
View Poll Results: Are Amur Leopards super ultra cute?
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(#101 (permalink))
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Of course - 08-08-2008, 08:39 PM

I think they are. Especially when they're little.

Those who run will run forever and those who fight will fight forever.....but the ones who are in peace stays in peace.
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(#102 (permalink))
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08-08-2008, 10:01 PM

Christ. I bet you write these frickin' essays so that people wont bother to answer... Anyways I picked out a bit here that I thought was was worth replying to.

Originally Posted by Altaru View Post
To begin with, where do you get off being able to make the decision of which human is worth more than another? You're not god, and you're not a lord or king. You're simply another human, therefor you have no divine rights by any standards, despite your belief that you do for some reason.

Also, by your own "survival of the strongest" standards, you should leave both to die. Be it a starving child, or a corrupt dictator, or an Amur Leopard, you should leave them to die because if they're dying in the first place, then they CLEARLY aren't the strongest, now are they? After all, you're not dying, therefore, you are strongest. If "survival of the strongest" is natures plan, then saving any of them is messing with that plan.
Not to mention, why bother saving the starving child, if they can't save themselves? If you save them now, they'll grow up believing that they can rely on people to save them if they reach a certain point. By saving them now, you're killing them later anyway...
Again, temporary superiority in play.
Unfortunately, because humans have the whole emotional aspect effecting their thoughts, we place more value on one human life than an entire species of animals. Why? I'll never know. There are apparently 6.684 billion other humans (and counting) if that one should die.

Even if 8 people die out of evey thousand, there's another 20 being born to take their place (according to the CIA 2008 estimates), so letting that one starving child die isn't going to make a world-wide difference, 'cause he'll likely be replaced within the second. However, letting an entire species die could, and likely will, have an enourmous impact.

And it would ALL be the fault of human beings. Not nature, not god. Humans. Would you want to carry the weight of that on your shoulders? Of course not. That's why the majority of the human race, yourself included obviously, just shrugs the facts off by using the "superior race" card.
Great... And I'M the heartless one.
First off, try read my post. "To begin with, where do you get off being able to make the decision of which human is worth more than another?" you say? Well:
I don't
And I never said I could/will/should. I just answered your question as to a person theoretically could judge who was worth to save in that scenario.

I never did draw the "save a child vs save an animal" line, so why are you attacking me about that?

To the rest: well, just try to read and understand what I've written so far (noodle too) and you'd see that we don't hate animals at all.

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(#103 (permalink))
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08-08-2008, 11:13 PM

Why is it Tenchus threads always turn into metaphorical fist fights

(That is a rhetorical question.)

Truth Hurts

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(#104 (permalink))
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08-09-2008, 12:53 AM

He's just good like that, I suppose... o.o

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(#105 (permalink))
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08-09-2008, 02:45 AM

Destorying the world has EVERYTHING to do with the concept of your belief in human superiority.

If and when this earth is a completely desolated wasteland just because of human "superiority," will you consider us still the superior species?

You claim it's because we're the stronger species, we can kill them all, blah blah blah, but WHEN we've killed them all, we'll realize just how moronic we are.

You seem to follow the philosophy that's spoken quite well in the ending theme song for Portal.

"We do what we must, because we can."

Of course, I can't put in HOW she said it into text, so the point may be lost to those who haven't heard the tone of voice she uses and all.

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Emilie Autumn, in the middle. She's amazing. That is all.

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(#106 (permalink))
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08-09-2008, 03:08 AM

Originally Posted by Altaru View Post
Destorying the world has EVERYTHING to do with the concept of your belief in human superiority.

If and when this earth is a completely desolated wasteland just because of human "superiority," will you consider us still the superior species?

You claim it's because we're the stronger species, we can kill them all, blah blah blah, but WHEN we've killed them all, we'll realize just how moronic we are.

You seem to follow the philosophy that's spoken quite well in the ending theme song for Portal.

"We do what we must, because we can."

Of course, I can't put in HOW she said it into text, so the point may be lost to those who haven't heard the tone of voice she uses and all.
Maybe you should take a step back and breathe a bit.

Noone said "we were going to kill them all". He was talking in terms of potential. Humans have the potential to destroy the world if they want but of course that is foolishness. In that respect, we are the superior species because of our technology and intelligence. We are even superior because we choose NOT to destroy the Earth and there are plenty of people who help it rather than cause more problems with it, despite that technology.

So really, calm down.

Truth Hurts

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(#107 (permalink))
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Unhappy Personal message on a public forum... - 08-09-2008, 03:27 AM

{Let me start by apologizing to the other members of the forum. What follows is a, far of a deviation from the topic, as I can imagine. However since this started on this thread, I shall respond on it.}

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
I don't really care if you judge me. I'm more than capable of defending myself. The fact is though that what seems arrogant to you is not arrogant at all. I've had problems with people who are either a) ignorant on purpose or b) hypocritical. I've never outright attacked anyone for no reason. If you disagree with the reasons I argue with then that is your prerogative but from the fact alone that I respond based on reasoning should tell you that I don't mean to be arrogant and it is just the way you perceive things.

