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(#61 (permalink))
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hi - 02-25-2010, 02:12 PM

[quote=Koir;801591]The examples I listed were ones that involved "a" or "an" before the noun they modify (that begins with a vowel). "The" ends in a vowel sound and so does not have the same rule use.

mmm... guess I didn't understand it...
I misunderstood...
the + word begins with a vowel
the + word begins with a consonant
they sound different I thought, because of the same rule like a and an.
Thank you for trying to teach me... Koir san
I am afraid my English isn't good enough to understand it

The most recent game I had bought was "Disgaea DS", but I don't play it much. I had bought it because I had the money and Chrono Trigger was being released on the DS and not the older GameBoy system I had at the time.
I have a friend loves DS and he also told me before he came to Japan, he learnt a lot of words while he was playing the games.

Have a good weekend Koir san
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(#62 (permalink))
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hiya - 02-25-2010, 02:48 PM

Originally Posted by Columbine View Post
最高!Thank u Columbine san,
I just loved it very very much.

Do you know "Wishing Chair"(by Enid Briton)?
The picture reminded me of that story.
I like fiction books for children.
That is a little bit of an odd thing to say. I don't think 'doll' is a very common term of endearment. At least not as far as I know.
He was the first one and the last one who said such thing to me.
Once one of my ex said, "you are scary but I love you"
I prefered to be called scary than a doll!
It's an interesting place. It looks like this on the lowlands: http://www.strettonfestival.org.uk/w...iperstones.jpg but when you climb just a little higher, it turns into this mountainous looking scenery: http://gallery.nen.gov.uk/gallery_im...nes_35_mid.jpg
Thank you for the web address, I really enjoyed them.
It's a shame; I remember Japan being really clean and tidy in the cities, especially compared to London, but people didn't look after the countryside so well. I don't think it's because they don't care, but perhaps they don't know what the right things to do are.
You are right.
I guess many people know what the right things to do are...but Im afraid that some people do wrong things when there is no one around watching them...
I think so. that would be 飴...and it's Kanto ben, so the answer is あ でしょう?
I guess I gave you a wrong question!
far too easy for you right
No problem. I would say "As time goes by, language changes." or "Language changes as time goes by."
I am always having a trouble with "as"
I know "as long as blah blah blah" "blah blah as well" "as you know"
でも、他の使い方は日本語と英語の辞書をみてもなかな か理解できずに困ってます…


ありがとうね☆columbine さん
have a lovely weekend
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(#63 (permalink))
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02-26-2010, 11:30 AM

Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam View Post
最高!Thank u Columbine san,
I just loved it very very much.

Do you know "Wishing Chair"(by Enid Briton)?
The picture reminded me of that story.
I like fiction books for children.
haha, maybe it's not a "washing machine" at all, but a "wishing machine"! :P

Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam View Post
Once one of my ex said, "you are scary but I love you"
I prefered to be called scary than a doll!
Me too. I don't like pet names much.

Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam View Post
I am always having a trouble with "as"
I know "as long as blah blah blah" "blah blah as well" "as you know"
でも、他の使い方は日本語と英語の辞書をみてもなかな か理解できずに困ってます…

そうですか〜 "as"はよく『する時に」か「するにつれ� �」と意味ですね。たとえば、"as I crossed the road, I dropped my wallet," "As the sun set, it grew colder". それは多分「as-代名詞-行動1する時に他の行動しました」か「as-名詞-行動1するにつれて (から)、文2も(結果)あった 」の文型と思います。でも"as"も”like"で比べて、特徴を 述べられます。これはsimileと言う事です。例えば。。。 "Her face was as white as salt" "He fought like a lion". 一方では, 一文に二つの"as"があれば、それはsimileじゃ� ��くて、直線比べるのことです。"I am not as tall as my sister." 微妙な違いでしょうね〜 :/
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(#64 (permalink))
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thank you very much! - 02-26-2010, 04:18 PM

Originally Posted by Columbine View Post
haha, maybe it's not a "washing machine" at all, but a "wishing machine"! :P
I love that!

Me too. I don't like pet names much.
pet names?
It's a new word for me Thank you

そうですか〜 "as"はよく『する時に」か「するにつれ� �」と意味ですね。たとえば
"as I crossed the road, I dropped my wallet,"
『道路を渡った時お財布を落としちゃった』って事だよ ね?
When I crossed the road... じゃ変?
While I was crossing the road...っていうのも同じような意味になりますか?
"As the sun set, it grew colder".
「as-名詞-行動1するにつれて (から)、文2も(結果)あった 」

『彼の他の人対する意地悪な態度を見て、彼を嫌いにな った』
な~んていうのもこのas を使っていえるのかな?
as I saw him did a mean thing to someone(?)
as I saw him was mean to someone(?)
I got disappointed with him.

