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View Poll Results: Who would you vote for in the US election if you could? | |||
John McCain (right/Republican) |
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27 | 23.68% |
Barrack Obama (left/Democrat) |
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80 | 70.18% |
Other (please do tell) |
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7 | 6.14% |
Voters: 114. You may not vote on this poll |
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06-10-2008, 02:10 PM
![]() I know plenty of people who have family lineage from just about every damn country in Europe. lol. So yes, I sort of understand what you mean. Still, I don't understand why people get so touchy about that. I have at least 3 Native American tribes somewhere in my family history. But we have no written evidence of that, only family accounts and some old photos. We have a very small amount of Native American blood in us so therefore, I consider myself black. ![]() But that's not the real point I was trying to make. Like I said before, It's not a BAD thing. And it's fine if you or anyone else wants to identify with just one race. But the real problem is is that he's being hyped up as this 'Black guy' when that should NOT be the reason that people are voting for him. It's just irritating to have seemingly everything in this election be linked to gender and race. ![]() |
06-10-2008, 02:13 PM
I'm mixed up myself, most of my blood is Indian (Native-American to those fond of hyphenated "titles"), but I see my identity as American, and nothing else. |
06-10-2008, 02:38 PM
Sangetsu, I hoep I don't distort your meaning, by pulling what points I think should be highlighted.
This election is historical in some ways. Obama is bi-racial, but when I was still in public school, even 1/10 black would have prevented him from voting in Mississippi, much less ever running for a national office. To see even one white face in that state support someone even resembling a black for president is an historical milestone. And the same goes for Hillary, those in less severe terms. Women 40 years ago would never have gotten even one delegate, except in the ultra liberal districts that elected Bella Abzug and Diane Feinstein. Women were still to be seen and not heard, especially in political arenas. Even as late as 20 years ago when I was a Gore delegate, I can assure you that the "good ole boys" did their best to force me to "play nice and go home and take care of my husband" instead of represent my district's voters. We finally got rid of the poll tax in the 1960's, but there are still two aspects of voting in United States elections that need to be removed. First, the "party lever". These days its a punch instead of a lever, but the effect is the same. You can vote for an entire slate of candidates without ever seeing who they are by simply marking a political party's punch. That is wrong! You should have to literally vote for every single candidate, or abstain from voting for that specific office. Second, the Electoral College. It became obsolete in the mid 1900's, but prooved it when it overturned the popular vote in 2004. When it reversed the popular votes in 1824, 1876 and 1888 it could be argued that popular vote counting was seriously flawed. But if you accept that arguement then the miscarriage of justice in 2004 is even worse, because the best documented miscount would have made the lead of the popular win even higher if corrected. Gore won the popular election by a verified 0.5 % of the votes. If that seems small, Nixon only won 0.9% and no one objected to that until it was way too late. ![]() Only an open mind and open heart can be filled with life. ********************* Find your voice; silence will not protect you.
06-10-2008, 03:08 PM
I have been watching this entire campaign and I must say that I'm not impressed at all. America is screwed either way we go. I just hope that whoever wins gets A) impeached B) doesn't start a nuclear war or C) leaves as soon as his 4 years are up.