If someones opinion differs from my own, it is not a problem to me but what you seem to mistake for arrogance is just me tackling an issue the way I am used to tackling it. If someones opinion is based on ignorance and they let it be known on this forum, then it's an invitation for that opinion and what it is founded on, to be discussed, disputed and even ridiculed if the opinion is silly enough.

Your statement drips with the attitude of which I have spoken. You are like a warrior, who can find no true enemy. Your heart becomes restless, so try to appease it by making your own battles. I fear that you will fight these battles everyday. You try to use your intellect like a weapon. However you try to fight to many enemies. You are unfocused. You have taken your war to too many fronts. Your words are still sharp, but they do not cut deep. They can not harm those, with even the lightest of armor. Without question, there are battles that need to be fought in this life. However one needs the ability discern, what requires the warrior, and what requires the teacher.

I know my words will not make you yield and change your ways. Also you are not the only one, on this forum, who shares this behavior. However I would be untrue to myself, if I did not share my observations. I worry for you and those others who share this path, for I fear it shall only lead you to sorrow. I sincerely pray that one day you shall find peace in this life.

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(#108 (permalink))
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08-09-2008, 08:53 AM

I'm not gonna bother writing any more big posts replying to each thing you've said, because you don't seem to understand what I am saying... So I'll put it into a couple of bullet points
  • If evolution were to be proven absolute fact tomorrow, it wouldn't contradict my religion. My religion doesn't say the earth is 6000 years old. Many in my religion believed and believe that the universe is billions of years way before any scientists even dared to think of numbers that big. This is due to what the Qur'an says about the length of God's day and the length of our day... I don't understand it too well, but when it was explained to me, it seemed pretty logical, yet farfetched (I was 16)... I'll try find the proper explanation...if you're at all interested
  • You think I'm not learning because I reject your ideas? Maybe if you stop talking as if they were absolute fact, you'd notice a difference. What's more, the only way I have ever learnt anything in life is by arguing and questioning and not believing ANYTHING (even my holy book), unless it was fully justified. Dude, my biology class teacher hated me for questioning her about evolution, and I hated her even more for not being able to answer any questions. This is the reason why I slowly started thinking Evolution is a nice theory, in theory (lol), but it has far toooooooooooo many gaps to be true.
  • I love animals. I choose to love animals because they are facinating and you can learn so much about life from animals.
  • Needlessly hurting/killing/etc animal is a crime against god in my religion. One must justify every animal/creature he has killed on judgement day.
  • I say humans are superior because we are. It has nothing to do with ego or thinking my life is more precious to the world or anything else. It's plain simple fact that we ARE superior because of our brain and what we're capable of doing.

Last edited by noodle : 08-09-2008 at 08:56 AM.
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(#109 (permalink))
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08-09-2008, 11:23 AM

Originally Posted by Odin View Post
{Let me start by apologizing to the other members of the forum. What follows is a, far of a deviation from the topic, as I can imagine. However since this started on this thread, I shall respond on it.}

Your statement drips with the attitude of which I have spoken. You are like a warrior, who can find no true enemy. Your heart becomes restless, so try to appease it by making your own battles. I fear that you will fight these battles everyday. You try to use your intellect like a weapon. However you try to fight to many enemies. You are unfocused. You have taken your war to too many fronts. Your words are still sharp, but they do not cut deep. They can not harm those, with even the lightest of armor. Without question, there are battles that need to be fought in this life. However one needs the ability discern, what requires the warrior, and what requires the teacher.

I know my words will not make you yield and change your ways. Also you are not the only one, on this forum, who shares this behavior. However I would be untrue to myself, if I did not share my observations. I worry for you and those others who share this path, for I fear it shall only lead you to sorrow. I sincerely pray that one day you shall find peace in this life.
Well actually I agree. I'm quite an impatient bastard and stuff..
Being young has those attributes
As for making battles where they don't exist.. well that is a matter of opinion eh.

You remind me of Kenshin lol.

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post

I have a nack for placing depth in literature...
You can call it that.. but I think people are just used to taking what you say the wrong way, especially with the wording you use.

Truth Hurts


Last edited by ivi0nk3y : 08-09-2008 at 01:58 PM.
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(#110 (permalink))
Paul11 (Offline)
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08-10-2008, 11:35 AM

I love animals ... They're delicious!

If you grind up that cat's ear it will provide a great medicinal balm for ringworm. The meat really boosts vitality, too.
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