
View Poll Results: Are Amur Leopards super ultra cute?
Yes! 37 78.72%
No... 10 21.28%
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(#41 (permalink))
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08-06-2008, 11:27 PM

Originally Posted by Henbaka View Post
Yeah.. Thing is though, when humans are not a factor, nature usually seems to find a balance. The problem I think most are talking about is that we are fucking up that balance (on a global scale). We have special abilities allright. It's just too bad our brains ain't special enough to cope with those abilities...
The balance is ours to find. Obviously when a person can't find that balance, then he/she effects their surroundings negatively. The Earth is one of those things that can be effected.
Get enough of the same kind of people and you get a higher degree of negativity, which is what we have right now.
"Our" brains are as special as we allow them to be. It's just that most people rather not give a sh*t or they are too brainwashed to think outside of the box.

Truth Hurts

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(#42 (permalink))
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08-07-2008, 12:17 AM

As calm as a bomb as always.

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(#43 (permalink))
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08-07-2008, 02:23 AM

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
No? How about you understand the argument before you pull some sort of hissy fit.
When you can come back to me without some of that attitude, then I can bother to explain why I said what I did.
OK, so now I'm very curious. I'm not so proud, that I would never admit if I response was misplaced. So please, explain why you said that to him?

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Last edited by Odin : 08-07-2008 at 02:25 AM.
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(#44 (permalink))
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08-07-2008, 06:30 AM

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
The balance is ours to find. Obviously when a person can't find that balance, then he/she effects their surroundings negatively. The Earth is one of those things that can be effected.
Get enough of the same kind of people and you get a higher degree of negativity, which is what we have right now.
"Our" brains are as special as we allow them to be. It's just that most people rather not give a sh*t or they are too brainwashed to think outside of the box.
Yeah exactly, that's why I meant that maybe we're not all that intelligent (yet anyways). Doesn't really matter if a select few know how to reach the "balance", if the masses don't follow.

The balance is ours to find, however it doesn't seem we are doing very well...

And well maybe we should bear this in mind; the earth will be here long after we are gone. It's not really the earth we "destroy", we just f*k up our own (and just about all animals') living standards..

Maybe it's time to colonize space already?

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(#45 (permalink))
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08-07-2008, 06:35 AM

Originally Posted by noodle View Post
Yes, I do understand what they were saying... That's why I said I don't agree or disagree... Who's to know if there really is a balance in the world (on a global scale) if we didn't exist... We human's aren't the only things that destroy in this world...
Yeah, we can't know for 100% sure. But if scientists are correct, and we are infact destroying the environment/eco systems/habitats/oceans/whatnot at the rate they say (or even at half the rate) then think about how big of a negative effect humans have.

I mean, how long have humans been around, compared to the total time of life on this planet? It's a small fraction... Yet, in this time (and not even really, since the most part of this negative effect has taken place in later years) we've managed to seriously alter the environment and natural habitats for so many animals on a global scale. Please not that I'm very much not just talking about global warming.

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(#46 (permalink))
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08-07-2008, 08:30 AM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
Arrogance. But I wont play the religous card just yet. I will ask then; why are they inferior? They are animals, so are we. They can do things we cant, we can do things they cant. They have been here just as long through ancestory lines (though you might not believe that). Why are they inferior? You want to think careful about that, Noodle, because there are few reasons why you can justify what you said.

And the places uninhabited are like that because they are pretty much "uninhabitable". Like the Gobi in Mongolia. 40 in the day, minus 40 in the night... I really want to live there... silly...

Om, this is why you can not have a serious debate with a religous person.

I know why you say this. Because it is a crime to kill Gods children, and animals are just his toys... right... People go to heaven, cows dont even have a soul. How can I argue with that?

On a scientific level, other primates are developing reasoning and engineering skills, and making tools. They may catch up one day. Yet evolution has taken other animals in other directions, we are out done in many ways, dont be arrogant to that, we have many inferiorities.
Started with the rudeness already I see... jeez

Simple reason why we're superior to ANY creature... WE CAN KILL THEM ALL...

