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07-01-2008, 12:17 PM
You know this always crossed my mind! I agree with you country name should be universal and in one common word no matter the language. It's not only Europe though; there are other Arab countries as well as countries in the East.
Arabic: Urdrun. English: Jordan. Arabic: Al Hind. English: India. Arabic: Surya. English: Syria. Arabic: Ingaltra. English: England. Sometimes you can tell from the tone of it, but still I think it should be common regardless of the language. |
07-04-2008, 04:58 AM
Hmmm, let's list some more!!!
But really quick, to Suki: Yeah, I actually HATE American Football.. Soccer...or Football, Futbol, Whatever you call it in Spain, is my sport! Haha XD Ok!!! (Some repeats may occur, sorry...) English - German United States of America - Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (Ohh! Technical! XD) Canada - Kanada Mexico - Mexiko England - Vereinigtes Königreich Portugal - Portugal Spain - Spanien France - Frankreich Germany - Deutschland Liechtenstein - Liechtenstein Switzerland - die Schweiz Austria - Österriech Netherlands - Niederlande Italy - Italien Denmark - Dänemark Hungary - Ungarn Poland - Polen Greece - Greichenland Turkey - die Türkei Russia - Russland Japan - Japan South Korea - Südkorea People's Republic of China - Volksrepublik China Hell, even cities can be spelled different! EX Tokyo - Tokio |
07-10-2008, 08:44 PM
haha.. in slovenian is also different! XD
![]() ![]() Slovenia ~ Slovenija England ~ Anglija Germany ~ Nemčija Netherlands ~ Nizozemska Hungary ~ Madžarska Sweden ~ Švedska Denmark ~ Danska Finland ~ Finska Czec republic ~ Češka United States of America ~ Združene Države Amerike Japan ~ Japonska China ~ Kitajska Poland ~ Poljska France ~ Francija Greece ~ Grčija Italy ~ Italija Spain ~ Španija Austria ~ Avstrija Switzerland ~ Švica Turkey ~ Turčija Russia ~ Rusija Ukraine ~ Ukrajina Norway ~ Norveška Croatia ~ Hrvaška . . . Water is powerful. It can wash away earth, put out fire, and even destroy iron. .the gazette.dir en grey.mucc.d'espairsray.girugamesh.one ok rock.
07-10-2008, 08:56 PM
![]() Water is powerful. It can wash away earth, put out fire, and even destroy iron. .the gazette.dir en grey.mucc.d'espairsray.girugamesh.one ok rock.
07-10-2008, 10:14 PM
Scotland in italian is "Scozia" and his population is called "Scozzesi"
And I think of the sadness when I'm dreaming of leaving the pain, I don't get all that madness, and it drives me insane |
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