If I HAD TO pick.... it would probably be McCain. Why? I'm an Independent with a Republican twist. I personally believe that the war in the Middle East should be finished. We got ourselves and others mixed up in it, we might as well finish what we started. It may not have been the brightest idea but what's in the past is in the past. We need to be looking towards the future. I wonder what will just happen if we leave Iraq before the real problems are solved.... a scary future that not many of us want to think about. Yes, peace is a necessity and something we have gone without for a long time. But can there really be peace when madness seems to be running the world? I think we could get alot farther if we finished the war. THAT is why I would vote for McCain and no other reason. ![]() as small as a world and as large as alone ~+MeMbEr Of ThE VaMpIrE cLaN+~ |
06-10-2008, 04:46 PM
Obamanation: Let me see what do I think of Obama. Excuse me if I don't care for him but I don't to me he is too radical. Is anyone bothered by the point that his Pastor is racist towards white people. Quote from Pastor Right: "No not God Bless America, GD America." How do you feel when someone says that. Oh and national health care is nothing good. You see how gas prices keep going up that is because the Democrats as soon as they got in office prices went up. They are keeping us from drilling in Canada when China is drilling in Flordia. I listen to the Mark Levin Show and I listen to Rush. Obama makes me sick to my stomach with his communist ideas for how the country should be runned. McLame: Has some conservative ideas but I don't think he will follow through on his plans. The country will be worse off with both and I am not interest in seeing my country be destroyed because we can't all have nice homes and health care we can't afford. American's have become lazy and unwilling to make the money for things they want. I would vote only for McCain because at least he has some of what I am looking for in a President. This man has the paper to say he is better for the job. Who wants the poster boy, Obama to take up something when he has never held office as a Major?! ![]() ![]() ![]() GACKTDOLL クリスティーナ Kurisutīna |
06-10-2008, 04:57 PM
White man+White woman=White baby Black man+Black woman=Black baby Black man+White woman=Black baby White man+Black woman=Black baby You don't get half as discriminated against because you are only half black. There are no half minorities. You guys can make up all the mixed metaphors you want about how insignificant this election is, but it's only insignifigant if the candidate you like already lost. To follow your pattern, just because your driver crashed in the 3rd lap doesn't mean that it still isn't the Indy 500. So who would you have voted for that isn't a "puppet"? |
06-10-2008, 05:12 PM
I love you guys that want to see the war in Iraq finished, so are voting for McCain. It's like saying "I love dogs, so I'd vote for Michael Vick." You have a house full of cats. They fight, they'll always fight, because their cats. Now let's say you decide you want the cats to stop fighting. Do you throw a dog into the house? That's what we are doing in Iraq. How do you make peace by driving around in tanks? Patroling with heavy artillary? Take the dog out and the cats will calm down. We are paying out of my pockets and your pockets to operate Iraq. But Iraq isn't a poor nation. They have oil, right? So what is happening to all that oil money? It's going straight into the Iraqi governemnt coffers. How many more months or years can we keep this up? Companies like Hallinburton hope forever. Let's get someone new in there that isn't interested in keeping Halliburton in billion dollar contracts. |
06-10-2008, 05:43 PM
But if that's the game you want to play, look at some of the filth John Hagee, John McCain's pastor said (an endorsement he accepted). He had blamed Hurricane Katrina on gays: "All hurricanes are acts of God, because God controls the heavens. I believe that New Orleans had a level of sin that was offensive to God, and they were recipients of the judgment of God for that. The newspaper carried the story in our local area, that was not carried nationally, that there was to be a homosexual parade there on the Monday that the Katrina came. And the promise of that parade was that it would was going to reach a level of sexuality never demonstrated before in any of the other gay pride parades. So I believe that the judgment of God is a very real thing." Here's his opinion on Islam: "Islam in general -- those who live by the Koran have a scriptural mandate to kill Christians and Jews." He called the Catholic church "The Great Whore". If we are going to judge these men by their pastors' words they coming in about even. Awful. That's why I would never vote for Rev. Wright for president. Hillary proposed universal health care. Obama didn't. Quote:
If we decided to start drilling off the coast of Florida tomorrow, we would see the benefits from that in about a decade. It's not like sticking a straw in a can of Coke. We need to find other ways (beside our president getting on his hands and knees and begging AGAIN to the Saudis to ramp up production). Oh and FYI, the Canadians are pumping their oil. It's THEIRS, not OURS. And McCain has voted against more drilling in Alaska, too. Quote:
If you want to keep your blinders on and get more of the same, that's your business. I think see where things have been going the last 7 years (it ain't up) and I think it's time we turn things around. I don't know if Obama is the best guy to do it, but I sure as hell know he's better than McCain. |
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