we haven't seen it show any activity of what we define as "alive" we can't claim it isn't alive. There's not enough proof against it. Sure it doesn't walk talk or debate, but that just means it doesn't conform to what we as a race claim as "alive".

My point in all of this is to state that the death note cannot conform to our rules. It isn't bound by what human society has thought up as the concept of "life". The only ground fact in the entire series so far is that it was a mulitdimentional object that was sent from the shinigami world to the human world which humans could use against other humans. The fact that humans didn't use it against inanimate entities or even animals for that matter does not in anyway limit the deathnote's capabilities.

True neither light nor mello nor anyone else used the deathnote to say they toppled a building, but that's because none of them could. My emphasis on this phenomenon is that it does not reflect the incapacity of the deathnote but rather that of light, mello or anyone else who tried to use it. Neither light not mello ever considered a building to be "alive". They were brought up in human society bound tight by it's paranoid chains of the definitions of "alive" and "not alive".

My theory is that IF there existed a planet where buildings were alive, and IF the deathnote fell into that planet in the hands of such an "alive" building, then could it be used against other bulidings?...Yes and No...

I'll tell you why I think the answer is no. It's because the deathnote cannot work on one persons belief alone. For a deathnote to kill a person not only should the attacker know the targets name, the target must also know it to be their name. When light tried to kill ray penbar's fiance he didn't succeed at first since she used an alias. Light believed that the alias was her real name but it wasn't enough for the deathnote to claim her life. Not until Naomi revealed the name that she believed to be hers, could light use it against her.

Consequently, the deathnote is a kind of deathly connection between the predator and the prey. It wont work until all the dots are connected, namely that:
1. The predator knows the prey to be alive.
2. The prey knows that it's alive.
3. The predator knows the preys name.
4. The prey belives the said name to be it's own as well.
5. The predator writes that name in the deathnote.

The reason why a human can't kill a building is because point 1 is directly broken.

My reasoning then was that if there were such a human that could see beyond point 1 then would the rest of them apply. The biggest hurdle to that is point 2. Even if I were to know a buliding was alive, unless the building knew it as well it wouldn't work. Not just that, I'd also need a name and the buliding has to also believe it has the same name. Without these atleast one of the dots will remain unconnected and the deathnote cant claim anything.

All that aside however my only argument is that, hypothetically, if points 1 through 4 could be satisfied, the deathnote would damn sure work! The only inference from such a hypothesis though is that the real limitations for points 1 through 4 do not lie in the deathnote but rather in the predator and/or prey.

As a mathematician, I therefore have to state that a statment like "The Deathnote cannot be used to kill a building" is false. The real statement is "We cannot use the deathnote to kill a building" and that statement reflects our abilities with the deathnote rather than the note's inherent capabilities.

In summary, the act of one human killing another with a deathnote, is but a subset of the sum total of all possible actions allowed through the use of a deathnote and does not depict an entirety in itself.

**erm.. did I branch out too much ... *scratches head* O_O**

Edit: I have stated here that I am a mathematician, but I don't want to state that anymore given the probable ridicule I might face as hinted at two posts below, so I'd like everyone to consider that I didn't state it

Omae mo kanjite no ka... kaze no koe?

Last edited by AoshiShinomori : 02-08-2008 at 05:44 PM.
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02-07-2008, 09:18 PM

*claps hands excitedly*
YAY!!!! The rebirth of the DN Thread has come to pass!!

Peace Love Recycle
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02-07-2008, 09:31 PM


I was worried I'd scared you away with my philosophical pout . I'm so glad you're back! ^__________^

Omae mo kanjite no ka... kaze no koe?

Last edited by AoshiShinomori : 02-07-2008 at 10:24 PM.
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02-08-2008, 08:25 AM

Your perspective is that of an antirealist. You are going against a fixed definition, which we base our lives on. What should be judged alive then? Are you claiming the same effects of "alive" on the non-living or stating "alive" in a different meaning? In that case, if I know my personality to be something living, and with accordance to all the dots, I can then physically devoid myself of being myself by 'writing it off' on the death note. My understanding is that all living things need energy to survive. There is nothing in this world able to cling onto life for centuries on end, with no energy source, or depleting ones for that matter. May I add some of the world's oldest buildings (still standing), such as those in Shibam, Yemen, far exceed the said period? ^_^

In the meantime, let's not bring breathing, living buildings into the picture yet. This point bewilders me:
The prey knows that it's alive.
How can a building which isn't alive even know anything? It's contradictory. In your scenario of Light and Naomi, nothing was mentioned at all pertaining to it. Why does the building have to recognize its own existence in the first place? Light could kill anyone, regardless of their mentality. A good example would probably be a patient in a mental hospital who believes and REALLY believes she is a piece of non-living, stagnant, dead wood named Plank. Hence, there could be a flaw in what you believe to be a coherent link to death by the death note.

