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hiya -
02-25-2010, 02:48 PM
I just loved it very very much. Do you know "Wishing Chair"(by Enid Briton)? The picture reminded me of that story. I like fiction books for children. Quote:
He was the first one and the last one who said such thing to me. Once one of my ex said, "you are scary but I love you" I prefered to be called scary than a doll! Quote:
I guess many people know what the right things to do are...but Im afraid that some people do wrong things when there is no one around watching them... Quote:
I guess I gave you a wrong question! far too easy for you right ![]() Quote:
I am always having a trouble with "as" I know "as long as blah blah blah" "blah blah as well" "as you know" でも、他の使い方は日本語と英語の辞書をみてもなかな か理解できずに困ってます… でもがんばります~ ありがとうね☆columbine さん have a lovely weekend ![]() |
02-26-2010, 11:30 AM
そうですか〜 "as"はよく『する時に」か「するにつれ� �」と意味ですね。たとえば、"as I crossed the road, I dropped my wallet," "As the sun set, it grew colder". それは多分「as-代名詞-行動1する時に他の行動しました」か「as-名詞-行動1するにつれて (から)、文2も(結果)あった 」の文型と思います。でも"as"も”like"で比べて、特徴を 述べられます。これはsimileと言う事です。例えば。。。 "Her face was as white as salt" "He fought like a lion". 一方では, 一文に二つの"as"があれば、それはsimileじゃ� ��くて、直線比べるのことです。"I am not as tall as my sister." 微妙な違いでしょうね〜 :/ |
thank you very much! -
02-26-2010, 04:18 PM
I love that! Quote:
It's a new word for me ![]() Quote:
『道路を渡った時お財布を落としちゃった』って事だよ ね? When I crossed the road... じゃ変? While I was crossing the road...っていうのも同じような意味になりますか? Quote:
『彼の他の人対する意地悪な態度を見て、彼を嫌いにな った』 な~んていうのもこのas を使っていえるのかな? as I saw him did a mean thing to someone(?) as I saw him was mean to someone(?) I got disappointed with him. 日本語の ~になる っていう言い方を英語にするのは 難しいな~と思うことが多々あります Quote:
ん~Columbineさんのレッスンおもしろかったです ありがとう! ![]() have a lovely weekend! |
03-01-2010, 05:01 PM
A: "what happened?" B: "I dropped my wallet while I was crossing the road" C: "That's weird; I dropped my wallet when I crossed the road yesterday too." Quote:
ね〜Y−さん ”have a lovely weekend”は日本語でなんですか?よく”have a good day"日本語で聞かないでも。。。 |
hello again -
03-04-2010, 07:16 PM
right... I think I understand "while" and "when"... thank you! Quote:
well this actually heppened to me for the past weeks. I met this boy about a half a year ago...he was very nice and kind...and he liked me and wanted me to be his girlfriend, so he tried very hard to impress me... but I wasn't attracted...but I thought he was a very nice boy...but since he kind of knew that I was not going to be his girl... I guess he stopped trying hard to show me how great person he was... he was still very nice to me and all, but I had to see him being not very nice to others...especially to someone like....a waitress or a waiter at restaurants.He doesn't have to be very friendly to them but he doesn't need to be bossy to them. So I liked him as a good friend, but I have been losing my...mmm what? I don't know what noun I should put here... about him. Everytime I see him I get disappointed little by little... If I see him like that one more time... I probablly won't meet him very often. こういうことを正しい自然な英語ではどういうのかな~ と思ったんで~す ![]() Quote:
just like you said just as you said も同じ感じかな? Quote:
