
View Poll Results: How literate is your writing?
what are grammar . 1 1.11%
What are , " and . for? 1 1.11%
I can write just fine--I just don't do it 11 12.22%
I'm a grammar nazi, and I show it. 22 24.44%
I try to use good grammar... usually 27 30.00%
Grammar comes easy, but I really don't care 19 21.11%
I have an excuse: English as Second Language 9 10.00%
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Literacy - 04-17-2008, 07:36 PM

I was just cruisin' around the board when I started to wonder: people online tend to type like they're illiterate, so how literate are they really?

The word "illiterate" here has the meaning of writing a post that ignores standard grammatical conventions, fails to use proper spelling, over-uses such abbreviations as 'ppl' and 'gr8', and for RP posts only, fails to succesfully incorporate action and dialogue into a seamless narrative without the use of hundreds of asterisks while also ignoring the all-important description.

I'm aware that when it comes to being online, a lot of it is just laziness. I have encountered people before, however, that simply don't know the difference between grammar and their ass (and frankly don't care, in some cases). I'm also aware that there are non-native speakers of English here. What's funny about that is that of the non-native speakers I know about, 95% percent of them have a better grasp of the English language than many of the native speakers on JF. Actually, that's sad, not funny <_<; .

So how literate is JF? Remember, I'm talking about writing ability, not reading level.

"The trouble with trying to make something idiot proof is that idiots are so smart." ~A corollary to Murphy's Law

If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if you actually make them think, they'll hate you. ~Don Marquis

Originally Posted by noodle
But, that's always f-ed up individuals that kill in secluded areas up high in the mountains. Thats neither the army nor the governments agenda! I hope those people rott in hell, but an army or government shouldn't be judged by psycho individuals.
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(#2 (permalink))
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04-17-2008, 07:38 PM

I don't tend to write in much slang, only a small bit on MSN suchs as 'Whatcha up ta?' and that's probably the extent of it.

In our school now they are starting up literacy classes for like 14-16 year olds because they seriously don't know any other way to write except in slang form.

I got an A* in my English Literature GCSE and an A in my Language so I suppose I must have decent grammer.

Oh and, about people who write in slang, I tend to be really judgemental about them. I look at the slang text and instantly think 'idiot doesn't know how to write.' But that's just me. I tend to not even read posts that say 'Hi ppl wuu2 im new here lol.'
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04-17-2008, 07:41 PM

I write in slang, but i'm not illiterate.

The pic added goes to the ones whose ideas are in a box, to the ones who don't give respect to the one who doesn't fit in that box, stereotying one as I am. You'll soon learn your mistake in not getting the chance, because of Your Error to get to know as others have gotten to know, love, respect, and appreciate me for who I am and not for what you aim to make me.

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(#4 (permalink))
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04-17-2008, 07:45 PM

I rarely use it. I prefer to write properly...when people write in slang all the time, it makes them look less intelligent than they maybe are.
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04-17-2008, 07:46 PM

Oh how funny...I say "Waz up?" :d

I'm just learning the internet language. And think it's great that ppl here use abreviations. I for one feel embarrased that I can't seem to do the same.

illiterate or not does it really matter? I for one really don't care....cuz it's fun to learn. And besides it has taken me since I've joined, to "iliterate"

Can't wait to "read" Tenchu's, MMM's and some other debaters...opinion on this one.

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04-17-2008, 07:46 PM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
Oh and, about people who write in slang, I tend to be really judgemental about them. I look at the slang text and instantly think 'idiot doesn't know how to write.' But that's just me. I tend to not even read posts that say 'Hi ppl wuu2 im new here lol.'
I get the same way... It's sort of like talking to someone in person who says the f word, you know, a LOT.

Originally Posted by ayame90
I write in slang, but i'm not illiterate.
Do you write in slang because it's easier?

"The trouble with trying to make something idiot proof is that idiots are so smart." ~A corollary to Murphy's Law

If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if you actually make them think, they'll hate you. ~Don Marquis

Originally Posted by noodle
But, that's always f-ed up individuals that kill in secluded areas up high in the mountains. Thats neither the army nor the governments agenda! I hope those people rott in hell, but an army or government shouldn't be judged by psycho individuals.
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(#7 (permalink))
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04-17-2008, 07:48 PM

Originally Posted by Amnell View Post
I get the same way... It's sort of like talking to someone in person who says the f word, you know, a LOT.

Do you write in slang because it's easier?
Yeah >.<

Slang comes naturally to some people but for me it's 100 times easier to write properly. If I were to try and write slang I actually have to think about it more.
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(#8 (permalink))
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04-17-2008, 07:50 PM

Just because someone may use slang, does not mean they are illiterate or dumb. I use slang. When i talk and when i write. I write alot of short stories and poems, so my writing is up to par.

The pic added goes to the ones whose ideas are in a box, to the ones who don't give respect to the one who doesn't fit in that box, stereotying one as I am. You'll soon learn your mistake in not getting the chance, because of Your Error to get to know as others have gotten to know, love, respect, and appreciate me for who I am and not for what you aim to make me.

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04-17-2008, 07:53 PM

Originally Posted by Slykaz1 View Post
Oh how funny...I say "Waz up?" :d

I'm just learning the internet language. And think it's great that ppl here use abreviations. I for one feel embarrased that I can't seem to do the same.

illiterate or not does it really matter? I for one really don't care....cuz it's fun to learn. And besides it has taken me since I've joined, to "iliterate"

Can't wait to "read" Tenchu's, MMM's and some other debaters...opinion on this one.

Yeah, when I first started into chat rooms, I quickly learned all the abbreviations, acronyms, anime smilies, and slang terms. Then when I started on forums, I found out that using them in an intelligent conversation is a detriment to your position.

The big break for me from low literacy to "better" literacy was when I started learning Spanish, oddly enough. I found that understanding grammar in a different language helped me understand my own language's grammar better o_O . Odd, I know.

And don't feel embarrased.

Literacy matters... depending on what you're talking about and to whom. If someone like MMM completely ignored grammar, I wouldn't debate with him. Ever. I would think he was too stupid to REALLY know what he was talking about, and I would most likely get the impression that he was a twelve year old mimiking the things his parents tell him. I also don't like to RP with people who don't at least act like they have some semblance of literacy.

I know that sounds elitist of me, but hey :P .

"The trouble with trying to make something idiot proof is that idiots are so smart." ~A corollary to Murphy's Law

If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if you actually make them think, they'll hate you. ~Don Marquis

Originally Posted by noodle
But, that's always f-ed up individuals that kill in secluded areas up high in the mountains. Thats neither the army nor the governments agenda! I hope those people rott in hell, but an army or government shouldn't be judged by psycho individuals.
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(#10 (permalink))
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04-17-2008, 07:55 PM

Originally Posted by Ayame90 View Post
Just because someone may use slang, does not mean they are illiterate or dumb. I use slang. When i talk and when i write. I write alot of short stories and poems, so my writing is up to par.
I know that's the case. But I can't help instantly looking at a piece of slang text and thinking that way, it's just a habit now.

Why do people write in slang in the first place and why is it easier? Just because it's about 3 seconds quicker?
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