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akeytech2 (Offline)
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270,000 people evacuated as Typhoon Fung Wong approaches - 07-28-2008, 01:23 PM

Vessels are seen anchored at a harbor in Fuzhou, capital of southeast China's Fujian Province, July 27, 2008. The intensifying Typhoon Fung Wong was forecasted to land in Fujian on Monday evening or Tuesday morning. The Fujian provincial flood control headquarters has demanded all vessels to return to harbor on Sunday. Disaster relief personnel have been sent to help women and children on fishing vessels get onshore.

A total of 274,300 people had been evacuated by Sunday afternoon in southeast China's Fujian Province as a strong typhoon was approaching, said the provincial flood control headquarters.

About 52,301 fishing boats had also returned to harbor as of 6:00 p.m. on Sunday. Disaster relief personnel had been helping people on fishing vessels get on shore, said Yang Zhiying, head of the flood control headquarters in Fujian.

Typhoon Fung Wong, the eighth tropical storm of this year, turned into a strong typhoon at 8:00 p.m. Its eye was monitored at the sea about 210 kilometers to the east of Taitung County in Taiwan, according to the provincial observatory.

It moved westward and was forecast to land Taiwan on Sunday night or Monday morning.

Frontier guards fasten a vessel at a harbor in Fuzhou, capital of southeast China's Fujian Province, July 27, 2008. The intensifying Typhoon Fung Wong was forecasted to land in Fujian on Monday evening or Tuesday morning. The Fujian provincial flood control headquarters has demanded all vessels to return to harbor on Sunday. Disaster relief personnel have been sent to help women and children on fishing vessels get onshore.

The observatory monitored that the typhoon would make another landfall in Fujian on Monday night or Tuesday morning, sweeping the province before moving up inland to east Jiangxi Province.

Influenced by Typhoon Fung Wong, Fujian was hit by winds up to force 8 to 11 in the morning. Its observatory forecast that rainstorm would continue on Monday in the province, which sits on the west of the Taiwan Straits.

From Monday night to Tuesday, winds are expected to reach force7 to 9 in the coastal cities of Fujian. Rainstorms or torrential rainstorms are forecast in the cities of Ningde, Fuzhou, Putian and Quanzhou.

"The continuous heavy rain is likely to trigger flood or other secondary disasters," Yang said.

China News of China Assistor Website - window towards the world
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JoshAussie (Offline)
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07-28-2008, 01:33 PM

tooooo muuuch wriiiting!!

the chinese army have cool camies tho pretty stylin ey
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KitsuneFr (Offline)
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07-28-2008, 04:07 PM

To JoshAussie:

Chinese army battledress pattern is a copy of former US woodland one. You can easily find BDU's chinese copies, but you'll have to secure the buttons fixations (the wire tends to break easily). These copies are also used by the Iranian army. Concerning the stuff, they don't seem to have the rip-stop models (original US BDUs are normally in two models, plain heavy one, or lighter rip-stop for summer use) but it is light and good to wear when hot. Chinese army doesn't seem to have moved from to digital camo pattern like USMC (digit wood and digit desert) and then US Army.

Australian camo is pretty nice too!

Qu'est ce qui pourrait être plus beau que les fleurs de cerisier?
さくらのはなが だいすきですよ!
(Sakura no hana ga daisuki desu yo!)
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