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(#271 (permalink))
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05-04-2008, 03:41 PM

I cant handel mutch alchol i need only 2 drinks and i will go to the toalett four times and after that i go and sleep.
Well i dont have any good memories of my father that was an alcholic thats why i dont enjoy beeing drunk or beeing drunk.
And i take my studies seriously so i dont party much eather for that reason.
i dont see any fun on getting drunk and behave like an idiot.
I also study the human body and i have come more attentive on what happend to your own body.
Hugs Ito

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(#272 (permalink))
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05-04-2008, 03:53 PM

Originally Posted by Thunda View Post

You can be intelligent as hell, but lacking experience makes you a teenager.

Lacking experience, I mean, ability to handle situations and opinions.
Ah, back to the -adult's opinions are more meaningful than teenagers- thing again, which is ever present in this forum.
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(#273 (permalink))
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05-04-2008, 03:56 PM

My theory is that when one's value appear to change under the influence of alcohol (or other mind-altering substances) it is when those values exist only because of the fear of social penalties. As when someone obeys a social custom because the community says it is what is right, but it is not personally believed to be morally right.

For example: You never raise your voice or use profanity in public restaurant, even if a sloppy waiter spills a drink on you. However, if it were to happen after enough alcohol you might yell at the waiter cursing them in every foul word in your vocabulary. And yet, because you truly abhor physical violence you would not even consider striking them and would be very uncomfortable witnessing someone else doing so, regardless of how drunk you were.

Only an open mind and open heart can be filled with life.
Find your voice; silence will not protect you.
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(#274 (permalink))
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05-04-2008, 04:02 PM

well im kinda flattered to be considered as a teenager even if its my way of thinking i never wanted to be adult anyway.
I got a source of income 3x as much as a regular employee with possibility of expansion from my country, and it doesnt require an more than an hour or two a day. who wants that corporate job that requires adult thinking if i can earn just as much or more with my teenage way of thinking ^^,.
(my current source of income requires my teenage way of thinking ^^,)

My theory is that when one's value appear to change under the influence of alcohol
agree on this part.

For example: You never raise your voice or use profanity in public restaurant, even if a sloppy waiter spills a drink on you. However, if it were to happen after enough alcohol you might yell at the waiter cursing them in every foul word in your vocabulary. And yet, because you truly abhor physical violence you would not even consider striking them and would be very uncomfortable witnessing someone else doing so, regardless of how drunk you were.
My theory on this. Alcohol cause discomfort. what happens next when you are uncomfortable. is you become a bit more irritable.
Just imagine you having a bad day and a waiter spill something on your shirt. ^^,

Last edited by chaseme : 05-04-2008 at 04:06 PM.
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(#275 (permalink))
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05-04-2008, 04:02 PM

Drinking lowers your inhibitions, and after a point you just don’t seem to care anymore, like throwing a 600euro mobile against a wall and smashing to bits, you do a lot of things you wouldn’t deem socially acceptable or is even within your normal character.

Originally Posted by CHASEME
what people think is right and wrong, good and bad, desirable and undesirable.
What we are talking about change in values is like this.
Person A with values A person A drinks 10 bottles of alcohol
Do his values change from A to B in the time that alcohol is in effect

Your values change/alter temporarily trust me I would never damage other ppls properties/make a nuisance of myself when sober, here is a short list of things I have done when drunk:

I’ve stuck my fist through ppls car windows. (I went back and left money in the seat)
I head butted someone’s front door so hard it nearly gave way.

Running down city streets naked (that’s also indecent exposure :S )
Throwing up inside pubs/clubs/bars

Instead of all this debating on something you don’t seem to know a lot about except the stuff you have read on it just go out a couple of times and get silly drunk like just keep drinking after you know you’ve had way to many and the next morning ask your friends what happened, you’ll understand better then ^^

Its safe to say I don’t drink as much as I used to

/shoot to thrill
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(#276 (permalink))
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05-04-2008, 04:07 PM

Originally Posted by TalnSG View Post
My theory is that when one's value appear to change under the influence of alcohol (or other mind-altering substances) it is when those values exist only because of the fear of social penalties. As when someone obeys a social custom because the community says it is what is right, but it is not personally believed to be morally right.

For example: You never raise your voice or use profanity in public restaurant, even if a sloppy waiter spills a drink on you. However, if it were to happen after enough alcohol you might yell at the waiter cursing them in every foul word in your vocabulary. And yet, because you truly abhor physical violence you would not even consider striking them and would be very uncomfortable witnessing someone else doing so, regardless of how drunk you were.
I agree. Of course drinking changes the way you act. However, there are some things a person would never do, whether they are drunk or not. For example, if I was absolutely drunk until I didn't know what the hell I was doing, there would be no chance of me doing something like, mugging someone, killing someone, etc. So you still have some thread of morals in you, and if you do commit something like that, there must be something going on with you already to do that. No typical person would do that whether they are completely blathered or not, so even though some responsibility falls on the alcohol, it's not the sole reason. It just fuels the fire.
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(#277 (permalink))
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05-04-2008, 04:12 PM

I agree. Of course drinking changes the way you act. However, there are some things a person would never do, whether they are drunk or not. For example, if I was absolutely drunk until I didn't know what the hell I was doing, there would be no chance of me doing something like, mugging someone, killing someone, etc. So you still have some thread of morals in you, and if you do commit something like that, there must be something going on with you already to do that. No typical person would do that whether they are completely blathered or not, so even though some responsibility falls on the alcohol, it's not the sole reason. It just fuels the fire.
at least someone get my point

Instead of all this debating on something you don’t seem to know a lot about except the stuff you have read on it just go out a couple of times and get silly drunk like just keep drinking after you know you’ve had way to many and the next morning ask your friends what happened, you’ll understand better then ^^

Its safe to say I don’t drink as much as I used to

I already said that i am the best drinker in our group the closest to me is an alcoholic. not one of them can outlast me in a drinking session. even after we finish drinking i could still travel 1-2hours and 4 ride transfer to my home.
anyway i just found out why. my "technique" is actually recommended by experts. I just drink water to quench my thirst.

And you need help seriously,
actually i think your type is the EXCEPTION which is considered to be a problem. and needs professional help.
We go to around 4-5 bars we go out at night and we dont see people like you. we only see wasted people puking or passed out, people fighting and people trying to pick a fight with us...

Last edited by chaseme : 05-04-2008 at 04:32 PM.
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(#278 (permalink))
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05-04-2008, 04:20 PM

Originally Posted by chaseme View Post
at least someone get my point
It's because I'm a teenager
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(#279 (permalink))
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05-04-2008, 06:09 PM

When I was in high school I was a hardcore drinker even today I don't really remember things that clearly and when I was drunk I know I did alot of crazy things I shouldn't have or at least think I wouldn't have at the time. I still want to drink and have a good time like the old days but you just have to grow up from that sort of thing.

I'm not racist . . . I hate everyone equally.
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(#280 (permalink))
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05-04-2008, 06:32 PM

Originally Posted by chaseme View Post
my "technique" is actually recommended by experts. I just drink water to quench my thirst
lol had you drank with the ppl i go out with and started sipping water youd have been thrown down a flight of stairs ^^

Originally Posted by chaseme View Post
We go to around 4-5 bars we go out at night and we dont see people like you.
we dont see ppl like you? what kind of ppl is that ?

/shoot to thrill
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