And shut up about the religious stuff... It has nothing to do with religion and you're the arrogant and ignorant one for thinking that my brain is somehow brainwashed... The only reason YOU can't have a debate with a religious person is because you're stupid... You probably look at extremist christians that deny everything in life and apply it to every religious person in the world... Get over yourself, I always debate with you with LOGIC and reason AND science, which is more than I can say for you

As for the animal souls and crap, I would choose a human life because I AM human, and don't be such an idiot. Animals would do the same thing
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(#47 (permalink))
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08-07-2008, 08:42 AM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
Noodle, you should prob read that whole post before, as it all applies to you, kinda, after what you said.

An example of some of things animals can do which are really quite impressive:

Dolphins can see by sonar, similar to an ultra sound and detect pregnancy and retardation (to which they take extra care around).

Whales and pigeons and some other birds navigate by electro magnetic fields.

Most grazeing animals can run on the first day of birth, and outrun a seasoned hunting wolf.

Cheetahs are damn fast.

Lions kill by pinching arteries with their teeth.

Owls can hear mice from 50 metres away under 20cm of snow and pluck them from the safety of their icy den.

Hawks and eagles can see things we struggle to see with a telescope. I forget the range they can see a mouse at, but it is ages.

Moles can see by touch which leaves a vidual imprint in their brain of what they are touching.

There is one kind of turtle and 2 kinds of frogs I know of that literally freeze when the winter comes, and in spring they defrost and jumpstart their heart through natural mechanism and go on living.

The list goes on. Oh, wait, that is all just "Gods" ingenuity, and really they have accomplished nothing for themself. Sorry, my mistake.

Like I said; how I can argue scientifically with a religous person???
hahaha... you're a retard... Please, just get yourself banned again... You obviously think you're superior to religious people, so what's so funny with me thinking I'm superior to animals

And you absolute idiot, so WHAT if they can do all that? If you got any brains, you'd realise that we HUMANS figured all that shit out and hence, we are able to outsmart ANY animal. Therefore, we are superior because we can destroy them if we want

EDIT.. wtf are you talking about? I love animals, I think they are amazing creatures, but that doesn't mean they are equal or superior to us. And obviously you didn't get what I meant by us being able to kill them... We've used our brains to create tools that can destroy a lion before he knows what's happening to him...

Last edited by noodle : 08-07-2008 at 08:45 AM.
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(#48 (permalink))
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08-07-2008, 09:05 AM

Originally Posted by noodle View Post

Simple reason why we're superior to ANY creature... WE CAN KILL THEM ALL...

As for the animal souls and crap, I would choose a human life because I AM human, and don't be such an idiot. Animals would do the same thing
I agree 100% (interesting to agree with you..).

No, but really. Tenchu, this has nothing to do with religion (noodle didn't even use some kind of religious "man were chosen" mumbo-jumbo, atleast I think he didn't mean it). The fact that we can kill them all makes us "superior" in a natural kind of way. It does not really make us "wiser", "more intelligent" or any of those human ideas. But superior, as in "we can wipe them out but they can't wipe us out", we are.

In nature, the stronger animal is superior. If there were 6 billion amur leopards, do you think they would have much left to feed on? Unless their brains had evolved like humans..

Humans will in general look to their own best first, as is natural to do. However, I would like to think that we(not the masses, but some) have evolved to a point where we have compassion and can actually consider the effects to other animals and the environment (as demonstrated by all animal-rights and environmentalist movements).

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(#49 (permalink))
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08-07-2008, 09:13 AM

I actually really care about this kind of thing. I just find it really sad.

I certainly don't think animals are inferior. The ability to kill someone in my opinion doesn't make you superior. Just because a big strong man would have the strength to kill me because I'm a little girl doesn't make me inferior in my opinion.

They have the ability to think and feel, they are living creatures. Of course they don't have the 'brain power' that humans do, but they have other features and things that we could not possibly imagine.

A singular human is a very weak creature indeed, the only reason we are any stronger is because of all the technologies we have.

In any case I think it's pretty selfish to suggest that animals don't matter. These are beautiful creatures that the human race has probably destroyed, and I don't think it is acceptable whether you think animals are inferior or not.
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(#50 (permalink))
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08-07-2008, 09:18 AM

Let's agree to disagree shall we? No one here is going to change their personal opinion.
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