The reason why a human can't kill a building is because point 1 is directly broken.
, meaning humans possess the complete ability to kill a building using the death note, in accordance to all your guidelines.
I beg to differ. Like you said:
the point remains that the possibility that it can be done is definitely non-zero.
The keyword is "possibility", which is associated with "if it can be done". The allegedly accomplished claim is thus, irrelevant.

It is humanity itself who has to accept the rules of the death note specifically set down. Also, it has nothing whatsoever to do with our known concepts for it is a book restricted to its own. On the contrary, the usage of the death note by humans is directly proportional to what the death note could be limited to. To top it, the death note HAS its limitations, which is due to its rules refering precisely to "human". In another words, even if it is used on an animal, say a dog, while complying to all your connections stated, it would never work. This information can be deduced from the very first episode of the series at 04:31: "The human whose name is written in this note shall die."
Online Video: Death Note 1 | Veoh Video Network
Cross-referencing here; I assure you it does not have anything to do with bad subbing. 04:40:
YouTube - Death note episode 1 part 1
I daresay it's obvious from the spoken Japanese language itself - "ningen", which actually means "human".

The primary characters of the series might have had a firm mentality inculcated by human society, however, it is best to note that mindsets can always be influenced. Chances are non-zero right? What was the harm in deviating their thinking from the norms of society? It was worth a definite shot, since they would have met the same fate either way, especially near (pun intended XD) the ending when last resorts had a certain attractive appeal. The fundamental explanation behind their actions lies in the essence of my above paragraph.

Therefore, the act of one human killing another with a deathnote, is the sum total of all possible actions allowed through the use of a deathnote and absolutely does depict an entirety in itself.

P.S. X___X Omg, you're a mathematician??! I hate mathematics >_<; That alone blanked my brains for half an hour O_O

**I love it when things get branched out XD Gives a clearer perception of everything from a highly structured organized manner.
Oren-san! You'd better get your ass back here this minute! XDXD**

And of course, with an ending note, Light is still undisputed! ^^ Anyone got a problem? You're going down! =P

There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.

Last edited by CoolNard : 02-08-2008 at 11:55 AM.
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Just for kicks ;) - 02-08-2008, 02:57 PM

What if Kira was one of us.

If God had a name…
Would it be Kira…
Would you let him see your face…
If you were faced with him in all his stupidity…
Would you correct him if he spelt your name wrong…

Yeah, yeah, God is a moron.
Yeah, yeah, God isn’t good.
Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah…
What if God was one of us…
Just a slob like one of us…
With Ray Penbar on the bus…
Trying to kill the criminals.

If God had a face…would it be ugly…
And would you want to see…
If seeing burnt your eyes out,
Can you believe…
He’s just an idiotic kid with a dream…
To make life shitty.

Yeah, yeah, God is a loser.
Yeah, yeah, God is a prat.
Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah…
What if God was one of us…
The joker of the circus…
People think he’s dangerous…
But he’s just a brainless twit…

Feeding Ryuk some apples.
He is friendless and all alone.
Nobody calling on the phone.
‘Cept maybe Misa, for a moan.

Yeah, yeah, God is a dope.
Yeah, yeah, He’s just a freak.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
What if God was one of us…
With a mental illness…
Causing chaos on the bus…
Killing agents and police.

Trying to move out of his home…
To cause the murders all alone…
He thinks he’s kept himself unknown
We’ll knock him off his foolish throne
His stupidness will then be shown.
Lets smash his head in with a stone.
I sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, dedicate the following poem to the creator of the one above.

What Kira was one of us

If God had a name
Would it be Kira
Would you be lame
And mess up his game?
No brain, no ball
You're nought at all

Yeah, yeah, you're just stinky pee
Yeah, yeah, God is almighty
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
What if God was one of us
Unlike a slob like one of you
With Ray Penbar on the bus
Nothing short of obstructing just

If God had a face, he wouldn't be you
'Cuz a face like yours would make us puke
Go look in the mirror, it'll crack through
I still can't believe that you'd nuke
Your own pathetic thoughts against his
Ideals of ultimate salvation
And prospect of eternal peace

Yeah, yeah, God is a winner
Yeah, yeah, you're a loser
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
What if God was one of us
You wouldn't even stand a chance
When his troops of light advance
He's got more brains than hair on you
So you should just go poo poo

Feeding Ryuk some apples
Hiding up for a noble cause
Aided by Misa in battles
Unlike you, you're at a loss!