日本語の ~になる っていう言い方を英語にするのは 難しいな~と思うことが多々あります

でも"as"も”like"で比べて、特徴を述べられます。これは simileと言う事です。例えば。。。"Her face was as white as salt" "He fought like a lion". 一方では, 一文に二つの"as"があれば、それはsimileじゃ� ��くて、直線比べるのことです。"I am not as tall as my sister." 微妙な違いでしょうね〜 :/
直線ってことは as xxx as は like みたいに似てるだけじゃなくて、かなりイコール(=)に近 いってことかな?


have a lovely weekend!
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(#65 (permalink))
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03-01-2010, 05:01 PM

Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam View Post

『道路を渡った時お財布を落としちゃった』って事だよ ね?
When I crossed the road... じゃ変?
While I was crossing the road...っていうのも同じような意味になりますか?
お返事は遅くなってすみません。”while I was crossing the road" は "as I was crossing the road,"ト同じ意味になるが "when i crossed the road"は少し違いです。"I crossed the road" is in the Simple Past tense but "While I was crossing" is in the Past Perfect Progressive tense. だたら、先にお財布を落ちたの場合で、'While I was crossing"の方がいいですが、次の日に落ちたお財布につい て話しているの場合で、”when I crossed"の方がいいと思います。でも、多分その場合で、� ��の構文を逆はずです.
A: "what happened?"
B: "I dropped my wallet while I was crossing the road"
C: "That's weird; I dropped my wallet when I crossed the road yesterday too."

Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam View Post
『彼の他の人対する意地悪な態度を見て、彼を嫌いにな った』
な~んていうのもこのas を使っていえるのかな?
as I saw him did a mean thing to someone(?)
as I saw him was mean to someone(?)
I got disappointed with him.

日本語の ~になる っていう言い方を英語にするのは 難しいな~と思うことが多々あります
Hmm~ this is difficult. I can't really explain why, but I would feel that "As I saw him be mean to someone, I grew disappointed with him" to be a little unnatural. It's not incorrect, but it needs context. I'd possibly say "upset" or 'dismayed' instead of "disappointed". So "As I watched him bully someone, I got really upset," or maybe just "I was upset when I saw him bullying someone."

Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam View Post
直線ってことは as xxx as は like みたいに似てるだけじゃなくて、かなりイコール(=)に近 いってことかな?

have a lovely weekend!
ああ〜ごめん、このぶんを分かりません。しかしas xxx as はlikeと同じみたいと思います。 でもasはこの場合でもう使い方と意味があるはずです。

ね〜Y−さん ”have a lovely weekend”は日本語でなんですか?よく”have a good day"日本語で聞かないでも。。。
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(#66 (permalink))
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hello again - 03-04-2010, 07:16 PM

Originally Posted by Columbine View Post
お返事は遅くなってすみません。”while I was crossing the road" は "as I was crossing the road,"ト同じ意味になるが "when i crossed the road"は少し違いです。"I crossed the road" is in the Simple Past tense but "While I was crossing" is in the Past Perfect Progressive tense. だたら、先にお財布を落ちたの場合で、'While I was crossing"の方がいいですが、次の日に落ちたお財布につい て話しているの場合で、”when I crossed"の方がいいと思います。でも、多分その場合で、� ��の構文を逆はずです.
A: "what happened?"
B: "I dropped my wallet while I was crossing the road"
C: "That's weird; I dropped my wallet when I crossed the road yesterday too."
Thank you for your kind lecture!

right... I think I understand "while" and "when"... thank you!
Hmm~ this is difficult. I can't really explain why, but I would feel that "As I saw him be mean to someone, I grew disappointed with him" to be a little unnatural. It's not incorrect, but it needs context. I'd possibly say "upset" or 'dismayed' instead of "disappointed". So "As I watched him bully someone, I got really upset," or maybe just "I was upset when I saw him bullying someone."
I see...
well this actually heppened to me for the past weeks.
I met this boy about a half a year ago...he was very nice and kind...and he liked me and wanted me to be his girlfriend, so he tried very hard to impress me... but I wasn't attracted...but I thought he was a very nice boy...but since he kind of knew that I was not going to be his girl... I guess he stopped trying hard to show me how great person he was... he was still very nice to me and all, but I had to see him being not very nice to others...especially to someone like....a waitress or a waiter at restaurants.He doesn't have to be very friendly to them but he doesn't need to be bossy to them.
So I liked him as a good friend, but I have been losing my...mmm what? I don't know what noun I should put here... about him.
Everytime I see him I get disappointed little by little...
If I see him like that one more time... I probablly won't meet him very often.