have a good day!も 日本人どうしはあまり言わないですね・・・ たとえばこれから旅をする人やパーティーにでかける人 には have a good time!という感じで 「楽しんできてね!」等いったりします 私は日本人にとって自然ではないとわかっていても あえて 「すてきな週末を!(お過ごしください)」 とか 「良い一日を!(お過ごしください)」などとメールで 書いたりします でも口に出すには違和感があるためほとんど言うことは ありません 挨拶っておもしろいと思いませんか? different cultures (languages) have different ways of greetings! I mean...Good morning is not really the same with おはよう(ございます) Am I right to think... Good morming is like... "(It's a) good morning" or "(have a )good morning" ? and "morning" means "AM" right? but Japanese おはよう・・・doesn't mean "good" nor "morning"... nothing in it! and I don't really say to anyone face to face "元気(ですか)?very often " as in "How are you?"(BTW this "as in" makes sense here?) I would say お元気(ですか)? when I would like to know if someone (who isn't there ) is 元気... こんにちは~ようこさん! then, blah blah blah... ところで だんなさんはお元気? or I would say it only when it's been a while to see that person. 「ようこさ~ん 久しぶり!元気?」 by the way... I don't really know what 元気 means... we use ...元気がある 元気がない 元気な子 元気を出そう! oops, it's 4am! I have to run to bed now! 良い週末を~ ![]() |
03-04-2010, 07:25 PM
The words that would seem to best fit here are "romantic interest". Being a friend doesn't have as much of an emotional investment (generally) compared to having a romantic relationship, so many behaviours aren't really considered. It seems like he knows this, and has stopped putting up a false front yet still wants to be friends. Odd way to go out about it, I would say.
Unfortunately for you, she is not here. "Ride for ruin, and the world ended!" |
03-05-2010, 03:46 PM
ん、同じ感じです:) Quote:
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hello Koir san -
03-09-2010, 04:04 PM
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hello Columbine san -
03-09-2010, 04:59 PM
Yes indeed! (this is my first time to use this word, is this right?)
I don't know many "verb+off".... oh I remember "rip-off" There sooooooooo many "verb+preposition" and they always make me ![]() Quote:
私の言い方リストアップしてみますね~ (to the people close) んじゃね んじゃまた(来週)ね そんじゃまたね それじゃぁまたね おつかれ~ おつかれさま~ (to the people I respect/pretend that I respect/usually to the elder people) それではお先に失礼します(失礼いたします) また来週よろしくお願いします お疲れさまでした (お疲れ様/ご苦労様という表現は上司が部下に言ったり、通常は上 の人が使う表現だとききましたが、他にちょうどよい表 現がみつからないので私はこれを心をこめて丁寧な感じ で言うようにしています。でも「ご苦労様でした」はこ れは同僚にしか使いません) Quote:
I remember when I was said(oh, "was said" is right English?) "bless you" I went like ![]() and I didn't know what to say back... I am supposed to say "Thank you" right? or any other nice way? Quote:
Oh I remember I think I heard that "good bye" means "god will be with you" or something? I have another qustion... "Good night" is just used before you go to bed or bye-bye kind of situations only? Can I say "good night" when I meet people at night? like I say "good morning" in the morning? Quote:
あまり詳しい説明じゃないけどよかったらみてみてね! おはよう - 語源由来辞典 フランス語が全然わからないので 英語翻訳 - Infoseek マルチ翻訳 ここで翻訳してみたら ![]() Quote:
あと、オーストラリアで 英語のあいさつについて面白 いな~と思ったのは "How are you?" とか"How's it going?""How are you going?" (アメリカでは"How are you doing?"が多いと聞きました)とかって よく使われているから、こちらが言い終わるのを待たず に反射的に(?)"good"って答える人がとても多 かったです。(私が喋るのが遅かったというわけじゃな いと思うんだけど) でね、ある時 道を尋ねようと思って かっこいいオージーのおに~ちゃんに "excuse me" って言ったら いきなり "good!"と言われました :confuse d: そのあとそのおに~ちゃんは恥ずかしそうにしながら親 切に道を教えてくれました。 すみません・・・私の説明ちょっとわかりにくかったか な? いつもありがとうね!Columbine さん ![]() |
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