Yeah, yeah, God is the king
Yeah, yeah, you aren't worth a thing
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
What if God was one of us
Don't you dare kick up a fuss
Watch out for his divine hand
Accompanied by his holy band

Trying to bring crime to a bound
To foster hope across the world
By keeping himself safe and sound
Working to see the baddies hurled
What better way to play God?
Mess with him and you'll be done
Like all hindrance - long and gone

There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.

Last edited by CoolNard : 02-08-2008 at 04:43 PM.
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02-08-2008, 03:15 PM

Nice argument but a bit vacuous however. If Light wants to play hardball then Ryuk will dodge too! ^_^

Originally Posted by CoolNard View Post

Your perspective is that of an antirealist. You are going against a fixed definition, which we base our lives on...
...Are you claiming the same effects of "alive" on the non-living or stating "alive" in a different meaning?...
...The keyword is "possibility", which is associated with "if it can be done". The allegedly accomplished claim is thus, irrelevant...
I'd probably classify my perspective as that of a theoretician. It would be antirealist if I forefully claimed that the deathnotes have been used to kill buildings. It would be antirealist if I stated that the lack of proof that they haven't been used to kill buildings so far implies that they definitely can. But I state neither. I simply hypothesise the possibility that they might and attempt to prove that as long as it's non-zero, the word "sum total" can never be applied to the deathnote's destructive power over "inanimate" objects (as defined by human standards). This means that there is reasonable probability that the death note canNOT in fact kill a building. But until such proof is concrete, the acceptance of that possibility is moot. The true definition of "sum total" (even by our own society's standards) is when the possibility of the negation of the statement is abosulte zero. I re-emphasize, it's the possibility itself being zero not just alleged claims of the statement's negation being non-zero. Just because no-one in say, Missouri, ever rides a bycicle that pulls three people behind it, and earns a living out of it, one can't claim that it can't be done. All the way around the world in India, people do it on a daily basis. The only thing the missouri observant would be able to state is that "nobody in Missouri rides a bycicle and chugs people behind them for a living". Alleged claims count for factual evidence. Possibilites don't deal with evidence, they deal with the lack of them. Given that information and based on our society's definitions of sum-total, there are still no proofs that corroborate the counter argument put forth.

Originally Posted by CoolNard View Post
My understanding is that all living things need energy to survive
The key word here being "my". You and me are both human so we again base our understanding on human society's. I'd agree with your statement, since I'm human too. But that doesn't mean the "deathnote" needs to agree. It isn't bound by our understanding or our laws. In fact, it isn't human at all. Even if the worlds oldest buildings were alive for centuries without requiring energy, it still wouldn't support the counter argument, simply from the fact that it doesn't counter the original argument. For all we know buildings do absorb energy, we just haven't been able to measure it so far. That's how it started out with plants. The stone age man couldn't prove that plants absorbed energy since they weren't from a measurable source. Yet 2 million years later we have an entire proven theory of photosynthesis. From the worlds youngest building to it's oldest, from the smallest pebble to the biggest mountain, "our" understanding is based of a supposition that completely denies any fragment of life in them. All I'm saying is that this cannot be taken as abosute proof that they do not absorb energy from a source. I don't believe they absorb energy either (coz I'm human too ^_^) but I'm just willing to accept that there is no proof for my belief...yet(this is what makes me a theoretician as opposed to an antirealist)!

Originally Posted by CoolNard View Post
This point bewilders me: How can a building which isn't alive even know anything? It's contradictory..
Yet again we're hitting the same brick wall. That statement only depicts a contradiction if the first part of it were valid absolute fact. If the building isn't "alive" then of course it can't know about it's own existence. But hypothesizing the fact that it IS alive, why then couldn't it know? I explicitly stated this point in my concluding statements in the earlier post. If my point 1 were somehow breached than the stone hurdle that point 2 presented was in fact, this statement that you bring forth. Once more I emphasize (in case the last 2000 words weren't clear enough), I'm not dealing with a claim that a deathnote was used to kill a building. I'm simply dealing with the claim that it might be possible, though at this and all other junctures I refrain from making conclusions on through who or how it might come about.

