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good -
06-28-2007, 07:15 AM
They never make anime out of the best manga. They only make anime out of mane stream manga. Its very unfair. I do like the fact that alot of those non main stream manga get film adaptions, but still those films are somtimes low budget and dissapointing. |
midori -
06-28-2007, 11:13 PM
You have seen Midori? I was so sure I was the only one here who had seen it? Was it because It was on a recomendation list I had made for you? Or had you already seen it? Midori is the only REALLY non-main-stream manga I have seen with an anime addaption. I loved the animation, there wasnt alot of movment and it almost looked more like manga then anime. Which I think was done on purpose. As for being perverse...its based on somthing by Maruo Suehiro, what did you expect? I loved all the sexualy weird and descusting moments. Especialy the necropelia...I like to see how descusted and sickend I can be by such freakish things. The thing I liked most though is how affective the animation was, I watched it in Japanese (I couldnt find it in any other language) but I could tell exactly what was going on the whole time. I thought it was amazing how much the relied on the animation to tell the story...so even if you dont know Japanese the pictures tell the story for you. |
mhm -
06-29-2007, 12:09 AM
Yes, well I was very satisfied with the Battle Royale movies. I was also very satisfied with movie addaptions of UZUMAKI, ICHI THE KILLER, TOMIE, MPD PHSYCHO(which I thought was much better then the manga at least so far), DEATH NOTE, and SHINOBI HEART UNDER BLADE (BASALISK). But for every good addaption there are alot more that arent good at all. The film addaption of MAISON IKKOKU was terrible, for example. OLD BOY proved that South Korea can do a great addaption, I heard that South Korea was going to make a live action addaption of BLOOD:THE LAST VAMPIRE, but I havent heard anything on that for months so maybe they just trashed that project? As for Hollywood, we will see if america can do a decent live action addaption when AFRO SAMURAI the live action hollywood version comes out. Also we might see a live action hollywood remake of GHOST IN THE SHELL but the project isnt for sure yet.
06-29-2007, 02:29 AM
I agree with OLD BOY. It is a great movie, but now I wish I hadn't seen in because I know what happens at the end of the manga. |
06-29-2007, 06:32 AM
how could you like battle royale 2? it was terrible, my friends and i were watching both BR 1 and 2, and BR 2 did not compare to BR1, it had no real point, they didn't accomplish ANYTHING, we were all pretty disappointed, plus the movie was way to long...2 hours and 30 minutes :O...it was just boring...the first quarter where they're on the boat was okay, but it went downhill from there.
on a side note, Oldboy was a disgustingly great movie. |
06-29-2007, 07:35 AM
06-29-2007, 09:49 PM
Ok...where do I begin...first of all, I almost always like the manga more then the movie (except in MPD PHSYCO's case). UZUMAKI the manga was much better, and I read it as a manga first, but when I finally got ahold of the movie, I was thinking "How much of this can they addapt into film?" I was pleasantly suprised with how much they were able to do considering how much special affects and computers you would need to remake ANY part of the manga. I saw ICHI THE KILLER before I even knew there was a manga. I was REALLY impressed with how violant and desturbing it was. So when I heard there was a manga I thought..."How much more violant then the film can this be?" I was pleasantly suprised by the fact that the manga was 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% more desturbing. I read TOMIE before I saw any of the films. I think the manga is alot better then all of the films put together, but still I loved the films. If you have only watched the first two, then watch the rest. I HATTED the first two but it went WAY uphill from there. The rest of the films in the sereis were MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH better. And with MPD PHSYCO I agree that its ALOT easier to understand the manga. But the movies were so trippy and strange...that feeling just wasnt in the manga...it was dissapointing ![]() |
yes it is -
06-29-2007, 09:56 PM
I was just thinking about that and I think it was essintial to the plot. All the gross stuff was there to show how terrible her life is.
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