こういうことを正しい自然な英語ではどういうのかな~ と思ったんで~す

ああ〜ごめん、このぶんを分かりません。しかしas xxx as はlikeと同じみたいと思います。 でもasはこの場合でもう使い方と意味があるはずです。

just like you said
just as you said

ね〜Y−さん ”have a lovely weekend”は日本語でなんですか?よく”have a good day"日本語で聞かないでも。。。
have a lovely weekend!も
have a good day!も

たとえばこれから旅をする人やパーティーにでかける人 には
have a good time!という感じで

「すてきな週末を!(お過ごしください)」 とか
「良い一日を!(お過ごしください)」などとメールで 書いたりします
でも口に出すには違和感があるためほとんど言うことは ありません

different cultures (languages) have different ways of greetings!
I mean...Good morning is not really the same with おはよう(ございます)
Am I right to think...
Good morming is like... "(It's a) good morning" or "(have a )good morning" ?
and "morning" means "AM" right?

but Japanese おはよう・・・doesn't mean "good" nor "morning"... nothing in it!

and I don't really say to anyone face to face
"元気(ですか)?very often " as in "How are you?"(BTW this "as in" makes sense here?)
I would say お元気(ですか)? when I would like to know if someone (who isn't there ) is 元気...

こんにちは~ようこさん! then, blah blah blah...
ところで だんなさんはお元気?

or I would say it only when it's been a while to see that person.
「ようこさ~ん 久しぶり!元気?」

by the way... I don't really know what 元気 means...
we use ...元気がある 元気がない 元気な子 元気を出そう!

oops, it's 4am! I have to run to bed now!

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(#67 (permalink))
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03-04-2010, 07:25 PM

Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam View Post
So I liked him as a good friend, but I have been losing my...mmm what? I don't know what noun I should put here... about him.
The words that would seem to best fit here are "romantic interest". Being a friend doesn't have as much of an emotional investment (generally) compared to having a romantic relationship, so many behaviours aren't really considered. It seems like he knows this, and has stopped putting up a false front yet still wants to be friends. Odd way to go out about it, I would say.

Fortunately, there is one woman in this world who can control me.

Unfortunately for you, she is not here.

"Ride for ruin, and the world ended!"
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(#68 (permalink))
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03-05-2010, 03:46 PM

Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam View Post
Thank you for your kind lecture!

right... I think I understand "while" and "when"... thank you!
No problem. I'm just glad what I wrote makes sense!

Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam View Post
I guess he stopped trying hard to show me how great person he was... he was still very nice to me and all, but I had to see him being not very nice to others...especially to someone like....a waitress or a waiter at restaurants.He doesn't have to be very friendly to them but he doesn't need to be bossy to them.
So I liked him as a good friend, but I have been losing my...mmm what? I don't know what noun I should put here... about him.
Everytime I see him I get disappointed little by little...
If I see him like that one more time... I probablly won't meet him very often.
I think Koir is right and the word you want is 'interest' or I would say that I was growing more and more "put-off".

Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam View Post
just like you said
just as you said

Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam View Post
 have a lovely weekend!も
have a good day!も

たとえばこれから旅をする人やパーティーにでかける人 には
have a good time!という感じで

「すてきな週末を!(お過ごしください)」 とか
「良い一日を!(お過ごしください)」などとメールで 書いたりします
でも口に出すには違和感があるためほとんど言うことは ありません 
ええ〜なるほど。それから、そのような金曜日の「じゃ ね」時では日本人は「すてきな週末を」と言うの代わり に「また来週ね」や「お疲れさまでした」や「元気でね 」を使っていますでしょうか。

Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam View Post
different cultures (languages) have different ways of greetings!
I mean...Good morning is not really the same with おはよう(ございます)
Am I right to think...
Good morming is like... "(It's a) good morning" or "(have a )good morning" ?
and "morning" means "AM" right?
Mm, I'd say in modern language that's correct. Originally though "good morning" meant "God give you a good morning". Interestingly, "Good Day," and "Good Night" are used to say goodbye, and "Good Morning," "Good Afternoon" and "Good Evening" are used to say hello! おはようは『早う」と意味ですか。フランス語であまり "bon matin" 言わないんです。いつも、”bonjour(文字どおり:いい日� ��"を使います。でも'bon nuit"があります。変でしょうね〜

Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam View Post
"元気(ですか)?very often " as in "How are you?"(BTW this "as in" makes sense here?)
I would say お元気(ですか)? when I would like to know if someone (who isn't there ) is 元気...

