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09-10-2010, 04:07 PM
![]() (横浜の安いナイトクラブ風) Quote:
そんなことありゃすきゃ~ 『モテ方よ~しってる?』 横浜では成人式の時アリーナで女性だけ『これであなた もりっぱな横浜ガール。各都道府県別対応 モテ方ガイ ド』っていうのが配られるんですよ~。 名古屋出身男性との話しきゃた・・・え~っとぉ、75 8ページから130ページもあるので何でものってます よん ![]() Quote:
↑(http://translator.live.com/ で英語訳したら M going car なんで??? しゃ=車 しかわからない・・・ (もう名古屋弁ギブアップ!) Quote:
want to be/ would like to be使い方気を付けます。 Quote:
自分の頭の中で日本語で考え出したらなんだかよくわか らなくなってきました・・・。 Quote:
市長~、私小学校6年の思い出の中に、 私が「ほいで(それで)」って言ったら、ものすご~く 笑われたって言うシーンがあるんです。 私はなんで笑 われたのかわからなくって~。 ・・・名古屋の人「ほいで」って言うみたいですね。 Quote:
同じではないけれど長野弁にも「~するしない?」なん ていうのがあるんですよぉ。あ~日本語パニックになっ てきた。 Quote:
![]() やっぱり足を使うんですね~! やっぱりこれからの言語学習は足!足が重要だなっもぅ Quote:
(※なもにあえて?をつけて使う事ってできますか?) Quote:
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じゃぁ英語の勉強や~めよっかな~。(横浜弁リズムで� �)なも 名古屋弁研究にか~えよっかな~。なも なも ねこじけてきゃ~たで ごめやす ↑ (これってめちゃめちゃ?応用してみました)なもっ |
No worries? -
09-10-2010, 11:20 PM
Do you use "No worries" ?
I heard people saying it very very often when I was in Australia and I thought it's an typical Aussie English, but I found "No worries" in here YouTube - 50 first dates part 4 (around 8:14) So I just wonderd if there's any other area people use "No worries" sometimes or often... Anyway, have a lovely weekend ![]() |
09-11-2010, 12:10 AM
Have a great weekend too, yumyumtimtam! ![]() Unfortunately for you, she is not here. "Ride for ruin, and the world ended!" |
09-12-2010, 08:20 AM
1) Can you say the alphabet backwards?
and if yes, how did you learn that? Any song of it? or just memorized it? 2) Can any one correct this? "How many digits of circular constant(pi) can you say?" "(3.141592653589793238462643383279 )I can say 30 digits" "say" and "digit" are the right words here? Please leave your questions about Japanese if you have any ![]() |
09-12-2010, 11:50 AM
![]() Quote:
"How many digits of the circular constant (pi) can you say?"You're talking about a specific, unique circular constant, so you need to use "the". But it would be simpler to say "How many digits of pi ...". To most people, "pi" always means the number, and the context makes it clear that you're talking about a number. A picky point: always use a space before a left parenthesis "(" and another space after a right parenthesis ")". But that's a rule of typography rather than one of English. ![]() Personally, I only remember the first 6 digits of pi, which is all that you need for most purposes; beyond that I just look it up. Being able to recite 30 digits is a neat trick, but if you think about it, that's a level of accuracy that's incredibly far beyond anything you might ever need. It's roughly one atom's width on a circle 10,000 light years across--nearly the size of a galaxy! So the modern practice of seeing how many digits of pi you can remember (or compute) is done strictly for the mental challenge or for mathematical interest. |
09-12-2010, 01:06 PM
Thanks!!! I thought no one would anwer to my silly question ![]() I know it's not so useful, but the kids love to challenge silly stuff sometimes! So for the native English speakers, saying the alphabet backwards isn't easy right? It's good to know! Quote:
" repeat " ? I didn't think this word can be used here. Quote:
I actually use the numbers(digits) for my email address so I don't get any junk emails! Thanks ColinHowell, have a good day! ![]() |
09-12-2010, 07:29 PM
There was a very funny show that taught me- sorta- the backwards alphabet =D
I have no Friends- The cats have scratched and destroyed all of the DVDs! I always owe someone- In fact I put two os in it! I always ruin my clothes with Bleach!- The show is so dom suspensful I spill my grape soda on them! But . . .I'll live. ![]() |
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