Originally Posted by CoolNard View Post
A good example would probably be a patient in a mental hospital who believes and REALLY believes she is a piece of non-living, stagnant, dead wood named Plank. Light could kill anyone, regardless of their mentality. .
I wouldn't agree it's a good example because it fails to apply the counter argument to itself. Here is how:
1. No depth of belief can replace gut knowledge. Unless the woman "knows" that she is a piece of wood named plank her belief counts for nothing.
2. So assume then that she did "know" in her gut that she was a piece of wood named plank. Even then, she'd still believe she was a piece of wood that was "alive" which would automatically imply that life could be taken from her and prove my theory rather than the counter argument.
3. So to support the example more, I'll assume further still that she "knew" she was a piece of dead wood named Plank. First up, this statement is contradictory since "knowledge" presupposes "life" but again given that even that assumption is based on a human definition of "life", there is still no proof that Light would be able to kill her with a deathnote. Until it can be proven that Light would definitely be able to kill her, the possibility that he couldn't is still non-zero which again by our human standards counters the "sum total" theory.

Originally Posted by CoolNard View Post
To top it, the death note HAS its limitations, which is due to its rules refering precisely to "human". In another words, even if it is used on an animal, say a dog, while complying to all your connections stated, it would never work.
Completely incorrect and I can state this as absolute fact based on evidence taken right from the series. The deathnote had written facts about what would happen when used on humans. That cannot, in any sense of the term, no matter how loosely interpreted, be taken as conclusive proof that it wouldn't affect anything but human. There is evidence in the series for this too. When Rem gave Misa her deathnote, she told Misa that it actually came from Jealous who died using the deathnote to save her. But who knew that a deathnote could kill a Shinigami when using it to protect a human? It wasn't written in the rule book, yet guess what?... it's true and it's a factual rule. A deathnote can, in fact, be used to kill a Shinigami. Light himself did it, by playing the circumstances so that Rem would die protecting Misa. He didn't personally write Rem's name in the deathnote, but you can't say that he didn't "use" the deathnote to kill Rem. None of the rules in the deathnote mentioned that, yet it's true. The entire argument that the written rules point to human, imply only and I repeat only, that the human race is suceptible to it's deathly reach. It does not imply that animals aren't susceptible, it certainly did not imply deathgods weren't susceptible, and without loss of much generality, I'm including the possibility that it does not imply that bulidings cannot fall by it either. So outside of all proverbial misconstruances and/or subtitling errors, even with the agreement that the noble subtitling section did an efficient job with the series the fact still doesn't hold water.

Originally Posted by CoolNard View Post
What was the harm in deviating their thinking from the norms of society?
None whatsoever, but this again comes back to two points I covered earlier. For one, no depth of belief can surpass gut knowledge. If they "knew" the building was dead then no matter how hard they willed it to be alive there would be part of them that knew it wouldn't work. Even so, suppose they did break the barrier from belief to knowledge, if they did deviate from societal thinking, they still would only breach point 1, which as I had previously stated would still not count until point 2 was also valid. So assume then, to support your claim that points 2, 3 and 4 were also valid at the time that any of the characters human thinking was influenced. There is still no proof that it wouldn't happen. If the series had an episode where Light magically broke the knowledge-belief barrier and wrote a buliding's name (that was also shown to be "alive" in some sense of the term) AND the building didn't fall, only then would it be conclusive proof that the possibilites are complete and absolute zero. Until such proof is ascertained with verifiable fact, probabilities will always have play in theory and with such probabilities in play, the "sum total" argument is entirely anulled.

**Erm.. mathematics?.. teehee.. what mathematics? *rushes to edit previous post* ^^.. I agree I hated maths at school and even through a couple of years of college, but once you delve into the more abstract branches of math, it's more deep thinking and less actual numbers.. I guess that's when I began to see some hint of appeal in it**

Omae mo kanjite no ka... kaze no koe?

Last edited by AoshiShinomori : 02-08-2008 at 05:46 PM.
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02-08-2008, 04:51 PM

holy crap.. too much to read it all.. anyway, you all really like to write a lot.. jeez..

LiVe Ur LiFe
Don't do drugs!

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02-09-2008, 03:52 PM

Omg no...You guys are starting another DN debate.....>_< *decides to sit and keep Aunt Oren company*

And you L....I'm so ashamed of you. Look at your blasphemish Siggi.... *glares accusingly* You better have something for me, to appease my anger next time we talk, or I fear for your safety.

P.S. I like your little quote thingy by your name Aoshi

P.P.S: Aoshi and Cooly should look at point of souls, right? Having a soul signifys individuality, and therefore allows the human to be signaled out and killed.

P.P.S.S. A building.... rofl!

P.P.P.S.S. *stares at my obscene amount of midterm work/homework....*

P.P.P.S.S.S. Cooly, you ruined a perfectly good song... *giggles*
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