こんにちは~ようこさん! then, blah blah blah...
ところで だんなさんはお元気?

or I would say it only when it's been a while to see that person.
「ようこさ~ん 久しぶり!元気?」
That's the right us of "as in" When I first learnt Japanese they only told us how to use 元気ですか, but when I got to Japan I only used it a few times before I realised most people seemed to use お元気 more.

Last edited by Columbine : 03-05-2010 at 03:47 PM. Reason: HTML error
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(#69 (permalink))
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hello Koir san - 03-09-2010, 04:04 PM

Originally Posted by Koir View Post
The words that would seem to best fit here are "romantic interest". Being a friend doesn't have as much of an emotional investment (generally) compared to having a romantic relationship, so many behaviours aren't really considered. It seems like he knows this, and has stopped putting up a false front yet still wants to be friends. Odd way to go out about it, I would say.
Thank you Koir-san
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(#70 (permalink))
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hello Columbine san - 03-09-2010, 04:59 PM

Originally Posted by Columbine View Post
No problem. I'm just glad what I wrote makes sense!
Yes indeed! (this is my first time to use this word, is this right?)
I think Koir is right and the word you want is 'interest' or I would say that I was growing more and more "put-off".
"put-off" ...it's a new word (oh it's not a word... how do you call 熟語in English?)
I don't know many "verb+off".... oh I remember "rip-off"

There sooooooooo many "verb+preposition" and they always make me
ええ〜なるほど。それから、そのような金曜日の「じゃ ね」時では日本人は「すてきな週末を」と言うの代わり に「また来週ね」や「お疲れさまでした」や「元気でね 」を使っていますでしょうか。
(to the people close)


(to the people I respect/pretend that I respect/usually to the elder people)

(お疲れ様/ご苦労様という表現は上司が部下に言ったり、通常は上 の人が使う表現だとききましたが、他にちょうどよい表 現がみつからないので私はこれを心をこめて丁寧な感じ で言うようにしています。でも「ご苦労様でした」はこ れは同僚にしか使いません)
Mm, I'd say in modern language that's correct. Originally though "good morning" meant "God give you a good morning".
interesting... "god" there...
I remember when I was said(oh, "was said" is right English?) "bless you" I went like
and I didn't know what to say back... I am supposed to say "Thank you" right? or any other nice way?

Interestingly, "Good Day," and "Good Night" are used to say goodbye, and "Good Morning," "Good Afternoon" and "Good Evening" are used to say hello!
wow... interesting!
Oh I remember I think I heard that "good bye" means "god will be with you" or something?

I have another qustion...
"Good night" is just used before you go to bed or bye-bye kind of situations only?
Can I say "good night" when I meet people at night?
like I say "good morning" in the morning?

おはようは『早う」と意味ですか。フランス語であまり "bon matin" 言わないんです。いつも、”bonjour(文字どおり:いい日� ��"を使います。でも'bon nuit"があります。変でしょうね〜
おはよう - 語源由来辞典

英語翻訳 - Infoseek マルチ翻訳
ここで翻訳してみたら   な答えが出てきました・・・!

That's the right us of "as in" When I first learnt Japanese they only told us how to use 元気ですか, but when I got to Japan I only used it a few times before I realised most people seemed to use お元気 more.
そうですね・・・私もオーストラリアの学校の日本語ク ラスで毎日会うたびに「元気ですか?」ときかれていた 時は教科書にも書いてあるし、練習だ~と思って「元気 ですよ、XXちゃん・くん は今日も元気ですか?」な~� ��て言ってましたが、実際は日本人同士で頻繁に会う相� ��には毎回「元気?」って言わないですね。

あと、オーストラリアで 英語のあいさつについて面白 いな~と思ったのは
"How are you?" とか"How's it going?""How are you going?" (アメリカでは"How are you doing?"が多いと聞きました)とかって よく使われているから、こちらが言い終わるのを待たず に反射的に(?)"good"って答える人がとても多
かったです。(私が喋るのが遅かったというわけじゃな いと思うんだけど)
でね、ある時 道を尋ねようと思って かっこいいオージーのおに~ちゃんに "excuse me" って言ったら いきなり "good!"と言われました :confuse d:
そのあとそのおに~ちゃんは恥ずかしそうにしながら親 切に道を教えてくれました。

すみません・・・私の説明ちょっとわかりにくかったか な?

いつもありがとうね!Columbine さん 
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