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03-24-2008, 01:35 AM
Please people dont destroy your nerves. Its nonsence
Symbiosis is an outsiderword in here. ![]() Do your sellf a favor, and save yourself. Run run run ![]() Its just nonsece Noddle wants vendetta ![]() |
03-24-2008, 04:20 AM
I was born Muslim. I didn't convert. Thousands do though. In case you think I don't practice my religion, I actually practice 100%. You got a problem with my "Calm like a Bomb" name? Thought you might with that mental capacity of a turd you have. You know what it implies? It implies I won't take shit lying down from the likes of you. It implies that I will defend myself and those I care about. Look at you coming on here causing a problem with a thread that HAD no problem. You just hate the fact that Muslims were having a decent conversation so you had to stir up some shit to try and get it banned. You f***ing hypocritical little idiot, saying Islam causes problems when a**wipes like you can't sit still in your chair enough to see people having a decent discussion. Also, you don't need to threaten Noodle you little sh*t. If you have a problem, deal with me. He has more intelligence than you could EVER dream of having. Quote:
How pathetic you are mister "War Veteran". Didn't get any schooling did we? Quote:
Get a clue moron. ![]() Truth Hurts LIFE THREATENING Lifestyles A HITMAN, A NUN Lovers
03-24-2008, 08:59 AM
You guys really cant stop can you. you are again conferming my lines. Well instead of looking on my spelling you should try to get the meaning of it To your information that was Albanian you FU*K Italian German and of course my shitty English that im so proud of... ah and the language of my ancestors Yllirians dardanian but theres a pleasure you should never have. Ah and Birmingham you say you live ... give me your phone nr and ill pay you a visit when i`m back in London 4 business... We can talk a bit about religion than, you can show me your Gun and your HIP HOP inspirated convertion to a death cult and not the real Islam, you think you practice ISLAM 100%, you are such a facke that you lie even yourself. I just only hope 4 your own good that its not you that addet me to msn. AND yes.. i edit my posts becouse i dont want this ecapades go on, but you two brainwashed thugs are taking it to personal, because hate is what they`v teached you and not the ways of ISLAM. So from now on you can talk to yourself... PM me your number you fu*k ivi0nk3y , i have your face allready, and you shall have the pleasure of meeting me pseudoMuslim, allthou i love life i would kill gladlly a guy like you without a penys charge. As an act of balance to clense the world from fondamentalists like you. If you had the pleasure to meet an albanian before, you should know we hold our word. Mark me .. cos We shall meet again . G |
03-24-2008, 10:53 AM
ahhhhhhahahahahahahaha. OH my!!! i can't stop laughing. hahahahahaha, you're threatening to kill someone over the internet? This defnitately proves to us that you are simply trying to be some sort of hot shot, tough guy over the net. Tell me, how old are you really?
Gerlandox, t'es qu'un con qui ne comprenne rien du tout, dans la vie. Sale race de raciste. Gerlandox, khachini thizan nizaneth aug fahmen shai khe dunith. izan ne aughoil (btw, you'll never find a web translator for this language Kiddy) استطيع ان اكتب اي شيء اريد وانت لن تفهم اي حال Gerlandox. You're just an ashh ooolle (I watched meet the fockers, hahaha) that doesn't understand anything in life. You damn racist. btw, thank you for your concern and the highlighting, but no need. unfortunately for you, you're dumb enough to assume i only speak english and even dumber to think that you are actually speaking enlighs! So KID, go learn languages properly instead of translating them online and stop assuming you are some sort of devine human that understands the world and speaks 6 languages. So KID, go and translate what I've written to you (apart from the one that's impossible for you to find, lol), because we all know that you're just gonna go and translate it online. We're waiting for your next useless comment saying that we proved your right again. hahahahahaha. damn hypocrit! |
03-24-2008, 12:41 PM
yeaaahh noodlle GIVE IT TO ME BABY , show yoursellf bitch...
In case you havend read i`m done with your fucking kind recruite. so keep on talking cos your earning alot of respect. facke ass You`r deffinitely not worth it. scumbag |
03-24-2008, 12:49 PM
oh seriously.
HOW CHILDISH ARE YOU GERLANDOX?? "Give me your number and i'll track you down" thats just childish beyond belief, you know that just decreased the credibility of your argument as well as bad english and your god knows what ramblings. "I'm sorry, but i must have given you the impression that I actually care about your opinions"
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